Page 17 of Sharing Noelle

She comes around to my side, forcing me to either look at her, or go out of my way to avoid her gaze. I see her and my pulse spikes. She must’ve forgotten to pack a swimsuit, because she’s standing in my kitchen wearing nothing but a pair of pink panties and a white bra.

“Colton, you worked just as hard if not harder than Sawyer and I combined today.” She reaches for my hand, and I let her have it. “It’s your hot tub. You should get to enjoy it, too.”

Even as I shake my head, part of me is dying to give in. Dying to see the smile on her face as a sign that she isn’t just being polite. Dying to take her invitation as permission to do all the things I long to do to her.

“You want me to join you?” I ask.

Her cheeks fill with color. “If that’s what you want...”

Not good enough. She’s gonna have to say it.

I take my hand back.

“Yes, I’d like you to join us,” she blurts. “Please?”

The eager lilt to her voice already has my pants feeling tighter.

I’m going straight to hell for this.

“All right,” I say. “I’ll meet you in there.”

Sawyer comes marching downstairs in his trunks just as I start heading up. I remind him how to turn the jets on and he yeah-yeah-yeahs me over his shoulder.

I change quickly. Thankfully my swim trunks are dark, so anyactivitywon’t be too obvious from above. Then again, there isn’t likely to be any activity happening while my son’s in the water. Maybe Noelle’s hoping he’ll get out first.

Or, maybe I misread that entire conversation and she just doesn’t want me to feel excluded.

Sawyer shoots me an odd look when I step out onto the porch in my trunks and winter boots. I catch Noelle licking her lips at the sight of me, and forget why this is all such a crazy idea.

“Thought you were going to bed,” Sawyer says.

“I asked him to join us,” says Noelle. “We all worked hard today. We deserve to relax.”

Sawyer helps Noelle into the tub and then climbs in after her. I kick off my boots and follow suit. We each take a bench, moaning and grinning with pleasure as the steaming water envelops us.

“This is exactly what I needed,” she says, lifting her cute, pink toes above the surface. I’m not into feet, but something about getting to see a part of her body that’s normally tucked into boots and socks sends an illicit thrill down my spine. “I had a lot of fun today. Thank you. Both of you.”

“You’re welcome,” I tell her.

“Hands-on tree cutting is all part of the quintessential Christmas package,” Sawyer says, sliding closer to her under the guise of showing her how to work the hot tub’s controls.

The water around us bubbles to life.

Something brushes my calf. It takes a second for me to realize the culprit is Noelle’s foot. She rests it on my knee, and I lay my hand over it. This minor contact is enough to get my heart pounding, pumping blood to my cock.

It’s not until Sawyer smiles at her that I realize she must be touching him in some way, too.

What the fuck is happening?

Sawyer tucks his arm behind her neck, as they gaze up at the night sky. Minutes pass, and still, she doesn’t move her foot.

Eventually, Sawyer turns to look at her, and she at him. He traces the edge of her jaw with his fingertip, then taps the tip of her nose. She catches his finger in her mouth, between her teeth. She must be licking his fingertip. I’ve caught my son fucking enough girls in my house over the years to recognize the signs that he’s enjoying himself.

He throws me a look that says, what the hell are you still doing here? And the longer I sit, the more I begin to doubt myself and what I am doing in this hot tub with my son and the girl he clearly wants to finger.

It doesn’t matter that I like her, too. She’s too young for me, and I’m too damn old to be playing guessing games with a teenager. My son wants her and she obviously wants him.

I shouldn’t be here. This was a mistake.