His words fade as I swing my arm behind me and clock him in the chest. He’s far too casual about this whole situation. The hunters tried to send us both to Hell. My only saving grace is that the Almighty must have sent Storm a message to stop him. I need to know what it was. I need to communicate with Adriel, and I might be able to use Storm to do so. I need to find out what happened, and why I arrived on this plane alone.

I turn my sword to Storm. “Tell me what you saw, mortal. I came here on a mission and lost communication with my superiors. You can help me.”

Storm rubs the back of his neck. “How did you know I have visions?”

I shrug my shoulders. “Intuition. I can sense when souls have been blessed.” Striding forward, I straighten my back and meet his gaze head-on. “Now tell me what you saw. You might think it’s nothing, but it could be something important.”

Storm glances at his replica. Their identical features draw such curiosity from me. I wonder if he looks the same underneath his clothes—I shake my head, pushing the thought away. That’s not important. I shouldn’t fall into such human thinking. I shouldn’t even be able to. It must be because I’ve really and truly fallen. I’m not even sure how that happened. I was supposed to fall, yes, but I was told my grace would remain. It’s the only way I can gain access back to Heaven—my home. But I can’t think of that now. There are more urgent matters at hand.

“You better tell Riella or I’ll cut that protective tat off you and let her blast you to Hell.” Damien shimmers with fire as if his demonic form wants to break free.

“Fire. I saw her on fire with a cr—”

The floor rumbles under my feet, and Damien growls. Swiveling, he points his Hell blade at the door as a figure materializes in front of him, filling the frame. It’s a demon.

“You fuckers broke my shield. Now they’re coming for us.” Damien swings his blade, slicing it through the demon’s neck, sending its head squirting strange black liquid across the floor. “Head out the back. We can’t stay.”

“I have to fight.” I prepare myself for the battle I’ve been waiting my eternity for. I spot at least five other demons closing in on the apartment.

A cool hand grabs onto mine. “If you fight, you might not survive. Please, Riella. I saw something in you, in my vision. I think you’re here for a reason. We can help.” Storm yanks me, pulling me away.

I don’t get a chance to do anything. Damien doesn’t give me a choice. Charging me, he lifts me onto his shoulder and dashes toward the slider leading out to a courtyard.

Behind us, the two hunters each fight some demons. I want to help them, but I know there is no way this demon will ever put me down to let that happen. I just have to hope that they’re as good as they seem.

I can’t believe a demon is teaming up with hunters to help me.

My prayers have finally been answered.

I haven’t been forsaken after all. At least, I hope.


Nephilim Brothers


DamienisluckythatI’m too dazed to even fight him as he carries me on his shoulder. I take a moment to clear my thoughts, trying to figure out what I’m supposed to do next. The last thing I was expecting was for the demon hunters to come after me and then offer to help. I know that Damien warned me, but I just can’t wrap my mind around it. This is not the plan. If only I knew why this is happening? Why so many demons came after us so suddenly? It was as if they didn’t mistakenly come across us. It felt as if they were sent by someone, trying to get us out of the protection of Damien’s lair.

I close my eyes, listening to the world around me. Damien’s breathing softens as he slows, and I try to use his calming presence to find my own. I need peace to summon whatever light I have left. If I can touch a teensy bit of the residue still clinging to me, I can find the answers I need and maybe even locate Adriel.

With the thought of his name, an utterly and completely wrong feeling grips my very essence, stealing my breath away. What if something happened to him? It’s the only explanation I have for his absence.

But then I can’t stop thinking about how Adriel forced me to jump. Did he push me without reason? He said that it was my choice, but in reality, I didn’t get a say in the decision. I knew it wasn’t my time to return to Earth. I thought it might’ve been my nerves getting the best of me.

Now, I wonder if I ever had free will to begin with. If Adriel so easily and callously shoved me from Heaven, who’s to say there wasn’t something more to it? Because there’s supposed to be a war. I didn’t come crashing down amid a battle between Heaven and Hell. I fell only to find humanity as it should be, on its own and moving forward. Hell doesn’t consume Earth yet.

Oh, Heaven. Please, give me answers.


“Riella, you need to stop. It’ll only make things worse. Now, if you promise to be a good fallen angel, I’ll set you down so you can defend yourself if these hunters try to send us to Hell next. Look at the broody Nephilim. He’s so scared he won’t even sheathe his dagger.” Damien adjusts me in his arms until he cradles me. His eyes flash with fire as he captures mine, nearly hypnotizing me with his gaze.

“You’re the last fucker I’d ever be afraid of. The only reason you aren’t burning in Hell now is because of her. Now release her, demon.” The raspy voice snatches my attention from Damien.

“And have you banish me? No. She’s my sexy, fallen angel protector. Right, Riella? We can’t trust these bastards. They want us both dead.”

“Chill, man. I won’t let him. If my vision remains the same, she is part of my destiny. I was sent to help her. It’s obvious she’s lost. She shouldn’t be here.” Storm blocks his brother from my view, meeting my eyes. “Right? I can sense it.”