“I cannot very well dance with Lord Philip when I am supposed to be keeping an eye on you, can I?” Daisy had pointed out though the thought of dancing all night with Lord Philip had been entirely exciting, almost causing her to miss her sister's response.

“I will need some excuse to be able to sneak away,” Bertha had confessed, glancing over her shoulder to be sure that her mother and the dressmaker were not returning from their trip to the back of the shop to check a few more fabric samples. “I am hoping to be able to sneak out to meet Thomas during the ball. Will you make excuses for me if I am missed?”

Knowing how awful it felt to be kept from someone she cared about, Daisy had promised to do all she could. She was missing Lord Philip terribly, unable to understand why he had not responded to any of the letters she had sent him of late asking when he might return for another tutoring session.

She had grown overly worried and even written to suggest that perhaps they might walk out together in the hopes that she might be able to tempt him around, yet his face had not been seen at the Lockhart townhouse for almost two weeks. All she had left to hold onto were her memories, and she was beginning to sicken herself.I am not this kind of woman.

“Daisy, are you listening to me?” Lady Balfour's exclamation was so shrill that it made Daisy almost jump out of her skin.What is wrong with me?“Are you quite ill, girl?”

Even if she were, she knew that her stepmother would not care so long as she did the minimum required to keep their good name intact. So long as she did not vomit or faint in the middle of the dance floor and talked to the minimum amount of bachelors required to satisfy her, nothing else mattered.

“Mama, Daisy does not have to dance with Lord Bessington all night just because he is still grieving his poor late wife,” Bertha put in as though she knew Daisy had not been listening to her mother.

Offering her sister a grateful glance, she said, “You are right, Bertha. I don't, but I am happy to cheer him how I can.”

She was not against admitting that she felt great sympathy for the baron, though she could never tell anybody why without admitting that it was because of her own pining for somebody else.At least I can see the one I pine for,she thought grimly,if he is ever to show his face again.

“Good, you shall both dance with as many eligible bachelors as possible tonight,” Lady Balfour insisted, and when both girls looked as though they were going to protest, she held up one gloved hand and shook her head. “I shall not hear any arguments on the subject. It is high time you both started taking life seriously. Your father and I have let you get away with far too much.”

Knowing it was best to keep quiet or make Lady Balfour worse, Daisy merely nodded. Dancing with a few men she had no intention of marrying was no great hardship so long as Lord Philip was in attendance.

Please be in attendance!she prayed as the carriage drew up to the porch steps outside the countryside residence where the ball was being held. The sound of music was coming from the open windows, and it was clear that the dancing had already begun.

“Look lively now,” Lady Balfour insisted the moment the carriage door was pulled open. As she exited, Daisy scanned the area around her, half hoping that she might spot the carriage of Lord Elgin and his sons. Surely the earl would not miss such an extravagant occasion.

Yet she quickly reminded herself that her own father, the duke, was not in attendance. Though he had claimed to have business, Daisy suspected it was more to do with being in no mood for his wife's matchmaking, and so he had left his girls to fend for themselves against her desires.

Daisy did not recognise any of the carriages as belonging to the earl or his sons, and so she continued to hold onto the hope that perhaps Lord Philip had come with friends or maybe even by horse. Though she had seen him riding through Oxford on his fine black stallion many a time, Daisy wasn't sure she recognised any of the horses pitched at the end of the yard.

No nobleman would ride on horseback to a ball,she reminded herself firmly, though she was well aware that Lord Philip was quite like her and always determined to do the thing everybody least expected of him.Maybe that is why he has not come to see me,Daisy thought grimly,because I have been expecting it of him.

“Daisy Elizabeth Lockhart, would you get your head out of the clouds?” Lady Balfour's scolding once more caused her to jump. “Lord Bessington is awaiting you!”

At that moment, Daisy turned around to see that her stepmother was right. The baron appeared at the top of the porch steps, standing beside one of the servants holding the doors open for them all. His ash blond hair was as it always was, combed back and held in a ponytail by a thin piece of leather, the colour of which matched his red and black waistcoat perfectly.

He smiled at Daisy, and she smiled back, offering him a wave of greeting as she and her family started to walk up the porch steps towards him.

Though she was quite content in the baron's company, feeling far less pressured by him than she was many bachelors, she couldn’t help feeling the usual urge to turn and flee back to the carriage, knowing that as soon as she stepped into the ballroom, all eyes would be on her as everyone waited to see who the eldest daughters would dance with. Her throat tightened as she wondered which matches people would be placing their bets on this evening.

Please, save me from this hell, Philip,she thought, missing her friend entirely too much, so much in fact that it made her stomach hurt.

“Lady Daisy, you are looking quite radiant this evening,” Lord Bessington complimented her when she reached him, offering his hand so he could kiss her gloved knuckles.

“You scrub up fairly well yourself, My Lord,” she responded with a forced smile, already knowing very well what was coming.

“I was hoping I might escort you and your mother and sister inside,” the baron explained, still holding her hand as if he thought that if he let go, she might refuse him. “The dancing has already begun.”

Before Daisy could respond, Lady Balfour reached them and did so for her. “Lady Bertha and I can escort each other, though I would be very grateful to you for escorting my eldest.”

Daisy bit the inside of her lip to stop herself from snapping that she was not her daughter. Suddenly desperate to get away from the woman so as not to cause a scene, Daisy smiled at the baron and said, “Please, escort me inside, My Lord.”

Even though I am perfectly capable of walking into a ballroom alone,she thought silently, biting back the urge to say the words aloud.

Walking through the grand house on the baron's arm, smiling when he pointed out the lovely decorations and grandeur of the place, Daisy found her mind once more on one thing. Lord Philip.

Entering the ballroom, Daisy looked around for the dark-haired earl's son, hoping he might wade out of the crowd to greet her in a friendly manner. Her heart sank when she realised he was not yet in attendance.

Perhaps he will come later,she thought, clenching her jaw and accepting Lord Bessington's offer to dance. At least if she was being dragged around the dance floor she had an excuse for allowing her eyes to wander.