Fear slams into me. This is the reason I didn't want to tell anyone. People would use it as some kind of fucked up bargaining chip or try to take it just because they had never had a virgin before or some other fucked up thing this town is famous for.
"Oh sweets, the only reason I wanted you to wear something sexy is that I have to take these pictures tonight and I wanted to see you in something sexy. No other person is going to be taking them or looking at the ones I don't okay first. And none of those are going to have anything in them I don't want seen hanging out or slipping free." He bends lower and takes my chin in his fingers so he can turn my head and whisper right into my ear. "I thought I already told you, you aren't ever going to be anyone's whore."
"Just yours." I side-eye him. He narrows his eyes until I can't make out their color. The car slows and comes to a stop. It might be the only reason Vin sits up and takes me with him so that I'm not lying flat on my back when the driver opens the door for us.
He takes me by the upper arm and pulls me up the stairs and into a huge house that looks like it's the home of some movie star or producer. He doesn't stop until we are in the living room standing by a couch. The house is really nice from what I can see of it; honestly, Vin was pulling me so fast through the front hall that I got to take very little in.
"Is this your producer friend's house?" I look around but there really isn't anything to suggest whose house I am in. No pictures line the walls or are left sitting on the mantle or tables.
"This is my house, Sweets."
I make a little 'o' with my mouth.
"I realize Margaux didn't give you a shining example of what an agent does so I understand how you might have misunderstood what I expected out of you." He doesn't seem pissed anymore. In fact his voice is strong and even, without a trace of emotion. It kind of scares me more.
"I understand but I am not in a forgiving mood this time. This little incident has shown me that you are too young and too rash to be left by yourself." I bristle. "You did have one thing right though."
I try to follow his thought pattern and find that I can't. So I wait for him to tell me what I had right.
"I do plan to have sex with you, repeatedly." I gasp at his words. "I plan to wake you up with fucking, and put you to bed at night by fucking you and if we have time during the day I plan to fuck you then too. And Sweets, I plan to start right now." He spins me around and places his hand on my back making me bend over the back of his couch. I cry out and try to fight him off but I can't really get a good swing at him or anything else for that matter.
"I plan to start right now because it has occurred to me that you have no idea what you are to me. You have no idea how the thought of you with another man makes me crazy. So I have no choice but to show you."
"No! Vin, please don't. Please stop please." I'm desperate now. Tears leak out of the corners of my eyes.
"Shh, Sweets, be quiet now. I'm not going to put my cock in you yet. But I am going to mark you and tomorrow I'm going to give you a special gift." Some of the fight goes out of me. I don't understand what he means by putting a mark on me but he's not going to go all the way tonight. I don't have to struggle with the whole do I or don't I thing right now. I don't think I could after everything that's happened today.
He takes my jeans and pulls them down my legs. "Oh Jesus, Vin." I try to use my hands to stop him from looking at my ass. I have underwear on but they're thongs so they hide very little. He undoes his zipper and the next thing I am aware of is him, skin to skin with me. His cock is so long and hot against my ass cheek it scalds me.
"Shh, no worries Monica. I will always have your best interest at heart." What the hell? My best interest is to be bent over a couch and rubbed against. Stickiness spreads over my cheek and I can't really stop my body from quivering in response. This is probably the closest I've been to a cock that wasn't on a television screen.
"Look at your little body shaking for it." He bends over me, "You want me just as badly as I want you, don't you baby. But you're something special. I can't just stick it in and run. This has to be worked up to and made an event because you'll never have another cherry to give away."
I whimper and mewl but can't find the words to stop him. I'm not even trying to hide myself anymore.
"I'm going to fill these cute little panties with cum and make you wear them for the rest of the day and when you feel them you'll think of me won't you Sweets."
"Yes." It just gushes out. Yeah, okay I want it. He's not really doing anything wrong to me that I don't want him to do. It's just innocent urges and maybe a want to explore and understand what it really feels like.
When he hears my reply his breath gets faster and he makes a few grunting sounds when I try to wiggle closer to him. He pulls back from me. "No, you are not in charge. I am. You do what I say and none of this wiggling around trying to push me to do something you aren't ready to do just yet."
I try to hold myself still so he'll come back and press himself against me again. He takes the sides of my panties and yanks them down. They'll never be the same after this, always looser and ready to drop at any second for him. I can't help but wonder if this is how I will be after Vin is done with me. He pushes his cock in between my thighs making me gasp at the sensation.
"Keep those legs closed good and tight."
His dick is sticking out it's so long. Oh my God, this is the first dick I've seen up close and personal and wow! did I hit the jackpot of cocks. I can't help but drop my eyes down to watch as he thrusts in and out of me. It makes my thighs tremble when the crown pops back through my clenched thighs. I could cum watching this highly erotic show he's putting on for me if he would just touch or even graze my clit.
My own hand starts to wander down my stomach but he sees it and in the next instance has my hands behind my back clasped in one of his. "No one else is ever touching this pussy, just me sweets. Not even you." I whimper back a reply. His cock is moving so fast between my thighs that I am sure any moment one of us is going to explode.
"You don't think I didn't see you in that movie where you pretended to grind on that stupid fuck of an actor's lap?"
All the breath seems to have been sucked out of the room. Damn it. I know I shouldn't have taken that role and I damn sure shouldn't have let the director and Marguax push me into doing something like sitting on someone's lap on film but I didn't think it would hurt anything. I didn't think it mattered in a town so consumed with sex that me faking dry humping in an actor's lap shouldn't even be on the radar. My cheeks burn with a mixture of guilt and embarrassment now that I know Vin watched it.
"Do you know how many fucking times I touched myself while watching you do it? Way before we officially met. If that little shit hadn't been gay I would have already had him buried in the desert by now. But he didn't care about you pretending to rub your hot pussy on his dick did he."
I shake my head. Hell, the guy wasn't even hard. There was like a ton of clothes between us and his boyfriend was on set that day.
"If I catch you doing something like that in a movie again I swear I'll take you over my knee in front of God and everybody and spank that ass until it is red enough to light up the room. Do you understand me?"