Page 22 of Sharing Noelle

My dad nods, his gaze solemn. “So, we’re good here?”

I take a swig of coffee. “I guess we are.”

The stairs creak. I turn and find Noelle at the bottom of the staircase, dressed in one of my dad’s tee shirts. Even in the sobering light of morning, my first thought is, I wonder if she’s wearing any panties.

"Is everything...okay?" she asks. The concern on her face makes me want to wrap my arms around her and kiss her fears away. But I get where she’s coming from. The light of day can change things. She wants to be sure we haven’t changed our minds about her.

I scoot back in my chair and pat my lap. "Have a seat, little sister."

Cheeks glowing, she pads over to me. I pull her onto my lap.

“Everything’s great.” I kiss her softly on the lips, and she smiles. "Now, what would you like for breakfast?"

“Whatever you’re having is fine,” she says.

My dad watches us, his expression unreadable. She looks at him. Neither says a word, but I can feel her body relax against me. He rises from the table to put his mug in the sink.

“Aren’t you eating with us?” she asks.

“I've got about a hundred things on my to-do list for today.” He cups her cheek and kisses her with an open mouth. She squeezes her thighs together, rocking deliciously in my lap and perking my cock right up. I skim a finger up the outside of her thigh, dragging up the hem of her shirt. No panties. I fucking adore this girl.

“I’ll be back later today,” he says. “Merry Christmas Eve.”

“Merry Christmas Eve,” she says, beaming.

“Frida and Antonio’s kids are coming to town this morning, so they’re off today and tomorrow,” he says to me. “Can you man the front desk?”

“Sure thing,” I say. I’m used to taking on whatever work is thrown at me when I come here. It can get tedious, but today might not be so bad if I have Noelle with me.

My dad kisses her one more time, then heads out through the lobby door. I wrap my arms around Noelle’s waist and kiss her neck.

“I could eat you for breakfast,” I tell her.

She sighs with pleasure. “Then what would I eat?”

“Hmm.” I grind her against me so there’s no mistaking the fact that she’s got me hard. “I can think of at least one thing. But how about we start with eggs and bacon?”

At around two in the afternoon, I hear the lobby bell chime just as I’m starting to unload the dishwasher.

Noelle beats me to the front desk, but I swoop in to run interference when I hear the guest's frustrated tone.

"There's no hot water." A balding middle-aged man wearing a designer coat and ski boots—that clearly haven’t seen a slope—waves his hands emphatically. "No matter how far I turn the tap, the water is ice cold."

His female companion—a bottle-blonde with deep laugh lines—stands with her arms crossed beside him, bundled in a red parka.

"I’m so sorry about that," Noelle says, not skipping a beat. "How frustrating. Let me contact the owner and see if he can get out there to take a look. Which cabin are you in?"

The man relays the cabin information, and she takes it down with a kind smile. The woman visibly relaxes, no doubt calmed by Noelle's polite demeanor and reassurance that she’ll get it taken care of.

I’ve worked in restaurants for a long time, and I can count on one hand the number of truly stellar servers I’ve encountered. If she's half as good a server as she is an impromptu receptionist, I can only imagine how good her tips are.

I offer to call my dad for her. He picks up on the third ring and says he'll check it out and get back to us in about twenty minutes. As I pass on the timeline, the woman sighs and says, “So much for relying on recommendations instead of reviews."

"Why don’t you guys wait in the lodge?" Noelle says. "You can sit by the fire and drink hot chocolate while Colton takes a look at the water heater.”

Noelle shoots me a nervous smile, like she’s afraid she’s overstepped by offering to let these people into my dad’s living room. I squeeze her shoulder to reassure her that it’s a great idea, one my dad will probably commend her for when he gets back home.

We show the guests—Sam and Louisa Valentino—through the interior door to the lodge’s residence. I ask Noelle to heat some milk up on the stove, as I work on getting the fire started.