Page 14 of Claiming His Bride

“I’ve never seen that before, but it was my stepmother and Edward that came up with the idea of me marrying him. The man is old enough to be my father. I was never on board. I met Edward Blackstone one time a year ago at an event back home. We talked for maybe two minutes. Then a few weeks ago, my stepmother informed me I’d be marrying him. Then she practically forced me on a plane—”

“Forced?” Officer Owens asks with a skeptical expression on his face.

“Well, I’m not sure what your definition of forced is, but she told me to get on the plane or I would be homeless.” It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell them that my stepmother also feared the wrath of Edward because she’d already spent money he’d given her. That I was her repayment to him.

“Mr. Blackstone—”

“I really don’t care about Edward Blackstone. Is Mikael okay?” I ask my own question this time. When Edward had launched himself at us, Mikael swung on him. He’d only hit him the one time, and Edward hit the ground.

It was a bit gratifying to see after the backhanded smack Edward gave me soon after he picked me up at the airport. I’m not sure if I should tell them all these things or not. The last thing I want to do is make Edward angrier. I’m kind of hoping that after this and him knowing I’m now married, it will all end.

“He’s more than fine. Mr. Ackles took something from Blackstone that he wanted. That’s how their little game always works,” a man in a suit says, walking in through the French doors. I see a badge clipped to his belt.

His words strike me as odd, considering Mikael never told me that he knew Edward Blackstone personally or that they had some kind of history. They clearly do. I stop spinning my ring on my finger.

“What do you mean?”

“They’re rivals. So when your stepmother came to us, telling us you were missing, and then we found out you were here, we thought maybe Mikael had kidnapped you. Is that not the case?” My stomach drops.

None of this is about Edward and Mikael’s little fight. The cops are here for me. “Aurora, were you forced to marry Mikael Ackles?”

“No,” I answer honestly as my heart starts to break.

He used me. It wasn’t a case of love at first sight for Mikael, and he definitely isn’t my knight in shining armor. I swipe at the tear that escapes. I’m so naïve.

“You can tell me honestly. We can walk out of here, and no one will stop us,” the fancy suit detective tells me. For some reason I’m not so sure that’s true.

“No, I’m staying here.”

“Then why are you crying?”

“This wasn’t the wedding I thought it would be.” Again, I tell the truth.

“What the hell is going on?” Mikael comes barreling into the room. “You think you can walk into my home and corner my wife into an interrogation?” Officer Owens jumps up from the seat across from me and practically runs to get behind the detective. “I’ll have your fucking badge, Murphy.” The officer holds his hands up like he doesn’t mean any harm.

“We had to hear from the girl without you around to make sure that she was here of her own free will.”


“Seems so. For now at least.”

“Get the fuck out of my house and don’t came back unless you have a warrant.” They nod and all start to leave. “Murphy,” Mikael calls right before the officer is about to leave the room. He turns to look back at Mikael. “Tell Chief Jones I said hello.” Murphy stiffens but doesn’t respond. He just leaves. Then it’s only my brand-new husband and I left. Suddenly, it makes much more sense why Mikael was so quick to marry me.

“They weren’t here because of the fight.” It’s not a question. They actually hadn’t asked me anything about that.

“Your stepmother reported you missing.” Mikael comes over to me. I’m surprised when he actually drops to his knees in front of the chair I’m sitting in so we’re almost eye level. “Don’t cry.” He tries to wipe the tears for me, but I pull back. His hand freezes in mid-air.

“You didn’t tell me that you and Blackstone have some ongoing feud or rivalry.”

“They told you that?” I nod. “He’s a horrible human being. Anyone with even a trace of morals would despise Edward Blackstone.”

“You used me.” I drop my head, my eyes going to the beautiful ring on my finger. He didn’t buy it so that any other man would know I was married. He bought it so that Edward would know.

“Aurora, it—”

“You knew I was desperate. Not only that, I’m sure it’s easy to tell I’m starved for affection and love, so you knew if you gave me those things that I would fall right into your trap.” My heart breaks a little more as I admit that out loud.