The noise of the fight diminishes, and Desmond enters into a room I haven’t been in. It’s feminine and smells like his sister, the scent enough to calm me down. There’s just something about it that makes me feel safe, and it might be because she stood up for me without even knowing me. I wonder what’s going on with these guys. They’re obviously hiding her for some reason. If someone would just explain, then maybe things wouldn’t be so tough.

“I’m so sorry, Kinsey. He was not to approach you like that. There is no excuse for his behavior, and he’ll be held accountable and punished for it by my brothers. We’re equal in our pack. This is unacceptable.” Desmond sets me on the edge of a queen-sized bed, the blankets neatly made and fresh like laundry detergent. They’ve been recently changed, and the scent of his sister just happens to linger on other things. But the room is void of anything personal. There are no pictures or clothing. Nothing that declares someone lives here. It confuses the hell out of me.

I hiccup, my sobs subsiding, and Desmond sits beside me and drapes his arm over my shoulders. He continues to rub my arm, trying his best to smooth out the trembles seizing my body.

“Try to take a breath with me. In and out., two, three. Now, two, three. That’s good. Do it again.” Desmond leans forward and meets my gaze, inhaling and exhaling a breath alongside me until my chest loosens and my muscles relax.

I open and close my mouth, my voice hoarse. “Th-thanks,” I say, stuttering, my words cracking. “Can I please have some water?”

Desmond bobs his head and abandons me, heading toward the bathroom. I hear him run the faucet and return with a small glass of the sink water. Instead of handing it to me, he slowly holds it to my lips, waiting for me to take a sip.

He waits until I swallow a couple of times before finally letting me hold it, and I gulp until it’s empty and gasp for breath. Rubbing my knee, Desmond soothes me in an unexpected way. I lean into him, focusing on his breathing, using it to adjust my own.

A yell echoes outside the room, the fight continuing, drawing closer. I reach out and grip Desmon’s hand. The door crashes open with a bang, hitting the wall. Yelping, I climb into Desmond’s lap in fear, burying my head in the crook of his neck, silently begging him to protect me.

“Make it stop,” I whisper, mostly to the universe.

“I got you, pretty girl. You’re safe. Look around. I told you my brothers would handle it.” Desmond leans away from me, trying to get me to ease away from his neck, my tears dampening his skin.

Someone thuds on the floor, and I recognize Wilder’s groan. A thump muffles over my quick breathing. The air thickens with scents of the alphas, their presence demanding attention from me. My mind begs me to look, but my body wants none of it.

“Come on, Kinsey. Just a peek.” Desmond taps his fingers to my back, encouraging me to listen to him.

I flutter my eyelashes, clearing my vision of tears.

“You better fucking apologize, Wilder. And mean it. You’ve already done enough damage. We were supposed to talk to her together.” Arsenio’s deep voice helps with my nerves, his scent of cinnamon apple reminding me of our closeness. He’s pissed off, but not at me. The spice to his scent reflects his protectiveness.

I finally turn my head and peek at him hovering over Wilder on his knees. Enzo stands behind him, looking just as fierce and smelling like pepper and vetiver, his masculine fragrance pricking goosebumps over my skin. Damn it. I’ve never seen anything so hot. He doesn’t even have to take off his shirt like in the flirty pictures he sent me to turn me on.

Wilder pushes up. “You guys are already acting like—”

Kicking out, Enzo knocks his boot into Wilder’s back, forcing him to face plant in front of us. “This isn’t about our behavior. It’s about yours. Now, shut up and apologize, brother. Your insolence is embarrassing as fuck. You know your behavior was wrong, so alpha-up and accept it. Apologize, or we’re going to be here all day.”

Wilder punches his fist to the floor, the thud muffled by the decorative rug. “Goddamn it. I will remember this, you fuckers. I won’t go easy on you next time.”

Arsenio points at me. “Apologize to Kinsey now!” His yell rings so loudly that I’m certain everyone in this gigantic palace could hear. My eyes widen as I flick my attention to him. Wow. He’s so fucking hot too. I could get used to this...

What am I thinking? I can’t get used to it. This is almost over. I can feel it in my bones. This situation is far from permanent. I’m letting their pheromones get to my head. It’s hard to be smart when I’m exhausted by everything—not physically but mentally.

Heaving a sigh, Wilder bows his head, refusing to look at me. His fingers dig into the carpet. Redness shades his neck, his ego now broken. The scent of his shame confuses me. I wish I could decipher if his shame comes from his actions or because his brothers bested him.

Silence fills the room as everyone stares at Wilder expectantly. I’d think this was the hardest thing he has ever had to do if I didn’t know any better. I’m sure whatever happened with his sister led to his attitude now. I want to feel sorry for him in this moment, knowing what this does to his very nature as an alpha, but mostly, I want him to just get it over with and leave.

Shuddering, Wilder finally glances up, catching my gaze. The whites of his eyes redden with his emotions, turning the blue even more startling. He clears his throat, flaring his nostrils. “You have my sincerest apology, Kinsey. It’s not your fault that you’re here, and it’s unfair of me to treat you as if it is. Will you please forgive me?”

I furrow my brows, pursing my lips. I’m surprised by his apology. I had expected a half-hearted sorry or for him to twist it in a way that would prove he’s only sorry that he’s in this position.

Staring at me in silence, Wilder waits for my response. “Please?”

My heart skips a beat at how sincere he sounds. I nearly believe it, but I know better. He just wants to manipulate his brothers to get them off his back. The second he’s able to, he might smother me with a pillow or some shit. I don’t trust him not to, especially because he was forced into apologizing instead of doing so because he realizes he’s in the wrong.

“Thank you. I’ll forgive you if you let me leave immediately. You admitted it was your fault that I’m here, and that I don’t belong here. You obviously don’t want me here, which is fine, so let’s make things easy. Give me a ride to the city, and you’ll never see or hear from me again. Your secret is safe.” My voice comes out stronger than I thought possible. Is it a good thing? Not exactly.

It looks like I might have just barely missed the detonator on Wilder’s asshole alpha switch. It takes Arsenio towering beside him to get him not to react with more than a scowl at my response. I don’t care if my forgiveness comes with stipulations. His apology isn’t exactly genuine either.

“Why don’t you join us in the sitting area, sugar? We can discuss everything now that we’re all together.” Arsenio steps forward and offers his hand out to me, remaining even in tone. He manages to swallow his anger toward Wilder so much so that all I can smell is his apple and rain shower scent without the spice.

“Are you sure about that? Are we really going to have a discussion, or are you going to just tell me what happens to me now? Because it’s unfair to me. I’m not yours to boss around and control. I also want nothing to do with Wilder. He’s made his feelings clear.” I bite out the words, my fear finally gone, only to be replaced by my annoyance.