Desmond joins his brothers, and they hunch around a computer monitor sitting on the desk with a window behind it. If I make it out of this place now, I might still have enough light to get at least some distance between me and them.

I watch them in silence, waiting for the four of them to finally release me from their stares.

This is it.

It’s now or never. I know I won’t find the courage again.

I lunge from the chair and race across the room, counting on the fact that a desk blocks their way. Flinging the door open, I dart into the hall and head in the direction I think we came from.

I rush into the first room on the right, wanting to hide as they hopefully run past me, thinking that I would make a straight shot to where the elevator is. Searching around the room, I smell the scent of Wilder immediately. I’ve made a huge mistake. He’s going to murder me for even stepping foot in his suite.

Footsteps thud outside the door, and I glance around, bolting toward a balcony door. It might be too far to jump from, but I know how to climb.

“Oh shit. Who the hell are you? I knew my brothers were up to something.” The feminine voice steals my attention away from the window, and I jerk to look at a sinewy, lanky girl an inch or two taller than me who might be a couple of years younger than I am. Her pale blond hair cascades over her shoulders, reaching her waist. Standing with her hands on her hips, she stares at me with bright hazel eyes from Wilder’s wardrobe. And she’s not just any girl. I recognize her scent. It’s all over me. She’s an omega like I am.

It dawns on me that she said her brothers were up to something. These guys have a little sister.

Now nothing makes sense.

The door slams, and I freeze, the wave of intense vetiver and somethings smokier like paprika assaults me, stealing away my senses.

A heavy hand grabs my shoulder, yanking me back until I hit Wilder’s hard, muscular chest. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“Wilder, stop it. Put her down. You know better than to touch someone like that who doesn’t belong to you. You’ve told me that a million times.” The girl speaks from the wardrobe, her voice raising with her words.

Wilder freezes in his tracks, his hold tightening around me. “Holly, you’re supposed to be in your room.”

“You can’t tell me what to do. You’re not my alpha.” She challenges her brother, taking a couple steps closer, her hazel eyes shining with more flecks of green than brown. “Now, put her down and explain yourself. I know that Dad—”

“Arsenio, take Kinsey. I need to have a word with Holly.” Wilder spins and tosses me as if I weigh nothing at all at his other brother. “Don’t let Desmond or Enzo get near her. Shit just changed. Meet me in the study. Do not take your hands off her. Do you understand? Everything counts on it.”

Arsenio grunts his agreement and tosses me over his shoulder. I’m getting really tired of being treated like this, but what else am I going to do?

These alphas can overpower me so easily.

I’m going to have to think of something else. I’m going to have to really think about what it’s going to take to get out of here and use my order to do so.

I have to. If I don’t, I’ll never get another chance at life. These guys will be my demise.

Chapter 7


Flirty Alphas

Ican’tbelievethisshit. I went from glowering at Arsenio standing like a statue in the study to being locked in the bathroom. He gave me some couch cushions to lay on, told me the counter could be used as a table, and the fucking toilet as a chair. Could be worse. They could’ve locked me in the closet and gave me a fucking bucket or some shit.

Even though Arsenio apologized profusely, and I almost believed him, it doesn’t change the circumstances and why I’m here. They don’t trust me to stay alone in one of their rooms and needed time to discuss things. Scream about these things and about me. I think I even heard glass breaking at one point.

But that was two nights ago. Maybe three. I can’t remember anymore as I just sit in my spot without moving, staring at my untouched plate of steamed veggies, cold chicken, and a roll. I don’t feel much like eating, and I’m certain the suppressant pills have completely left my system. I forgot what being around alphas unmedicated does to me. My body wants to flood me with hormones, reminding me of my order. Coping with the sudden rise of my emotions along with how the guys treat me like a prisoner... I’m about to break shit around here too. What am I even thinking? They’re not just treating me like a prisoner. I am a prisoner. I need to remember that.

A strange buzz hums nearby, and I stare around the bathroom, trying to figure out where the noise comes from. Arsenio never left me a phone, but the buzzing definitely sounds like one. I scoot forward, lifting up some of the towels I’ve been using as a blanket. The hum stops, turning the silence even heavier. It drives me crazy, because I know I wasn’t hearing things. Lifting up the plate, I look at the tray. I stab my fork into the veggies, stirring them around. Another buzz vibrates against my leg, and I study the metal carafe. I lift it up and glance into it. The fucking thing is empty, and a cell phone hides within it.

What the actual fuck? Did Desmond sneak me contraband? Someone did.

Sexy Beast: My brothers are dicks. I want to make it up to you.

Sexy Beast: What’s your favorite dessert?