“You bitch! We’re on the same side!” he yells, grabbing a baseball bat from its spot by what looks like a desk. Or what used to be a desk. The piece of furniture is broken and smashed.

“We would never be on the same side. I work for humanity. You will return to Hell where you belong!” Swiping my sword, I attack the demon again, using my new dark emotions to push me forward. He hollers as I slash across his chest, and fire sizzles from his scaly skin.

“Balacota, get her!” the demon snaps, motioning behind me with the bat.

I realize my mistake immediately.

Fire burns across my shoulders as another demon rips me back. I scream out in anger, managing to twist my body enough to put some force behind my punch. I never envisioned I’d put my training to use so soon. It was intended for when humanity collapsed. I was hoping to never see it. I was hoping that we wouldn’t come to this. But Adriel told me that it’s far worse than we expected. I saw it for myself.

It’s why I’m here.

It’s why he made the sacrifice for me and pushed me.

If only I didn’t land in this spot with these treacherous beasts, with no one to fight by my side.

I must be fearless. I must summon my courage to fight alone. I know I’m capable. I have to be. Humanity counts on it.

“Release me!” I punch my fist at the second demon, who still looks like a man.

He tries to dodge out of my way, but my focus clings to him. My rage pushes me. Swinging my sword once more, I decapitate the man, and his body erupts in orange flames.

“No!” the other demon hollers.

Oh, yes, I think. He needs to know that this isn’t going to lead to anything except him going home where he belongs.

Swiveling my body, I swing my sword at him, slicing it right through his middle, turning him into a blast of flames that disintegrate. The floor cracks and fire glows from the foundation. I freeze in my spot, the hypnotic flames whispering words I can’t grasp. But the feeling? My body automatically moves forward and closer. My curiosity controls me. I know within the thin line of fire is a crack leading into the abyss of Hell. I’ve never seen it. I’ve never been this close before. I have to get another look.

I lick my lips, my muscles aching and trembling with each of my steps. The voices grow louder, and I hear souls scream. My whole body reacts, and I gasp.

“Stay back, angel. You don’t want to get too close. I’d hate for you to fall in.” The velvety smooth voice steals my attention away from the crack leading to Hell.

I jerk around and see a man chained to the wall of the room. He’s been beaten. Blood splashes down his shirt, and I think his nose might be broken. Dark bruises pepper his face, shadowing his eyes. Eyes so blue and bright that they shine against his raven black hair. I’ve never seen a man like him before.

Pity courses through me. The demons have kept him prisoner here.

“You poor soul,” I say, softening my voice. “Let me help you.”

Something strange crosses the man’s face, and he winces and cowers away for me. “It’s best if you just leave.”

I can’t summon the will to obey him. I don’t obey anyone except for the light I follow. And right now? It leads me directly to him.

“I won’t hurt you. I promise.” I close the space to him and reach out my hand.

My body cools at the sensation of the heat radiating from him.

He’s not who I thought he was.

This man isn’t a poor soul. He’s another demon.

“Angel, wait!” the man shouts, yanking against his chains.

I can’t stop. I can’t show him mercy.

This demon must return to Hell.


New Ally