But why is it so hard to complete such a task?

Heaven, I will not let you down.

I straighten my shoulders and storm toward the doorway I heard his voice come from. I kick it open completely, and it bangs against the wall. Steam fills the air, and I inhale a deep breath of the fresh scent. It smells incredible in here compared to the rest of the place. I flick my gaze around the small bathroom, listening to the water pouring from the shower. I yank the curtain open and aim my sword.

I cover my eyes. Damien aims his own sword at me. Well, not a sword. But it should be. What am I even thinking? Why are these thoughts going through my mind? I’ve never been so surprised by a human body before. And it does something to me. I gasp and squeeze my legs together, scrambling back. I miss the doorway and hit my back against the wall. Damien tips his head back and laughs, whipping his head and pelting me with water.

I scowl at him. “Stop laughing.”

“But why? I’ve never had the chance to make a beautiful angel blush before. Or should I say...never mind.” He has the audacity to turn back toward the shower stream, giving me a view of his backside. I can’t pull my gaze away. I shouldn’t be so interested in how he looks, but my whole body goes out of whack. Strange things happen to my insides and perspiration wets my brow.

“Speak your mind,” I say, inhaling a couple breaths to settle my heart.

He raises an eyebrow, flashing me a brilliant smile while he continues to soap his body, lathering his hair and slicking it back out of his handsome face. “You don’t want to know what’s on my mind. My thoughts keep changing. But you, innocent angel, might need me to turn down the heat of the shower. Do you want to join me? I’m sure you’ll want to cleanse yourself soon enough.”

This demon. I don’t know if I can handle another second of his presence, yet I can’t seem to get myself to move away. To close my eyes. To do anything to shield me from him. I just keep trailing my gaze down the water streaming over his muscular chest and taut abs to where...please forgive me for my sins. I never thought I would have to say the words, but the strange imagery swirling through my mind makes me shift uncomfortably. If I didn’t know any better, I would think I’m experiencing lust. I can’t be sure because I’ve never had such an intense emotion like this. It’s all so new.

“You would like that, wouldn’t you?” I swivel on my feet and grab a towel from the rod. I thrust it at him, forcing him to catch it. “You’ve had enough time. Get out. I’m tired of playing your games.”

Damien chuckles again, his unfazed attitude crawling under my skin. He hangs his towel on the curtain rod and rinses off the soap instead of listening to me. I fold my arms over my chest and tap my foot. I’m two seconds away from flying forward, grabbing the towel, and drying him off myself.

Oh, no. That’s a terrible idea. My body’s reaction to the thought is enough to prove so.

I swallow and clutch onto the counter, yanking myself around to turn my back on him. The water shuts off, and he whistles a strange tune. I spot his figure in the foggy mirror as the heat dissipates until I see him standing behind me with a towel slung low on his hips, the V of his muscles directing my attention to his hardened body once more.

Swiping a decorative candle from the sink, I chuck it at him. “Stop pointing that thing at me. Control yourself, demon.”

All he does is laugh once more. It’s as if every single word that comes from my mouth is so amusing to him. It just riles me up and makes me angrier. Of course, he would like such a reaction. He feeds on the world’s negative emotions. I just know it. All demons do. They love causing chaos, and right now my mind, body, and being are at war.

“If I could, I would. Humanity doesn’t have control over this sort of bodily function. You will learn soon enough. I’m sure you’re experiencing...some difficulties now. I can tell that you’re curious. And it’s okay. There is nothing ungodly about learning something new about yourself.” Damien strolls forward, and I scramble away, using the sink to guide myself into the corner of the bathroom as he strides out, acting as if my eyes aren’t locked on his. He enjoys the attention. I try everything to get myself to calm down, but I just can’t. I don’t know how.

“Come on, Riella. I’ll make you something to eat, and you can listen to me as I prepare your meal. I think you’re too on edge to do anything for yourself now.” Damien’s voice echoes into the bathroom from the living room, and I get my feet to shuffle forward. The sooner I hear him out and complete my end of the deal, the faster I can send him to Hell and continue on my mission. What mission is that? I’ve already forgotten. Adriel was supposed to meet me here. I hope nothing happened to him.

I clench my fingers into fists and exit the steamy bathroom, gasping at the cool air enveloping me. Damien stands in the open kitchen and looks at me from over the bar cut out. He still wears a towel, and I know he only does it because it gets to me. I swallow and keep my gaze trained on the floor. I can’t fall for his antics. I need to keep myself together. I need to have faith and believe I will get through this.

“What do you think you like to eat? Anything ever look appetizing during your stalking of humanity? I can make you a—” A rumble shakes the apartment, silencing his words. His face twists in anger, and he reaches for a drawer and pulls out a short sword. “Go to the bedroom. Lock the door. Someone tampered with my shield.”

I stare at him with wide eyes. “You said this place was safe.”

“It is for most things, but not for hunters. Just go to the room and lock the door. Please.” Damien strides from the kitchen. “It’s better if no one knows you’re here.”

“You’re lying to me. I know hunters do Heaven’s work. They’re probably here to rescue me. Maybe even sent by Adriel.” I ignore his command and unsheathe my heavenly blade just in case. His urgency sets me off.

“Adriel or whoever is your authority is not your friend or ally any longer. I don’t think you understand, Riella. You’ve fallen from grace. You’re not a warrior of Heaven anymore. You’re a step away from joining Hell’s legion. Now, go to my bedroom and lock the door.” Damien waves his short sword at the last closed door in his lair.

I open my mouth to argue.

He cuts me off. “Now!”




IstandinDamien’sbedroom and peer around, keeping the door cracked as I watch him gather a couple more weapons.

He’s far more nervous at the idea of facing hunters than he is at facing me, which is utterly and completely abnormal from what I’ve learned about his kind. He knows things that I don’t, but I also think he’s wrong about me. There’s no way that I have abandoned Heaven only to fall into the darkness of Hell. Adriel wouldn’t have lied to me. If anything, he’s about to show up at any second to guide me. There is no other way this can turn out. He told me my path and my purpose, and I will continue to follow it.