“Yeah, sure. That’s it. I know alphas like you guys, and I bet he’s just keeping my shit to be a perv. Sniffing my clothes to get off.” I huff a breath, the thought angering me. I don’t want them touching my belongings as much as they wouldn’t want me touching theirs.

Desmond shakes his head, kneading his hand to the back of his neck. “I’ll kick his ass if he proves you right, but really, Kinsey. We have nothing to suspect that it’s anything like that. You didn’t only have clothes.”

“So he’s keeping my pictures? You’re not going to find anything. It’s pointless. My family has been dead for a while.” My chest clenches, and my voice cracks with the words. It’s hard to say them out loud, especially to strangers. It makes it seem more real. I’ve been able to pretend none of it ever happened and that I was not caught in the middle of a feud between my dad and his brother.

“I’m so sorry, Kinsey. I’m sure he didn’t know. I promise you’ll have them by dinner. You need to join us to meet with my brothers anyway. We’ll get everything sorted out and we’ll hopefully have a solution to this situation.” Desmond shrugs away from Enzo and enters the wardrobe, offering his hand out to me. Something softens on both of their faces, though Enzo remains silent, no longer looking at me. Is it guilt in his eyes? Maybe. I hope so. They should all feel like shit for this.

“I offered you a solution,” I murmur, shifting in front of Desmond.

He clasps my hand gently, testing to see if I’ll let him touch me. “I know. It’s being considered. Until then, why don’t you change and freshen up?”

I bob my head, shifting my gaze to Enzo. “Your other two brothers will kick his ass otherwise, right?”

Enzo finally meets my gaze again, his smile returning. “Why does it sound like you want to see how tough I am? Prove my strength?”

I shrug. “If it’ll get me what I want. You can encourage them to let me leave. I just need a ride. You can take me anywhere at this point. I don’t want to be a bother to you anymore, and I know how to take care of myself. I’ve been doing it for two years now.”

Something crosses both their faces—pity, maybe—but I ignore their reactions and slide past Enzo and back into the living area of Desmond’s suite. Neither of them responds to my comment, and I stroll to the chair and take off the long T-shirt Enzo gave me, keeping my back to both men while I shrug into a much smaller long-sleeved T-shirt and a pair of yoga pants.

I can smell another omega immediately, and everything starts clicking into place. I hadn’t realized there was another. No wonder they’ve been tense. That’s why things seem so complicated to them. It is forbidden for a pack to have two omegas like this. But why not just tell me? Why even keep me here this long?

My mind screams to call them out, but now isn’t the time to suggest such a thing with only these clothes as proof. It’ll get me nowhere. I have nothing to gain for acknowledging that I know why they’re isolating me like this.

I try not to react as I turn around, catching both of them staring at me as if I’m growing a second head.

“Damn, Kinsey. You gotta stop doing that.” Enzo shifts his weight from foot to foot and rubs his palms over his cheeks. “Especially don’t do that in front of my other brothers.”

I frown, staring at him in silence for a moment. It’s now that I realize my mistake. I just undressed in front of them without even much thought. I hadn’t really considered that the act would bother them. It’s because I’ve been living as a beta for two years. No one ever pays attention to us, and...fuck me.

My face flushes with heat, and I swallow and clench and relax my fingers. “I’m so sorry. I haven’t even considered my nudity would make you uncomfortable.”

Enzo’s brows peak on his forehead. “Uncomfortable is the last word that I’d use to describe what I’m feeling.”

He’s right. Shit. The attraction I felt toward him before comes back in full force, and I find myself taking a step forward. Desmond shoves Enzo, getting between us and acting like a wall. But it does nothing for the wave of desire that crashes through me.

“I swear to God, brother. If you force me to be a cock-block, you won’t be able to use your damn dick anytime soon. We don’t have time for this. Control yourself.” Desmond straightens his shoulders and silently threatens his brother with a fisted hand.

It only sets Enzo off, and I brace for him to swing his fist, but he finally takes a step back. His eyes meet mine from over Desmond’s shoulder, and he licks his lips. He knows what his scent did to me, and he’s not even sorry about it. He wants me to give him a reaction to go along with what he’s done to me.

I refuse to give it.

I won’t let this control me. I still have some will left in me. If I get my bag back, I can see if my last pill is in it. Because between them discovering me and now, I have no clue where it went, and I really fucking need it.

“Brothers!” The snap of the deep voice shocks fear inside me. “You were supposed to bring her to me immediately. What is taking you guys so fucking long? Why does it smell like your horny ass in here?”

I take a step back and cower next to the table. I don’t even have to see the guy to know his place in the pack. Enzo might be an alpha, but whoever speaks right now is the leader. He is definitely what I would consider a mega alpha, and someone I really don’t want to face.

“Wilder, chill. You’re scaring her. She’s just finishing getting ready.” Enzo swivels to stare behind him.

A hulking form towers in the doorway of the suite before a man strides forward. He enters the room without asking, proving my suspicions. I was too scared before to really get a good look at this alpha, and he’s at least six inches taller than his brothers. More muscular too. Handsome as hell with his startling blue eyes, now a lot colder than when he confronted Mr. Doyle in the club on my behalf. I bet he regrets it now. I can smell his rage from here. He’s pissed, and I’m nearly certain it’s just at my existence.

“What the fuck is she wearing?” The man, Wilder, crosses his arms over his chest, glaring at me. At least he doesn’t demand the answer from me. I only know I wear another omega’s clothing, and if it’s someone he claims, then it would explain why he’s so worked up.

I wish a sinkhole would open in the floor and swallow me. Desmond made a huge fucking mistake by bringing me the clothes of another omega, especially if she belongs to them. Or maybe Wilder has a complete claim on her, period, and seeing another woman in his omega’s clothing will surely piss off any man. Because I’m taking something that doesn’t belong to me, even though it wasn’t me who decided this.

“It was either Enzo’s shirt or this,” Desmond says, puffing out his chest to make himself bigger. And damn. An act has never looked so sexy. He’s challenging someone who is obviously his superior in his pack. I have never in my life seen a beta challenge so many alphas, even if they are his brothers. “Must I remind you that you still have her bag, you bastard? We tossed her dress because it smelled like the bitch. We needed to get rid of the evidence.”

“Had you fucking taken a moment to check in with us, we could’ve told you that already. You’ve been far too concerned with the second heist to even consider it. Now back up. She is terrified, and we just managed to get her to relax.” Enzo stands beside Desmond, joining the thick wall of muscle that separates me from Wilder. It’s enough to get my heart to stop racing, but my chest remains tight.