Page 35 of The One to Heal

“I know. I think it’s me who has the problem with leaving her, even if it’s with her aunty. I have no doubt Mabel will dote on her and carry her around all day just to make her happy.” I laugh at the thought of her doing just that. “Olive would love that. I wouldn’t, though, because that’s what she’ll come to expect… to be carried everywhere.”

Dad’s silent a moment before saying, “Let them dote. They want to get to know her since she’s already nearly a year old, and they feel like they’ve missed out on seeing her grow.” His voice cracks, but he clears his throat then goes quiet.

I take a sip, swallow, and then say, “I know I’ve denied them something by bringing her here too late, but I’m not sure everyone understands my circumstances and what I’ve been through this past year.”I will not cry. I will not cry.Dad is finally talking to me, and if tears become a part of the conversation, he’ll most likely tap out. He never was good at dealing with girls and their emotions, no matter how much Mom tried to help him.

This time, he places the iPad down in front of him, and his dark eyes meet mine. “You’re right, we don’t, but that’s not our fault. You kept your distance.” His calm and even voice startles me. A part of me expected yelling and that we’d end up having a screaming match.

“I did because I thought everyone here was mad at me. I’ve found that’s not the case anymore.”

“It’s been years, so they’ve had time to think about things.” He pauses, glances down at the table, and then back up. “I realize I said some horrible things, and I guess I’m angrier at myself for driving you away instead of loving you. Maybe if I’d done better, you wouldn’t have kept Olive from us and maybe would’ve come back from time to time.” His eyes glisten as tears well, but he furiously blinks them away. Always the conservative one.

Clearing the thick emotions from my throat, I say, “Dad, I’m not sure I would have. Eli wasn’t the person I thought him to be.” I dab at the wetness in the corner of my eye with my shirt. Admitting this to him is at the top of the list of hard things for me to do. “I just want you to know that you were right. Would I change things if I could go back? I don’t know because now that I have Olive, I don’t think I could ever give her up.” I choke out the words. The thought of not having her in my life upsets me.

“What do you mean?” His salt and pepper brows furrow.

I open my mouth to respond when Mabel comes in, stumbling as though she’s half-asleep. She even bumps into the counter. “Ow…” she mumbles and goes right for the coffee machine.

My eyes travel back to Dad. “I guess we’ll finish this later. I was planning to clean up the library at some stage. Would that be okay with you?” I take another sip and savor the rich flavor.

He nods. “Sure, sounds good.” He even manages a half-smile before rising from his spot and washing out his cup, then nods good morning to Mabel before leaving the house. He’s most likely going to his office in the big barn.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Mabel says, her hair in disarray as she walks around in her Sailor Moon pajamas. It was one of our favorite shows as kids. Us girls used to pretend to be the Sailor Scouts.

“That’s okay. I’m sure he was ready to leave any minute.” I take a long sip of my lukewarm coffee.

“At least you two were talking. That’s a good sign.”

I shrug. “Yeah, it’s good. Not sure if we got anywhere, but it’s a step in the right direction.” We fall into a comfortable silence before I remember Dad’s suggestion. “Do you think I could leave Olive with you for a couple of hours this morning while I work with the horses? I haven’t been able to do much with them since Olive has been so unsettled. I guess I’m asking for some help.” I offer a weak smile.

Her eyes go big and bright as if she’s just won the lottery. “Oh, my goodness, yes, of course, I’ll watch her.”

“Thanks.” I laugh.

“I’m just so glad we get to know her. She’s very much your daughter, but I can also see bits of Eli through her. Will he be coming here?”

I shake my head. “No, it’s complicated, but he won’t be in our lives anymore.”

“What do you mean?”

I need to hold a family meeting, so I can tell them all at once instead of one at a time. “How about I tell you tonight at dinnertime? That way everyone is here, and it will just be easier.” The thought of telling them about Eli causes my stomach to knot within itself and my heart to pound, setting me on edge. It was hard enough to tell Harley, but I’ll feel better once it’s done and they’re all aware of what’s happened.

“Is it that bad?”

“Depends what you define as bad. Eli wasn’t a great boyfriend, and it took me a long time to figure that out.”

“I’m sorry, Dee. I’m sorry it didn’t work out how you planned.”

“Maybe I’m not meant to find happiness in loving someone. I’m not sure I’d be able to trust the next person so easily.”

Mabel screws her face up. “No, don’t think like that. Everyone deserves happiness, and it all comes in its own time. Just because Eli wasn’t what you expected doesn’t mean the next guy will be as bad or even bad at all.”

Swirling my finger around the rim of my mug, I stare at the dark liquid. “I’m not sure how to trust someone again.”

“You will. Trust me. I’ve noticed the race car driver eyeing you off when you’re not paying attention.”

My head shoots up, and her eyebrows waggle. “I don’t believe you. He’s too focused on his girls and most likely his career to have time for anything else, especially dealing with a broken woman like me.”

“Dee, you’ve been so focused on Olive that you haven’t seen what I have even from a distance. Over the last couple of days, he’s dropped off his youngest daughter, Ruby, and you’ll walk by, and his eyes will follow you. I’m telling you, jump on that, even if it’s temporary. Go in with the attitude of just having fun. No harm can happen that way.”