“I am sorry I am late,” Daisy sighed in response, placing her gloved hand in his and allowing him to lead her across the grass back to the blanket where he had been sitting. “My stepmother always seems to sense the perfect nights to stay up late and put a crimp in our plans.”

Philip couldn’t help smiling at that. Though he had only ever really met the lady in passing, he had instantly known just from her look that she was a strict and unmoving force of nature.

“She isn’t exactly the kind of person that anyone would like to get on the wrong side of,” Philip said with a shrug of his shoulders, “I understand.”

“Yes, well, I am here now, and I would rather not talk about my stepmother at the best of times, least of all tonight,” Daisy told him, and she turned her attention to the telescope that he’d already prepared for her. “May I?”

“I am not sure you will be able to see anything but stars quite yet but feel free,” Philip replied, gesturing her forward. He watched admiringly as she stepped forward and elegantly bent down so she could peer through the telescope’s eyepiece.

Determined not to be caught with his gaze upon her rear, Philip turned his attention up towards the sky, wondering what she might be able to see. Disappointment hit him the moment he realised clouds had begun to pass across the sky. He sighed deeply and turned his gaze back down to Lady Daisy to see that she had straightened up and was looking at him with a smile.

“I suppose we shall just have to find something else to do while we wait for the clouds to clear,” she said with a shrug, and Philip was quite stunned when she walked back to the blanket and flopped right down onto her back, patting the space beside her where she had left room for him. “The clouds are quite beautiful the way the moon lights them up.”

Philip could think of far worse things to be doing than lying on a blanket watching the moonlit clouds with a beautiful young woman, so he dropped down onto the blanket beside her, careful not to get too close.

Philip had spent many nights gazing at the sky, watching the clouds pass over the moon, yet none had felt quite like this. He could have laid there forever, watching the sky and listening to the gentle sound of Lady Daisy breathing beside him.

They lay there admiring the moon and the clouds for what might have been only a few minutes or even hours before Philip was suddenly startled by Daisy rolling onto her side, propping herself up onto her elbow so she could look at him.

Her hazel eyes seemed lighter and brighter than usual as she reached out with her free hand and traced her finger down the buttons on the front of his waistcoat. Having removed his jacket and offered it to her as a pillow to keep her comfortable, he was already feeling far more exposed than usual.

What are you doing, Daisy?he thought, though he didn’t dare to say the words aloud for fear that he might put her off continuing.

“Philip, I have a confession to make,” she admitted, gazing at him with a spark in her eyes that made his skin tingle and his heart skip a beat. Whatever she was about to say, he had a feeling deep in his gut that although he was going to like it, it was dangerous.

Unable to stop himself, he leaned towards her, placing a hand upon her waist, right above her hip. It seemed to slot into place as if her body had been made to welcome his touch, and he couldn’t stop himself from squeezing the fleshy part of her hip as he responded, “Daisy, you should know by now that you can talk to me about anything.”

She looked at him sheepishly now from beneath thick, curled, charcoaled eyelashes, and Philip had to fight the urge to kiss her. He had to wait at least to see what she had to say before he tried anything like that again. For all he knew, he might have got the wrong end of the stick.Surely, she would move my hand if I had?

“I should never have agreed to us being friends,” Lady Daisy announced, and Philip felt his heart sinking. Perhaps he had got things wrong after all. He started to slip his hand from her waist, a lump forming in his throat at the thought that she was about to tell him she could no longer see him.

Why would she sneak out and risk all this just to tell me that when she could have done so several nights ago?he asked himself, surprised when she grabbed his hand and pulled it back to her waist. “I should never have agreed to be friends, but I wish for us to be so much more.”

Utterly surprised, Philip could do nothing but gape at her. When she started to lean in towards him, her eyes fluttering shut and her lips puckering, Philip was certain that he hadn’t misread things. Instinct took over, and he leaned closer still, closing his own eyes as he met her lips with his own.

Suddenly, he couldn’t get close enough, and he inched across the blanket until he lay with his body pressed firmly against her own.

“Daisy, you are so beautiful,” he whispered against her lips. When she kissed him again, more passionately in response to his words, Philip could no longer hold himself back. Heart racing and manhood hardening at her closeness, Philip scrunched his fingers in the material of Daisy’s skirt and instinctively began to pull it up around her waist.

She offered no protest, and in the next moment, as they continued to kiss, Philip felt her fingers beginning to pull on his waistcoat buttons. She helped him to shrug it off before she tugged on the bottom of his shirt, pulling it from where it had been tucked into the waist of his breeches.

Unable to take it any longer, having fought the need to have her for long enough, Philip reached down to the fastenings of his breeches and tugged them open, shoving the garment down around his knees as Daisy rolled onto her back, inviting him to join her.

Excited beyond words, Philip pushed Daisy’s skirt the rest of the way around her waist, finding her opening her legs to him. As soon as he knelt between her legs, she wrapped her thighs around him and drew him to her. Arching upwards, she cupped her hands around his head and pulled him down onto her. Their lips connected once more, and they kissed as though they wanted to consume each other.

Hoping not to hurt her, Philip slipped a hand down between their bodies and rubbed gently between her thighs. He could feel the slickness of her arousal beneath his fingers, and its sweet, intoxicating scent wafted up into his nostrils as he reached for his manhood and gently guided himself inside her.

The sheer, unbridled pleasure of being inside her was enough to make his head spin, and soon, he was unable to think. Moving instinctively with his hands holding her hips, he pinned her to the blanket as he thrust deep inside her. With every thrust, her moans grew louder and more impassioned, urging him on harder and faster, and the way she kissed him, gasping for breath, told him she wanted more and more of him.

It was right then when Philip believed he might not be able to hold out for much longer, when everything suddenly changed.

Blinking his eyes open, quite disoriented, Philip realised that he wasn’t atop Daisy but instead beneath her. She was laying upon his chest, her own gentle rise and fall suggesting that she was resting or maybe even asleep. The uncomfortable hardness he felt in his breeches told him that what he had just experienced had been nothing but the most erotic and realistic dream he had ever experienced in his life.

Unable to fight the urge, Philip leaned down gently with a smile and pressed his lips against Daisy’s forehead. He paused with his lips there on her soft skin, breathing in the lavender scent of her hair and enjoying the warmth of her body pressed against his own.

He was most surprised when she suddenly pulled away from him, her head raising so that she could look at him. Her eyes were heavy-lidded, and her gaze was dazed as though she was half asleep, but he could still feel passion pulsing from her lips when she kissed him.

Though he enjoyed it and would have liked it to go much further, he couldn’t help reminding himself of all that could go wrong if he allowed it to. And so he kissed her gently in return before stroking her cheek and urging her back down onto his chest with a gentle, “Rest now.”