
Thebeautifulfallenangeldraws her heavenly sword and aims it toward my head. I know she’s doing what she feels she must do. Her instincts won’t allow her to see reason, knowing I’m a demon. To her, in this moment, I’m incapable of being a benevolent being.

“Wait!” I holler again. “I’m a prisoner. I’m not with Hell.”

As an angel, she only sees things in black and white and good and evil. There aren’t any shades of gray or in between. As for me, when you’ve been around as long as I have, you learn not everything is that simple.

“You’re a demon,” she snaps, struggling to flap her broken wings. They hang uselessly behind her, trailing on the floor.

I open and close my mouth to speak, but I’m not sure what I can say or do to convince her not to send me back to Hell.

Holding my hands up, I gesture my surrender, showing her that despite being a demon, I mean her no harm. My arms give out on me, my strength fading, and they fall limply at my sides. I’m too weak to hold them up. I’ve been chained and beaten for what feels like an eternity. But that doesn’t matter now. What matters is convincing her not to send me back.

I look at her. “Please, I’m no threat to you. Just...all I ask of you is if you’re sending me back to that godforsaken place, you at least let it be a fair fight. I mean, you wouldn’t really want to send me to Hell without one, right? What kind of angel would that make you?”

My words are risky, but I really need her to free me so I can continue doing the work I was doing before the other demons caught me. I watch her for a response. I can see her newfound human emotions warring inside of her. I wonder how she ended up here. She seems so devoted to the cause. What would make an angel like that fall?

“Look, if you win, you can send me back to Hell. I won’t fight you on it. But if I win, you have to hear me out and then decide if you still want to send me to Hell,” I say confidently. There is no way this sexy as sin angel is going to best me in a fight. I’ve got several millennia on her. Still, I can’t wait to see her withering under me as I pin her.

She holds her sword in the air and slowly lowers it, consideringmy offer. “I...I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I shouldn’t even allow you to speak for this long.”

Her descent from Heaven gets to her. I can see it in her gorgeous violet eyes, the otherworldly color captivating me as much as her flowing golden hair. “Then why do you?”

Her pouty mouth slackens, and she blinks in confusion. I’m nearly certain she doesn’t realize she lost her grace. “I don’t know. My light called me to you. It whispers to me now.”

Not her light, but her new darkness. A darkness she won’t realize exists unless she touches the hell plane.

I flash her a sexy smile, well as sexy as it can be with blood pooling around my mouth from my broken nose. “Come on, angel. It’s a win-win situation. Even if I beat you, you can still send me to Hell after listening to me.”

Her eyes flick back and forth, searching my eyes. She thinks it over for a moment, and I can see when she decides to take me up on my offer, her features sharpening. She might only agree because she thinks she can kick my ass. Putting her sword away, she shuffles closer to where I’m chained to the wall. Normally, chains like these wouldn’t hold me, but all of my power is drained, and I have no way to recharge it here.

She looks at the cuffs around my wrists and glances back up to peer into my eyes. For the first time, I can see the flecks of sapphire within her deep purple irises. She is the most stunning creature I’ve ever seen in the universe.

“I’m still not sure about this. I wasn’t supposed to be alone. This isn’t the way it’s supposed to be.” She tentatively touches the first cuff, and it falls away from my wrist, then she touches the secondone. As soon as she does, she unsheathes her sword and points it at me.

Rubbing my wrists, I grimace. “Can’t a guy even have a minute?” I smile at her but get nothing in return. Angels are known to be uptight, though it doesn’t stop me from trying.

She shakes her head. “You got what you wanted. You’re free. Now, let’s get this over with.”

I summon my longsword from Hell. My arms ache, but I have no choice. She’s not giving me one. “Ready when you are.”

She nods. “Ready.”

I move to the center of the space.

She doesn’t give me time to turn around before she’s on me. I counter her move and knock her back a bit. I didn’t expect her to play dirty and come after me with my back turned. Spinning around, I say, “So that’s how it’s going to be?”

I lunge at her. I have no intentionof hurtingher, not seriously anyway, but I can’t let her overpower me. My ass doesn’t plan on going back to the fire pits. The angel moves to the right while spinning around to try and hit my side.

She’s far more skilled than I expect her to be, her fallen status not being because she’s incapable of serving Heaven. And she’s definitely getting a lot of good hits in. As I try to catch myself, she kicks me in the stomach, and I drop to my knees. Sensing she’s going to make another strike; Iblock her sword with my weapon. This is taking too much out of me. I need to end this quickly. “Look, I’m not your enemy. In fact, I would make an excellent ally considering you said you weren’t supposed to be alone.”

She scoffs. “As if I would ever align myself with a demon. You’re all evil. You ruined humanity.”

Seeing her falter a bit, I knock her down and hop up. But as quickly as she hits the ground, she catapults up.

I shake my head in frustration, blocking her next move. “You’re wrong, angel. In fact, I came topside to help out humanity. Something is going on here, and we need to find out what.”

Spinning on my boots, I counter her next move. In doing so, I see an opening, and I drop my sword, grabbing her arms and pinning them to her back. I push her against the nearest wall, holding her there. Damn. I like this more than I should.