Page 53 of Sharing Noelle

Noelle’s volunteered to cover the front desk until after check-out, when she’ll join me in the barn. She hands her plate to my dad, who stacks it on top of his own in the sink.

“If you think I’m gonna forget about last night’s dishwashing bet over who’d last longer, prepare to be disappointed.” I shoot him a good-natured smirk.

He waves his hand. “I’ll get to ‘em. Jesus, what are you, my mother?”

I laugh, shaking my head.

Last night was one of the most intense sexual experiences of my life. Hell, it was one of the most intense things I’ve ever done, period. I knew Noelle was gutsy, but seeing her work through her fear and anxiety to get where she wanted to be was inspiring. When her body began to protest, she turned herself over to my guidance, trusting that I’d help her push through. I felt connected to her—and my dad—in ways I’ve never felt before. Like the three of us were part of something important. Something we couldn’t be on our own.

Never in a million years did I think I'd get used to seeing my dad's cock on a daily basis, but it's amazing what you can get over when you love someone.

“I feel like I should be helping you clean the barn,” Noelle says.

“You’re being plenty helpful by manning the front desk for now,” my dad says. He kisses her, and she smiles against his lips.

I’m pouring the last of the coffee into my travel mug when the lobby doorbell dings.

“Someone wants an early checkout,” my dad says, checking his watch.

I grab the front-door keys and follow Noelle out to the lobby, where we come across an impatient Richard waiting on the front steps. He frowns at the sight of us. I unlock the door and open it, but don’t step aside to let him in.

“I’m just returning the key,” he says, avoiding his daughter’s gaze.

“Where’s Miranda?” Noelle asks.

He shifts uncomfortably. “She left before I woke up.”

“She’s good at that.” I take the key from him.

Richard glowers, then turns to head down the steps.

“Dad,” Noelle says. I pull back to let her step into the doorway, but stay close in case she needs my support. “I’m sorry you had to find out about the three of us this way. I know what we’re doing is...unconventional. But at the end of the day, the only thing that should matter is that we love each other.”

Richard makes a face like he’s just caught a whiff of something foul. “You call thislove?”

“Yes,” she says. “I love them, and they love me. You might never approve of it, and that’s fine, but I hope one day you can accept that this is my choice.”

“It’s thewrongchoice,” he says. “I thought I was raising you to have self-respect. Not to sleep around like some—”

“Careful,” I growl. “Assuming you want to make it out of here in one piece.”

Richard’s mouth pinches into a thin line.

“I have self-respect,” Noelle says. “And what the three of us have is more stable and healthy than any of your lightspeed marriages.”

He scowls. I can tell it’s taking a lot of effort for him to hold his tongue. Not that anything he could possibly say would hold water after last night.

“I'm happy, Dad,” Noelle says. “I'm sorry you can't be happy for me, too."

Richard sighs. “Well, according to boyfriend number one, I can’t say what I’d like to, so I guess I have nothing to say.”

“Then it’s time for you to go,” I tell him.

He marches to his car, gets in, and peels out of the lot, skidding on a patch of ice the salt missed. Noelle watches her dad leaving with a look of disappointment, but otherwise she seems untouched.

She claims her seat at the front desk and turns on the computer. I slide behind her, sweep her hair back, and press a kiss to her neck.

“You good?” I squeeze her shoulder.