Page 10 of Daddy Fever

“This sucks,” he mutters. “I should’ve known he’d be a hard ass about us living here.”

“Nothing about this moment sucks. And your dad’s concerns didn’t seem that unreasonable.”

“I can’t believe you’re okay with not being able to throw parties here. I’m supposed to use this summer to get over my ex, and you were supposed to hook up with Toby.” He swishes his glass of iced tea and takes an agitated sip. “How are either of us gonna get laid if we can’t let people sleep over?”

“I know I’m new to all of this, but do people not have sex during the day?”

“That’s not the point.” He rolls his eyes. “We had plans, Nat.”

“In hindsight, this place wouldn’t have been ready for a party this weekend. Also, I never said I wasokaywith the no-party rule.”

“You’re the one who agreed to it.”

“Did you want to spend the summer here or not?” I throw on my shades and adjust the angle of my mesh lounge chair. “We didn’t have much of a choice, Ollie. It was either agree to his rules or stay in the city. Don’t make me out to be the bad guy.”

Ollie downs his glass of tea and sets it on the small, round patio table between us. “I’m sorry. I just wish my dad hadn’t destroyed our plans.”

“Nothing is destroyed,” I assure him. “Look at this gorgeous view and tell me we can’t have a good time here. We can sunbathe and grill burgers and we can still have small groups of friends over. Plus, we can go swimming anytime we want, even after dark.”

Ollie gazes out at the sparkling waters of Norris Lake and sighs.

“Fine,” he says. “I guess it’s not so bad... Butstill, Nat. No overnight guests? Forget hot summer nights with Toby. It’s gonna be a lunch-date hook-up kind of summer.”

“Yeah, that part does kind of suck.” I sip my sweet tea so slowly that the condensation drips down my chest. If I’m being honest, ever since I met Dr. Ransom—Ollie’s dad, I remind myself firmly—I haven’t thought about Toby at all. A week ago, I wasconvincedhe was the one I wanted to lose my virginity to.

Now, I’m not so sure…

The worst part is that I can’t even talk to my best friend about my feelings, and the lie of omission has me feeling like a jerk. I still haven’t told Ollie that his dad was the doctor I saw for my IUD check-up. To be fair, it’s not the most natural topic to bring up in everyday conversation.

Hey, bestie, can you pass the chips? By the way, your dad said my vagina’s good to go.

I squinch up my features and force myself not to think about the appointment. Instead, my traitorous brain calls to mind the image of him across the table from me at dinner. Seeing him in a different context reminded me that he really is a normal guy underneath it all.

But he’s not anormalguy. He’s my best friend’s father.

I bite my lip, inhaling deeply through my nose, then let it out slowly. I can’t do anything about my crush on Dr. Evan Ransom. But Icanrecommit to my plans for the summer, and perhaps do something to lift Ollie’s spirits at the same time.

“Why don’t we ask your dad if we can invite a few people over for a barbecue next weekend?”

“You mean for barbecue brunch?”

“I’m serious. We can invite a handful of people over for an early dinner and swimming.”

“I don’t know, Nat.” Ollie rubs the back of his neck. “Do you think we could even get this place ready in time?”

“We kind of have to, don’t we? You’re not going to have as much time for home-improvement projects once your internship starts, especially with the commute.” As for me, I’ll be working remotely for a law office in the city, transcribing client interviews and drafting declarations. I’ll be by myself at the lake house most weekday afternoons, and I won’t even pretend I’m not looking forward to the quiet.

“Look,” I say, “if we can show your dad that we’re willing to respect his wishes, he might let us invite more people over in the future.”

After a long pause, Ollie finally concedes with a shrug. “I guess it’s worth a shot. We can ask him about it tonight.”

“Tonight?” My pulse picks up at the thought of seeing Dr. Ransom again so soon after our awkward dinner. “I thought he wasn’t coming up until tomorrow.”

“Sometimes he takes Fridays off. He texted to let me know he’ll be bringing back pizza for dinner. He asked what kind of toppings you like. I told him we both like pepperoni.”

“Oh...” A soft, fluttery feeling rushes through me like a refreshing chill on a hot day. I have no reason to look forward to seeing Ollie’s dad again beyond an appreciation for yet another free meal. But Iamlooking forward to seeing him. It’s ridiculous and silly and inappropriate, but also warm and fuzzy andnice.

“That’s nice of him,” I say, trying to sound impartial about the fact that Dr. Ransom thought to ask about my food preferences.