Dagan rubs his palms together, sending fire sparkling between his hands. Continuing to rub his fingers, he manifests a strange lava-like liquid that crawls with life across his hands. I swallow my nerves, drawn to the enchanting power, unlike anything I’ve ever seen. It glows bright enough that if I didn’t know any better, I’d think he managed to tap into Heaven. But it’s far from it. I know it’s the darkest part of Hell that gives him such power and strength. Carefully removing the bandages, Dagan reveals the slashes across River’s chest, the skin bloody and puckered, harsh enough to steal my breath away. I can only imagine his pain. I just want him to heal. I want him to wake up and not remember the agony my failures put him through.
Dagan inhales a deep breath, lowering his glowing palms to River’s skin, sending the bright power over the wounds, searing his skin closed. River’s body lights up, and his back arches, the waves of Hell crashing over him. But he doesn’t scream. His face remains soft and expressionless.
A second later, Dagan releases him, and River bolts upright, his eyes widening as he grips his chest, staring at me in confusion and shock.
“River, thank Heaven. You’re okay.” I jump on the bed next to him, engulfing him in a hug, meeting his lips for a kiss as if it’s the only thing that’ll make me feel better.
“I’m not going to thank you because this was your fault, Dagan. Now leave.” Storm points toward the door, getting Dagan to leave in silence.
Our eyes meet before he exits. “Thank you,” I mouth, my heart filling with joy as River snuggles his face to my neck.
I never expected such an act of kindness from a Prince of Hell. Maybe I was wrong about him.
I guess I’ll see.
The uncertainty of the universe surprises me. But I know the path before me will lead me exactly where I belong.
And right now, it’s here among the mortals. And I will prove to be who they need for this war against Lucifer.
I won’t stop until he’s trapped back in Hell.
Lucifer will fall.
“Areyousureyou’regoing to be okay going alone?” I ask Storm, my uneasiness getting the best of me. The last thing I want is to lose sight of one of my guys.
“Don’t worry, my warrior. I’ll be there with him. I have a deal with you, and he will be fine in my care.” Dagan touches my shoulder, pushing my blonde hair to my back.
Ignoring him, I train my gaze on Storm. “You can call for me at any time. I’m nervous about you going alone.” I tighten my jaw to remain expressionless because I’m being clear to Dagan that even if he does go, I still consider Storm being alone.
He puffs out a breath and rolls his eyes, turning away from me and Storm to the door. “You’re torturing me worse than Hell could ever.”
Storm rubs his hands together. “Good. You deserve it, asshole.”
“Even after I healed your brother?” Dagan narrows his eyes, tightening his lips.
“Yeah, fucker. It takes a lot more than one act of charity. Plus, you only did it to manipulate the situation even more. You’re a walking red flag, and it’s not going to be easy to forget. Now hurry up and get out of here. I’m sure Riella wants Storm back before dark.” Damien stands beside me, bouncing on his feet. I wish he would go along with them, but I know he wants to stay because he considers me more vulnerable with Lucifer loose.
I close the space to Storm and cup his cheeks, leaning in to kiss him. “He’s right. Hurry back to me, okay?”
Storm moans under his breath, deepening our kiss, purposely showing off our affection in front of Dagan. I know why he does it, and I don’t mind. I want Dagan to be jealous. He needs to know that I will never be his completely, even if I do give him some of my time now.
“I will, Riella. Promise.” Storm hugs me once more and fist bumps Damien, turning to stride past Dagan without looking at him.
Damien laces his arm around my waist, pulling me in close, and we stand and stare at the door for only a moment longer. Turning toward the stairs, I quietly pull him along to River’s room. He’s been resting and recovering from being healed by Hell, but for the most part, he is better. I do worry about his mental state though. He’s been through a lot. It’s not often...actually, it’s never that a mortal has been in contact with Lucifer on this plane that I know of.
River sits on the edge of the bed, resting his elbows on his knees, staring at the floor. He tips his head up and looks at me, sensing my arrival despite how quiet both Damien and I are. I offer him a smile and cross the room, breaking away from Damien to sit beside River.
Wrapping my arms around him, I hug him. “You look as if you need some affection.”
River flexes his muscles, tilting his head slightly. “I’m fine. Just tired.”
A frown twists my mouth, and I blink my eyes, feeling as if he rejects me. “Oh.”