“It’s all clear, Enzo. Head around back to the garages, and Arsenio will help you unload there. Be careful. Some of those weapons are explosives.” The voice sounds through some sort of radio, and I tense in fear. What is he talking about? What weapons? I knew that Madame Tamsin ran some shady shit, but I had no idea she was that deep into the illegal activities of the Gutter District. I bet she was never going to turn me into the authorities. There’s no way she would want to draw that kind of attention to herself.

These guys? They obviously know something. Maybe they were even casing the Vixen Lounge, and that’s why the alpha smells so familiar.

The van comes to a halt, and I smack my shoulder on the crate next to me, unable to keep the whimper from escaping my mouth. I cover my lips with my hand and squeeze my eye shut, wishing the world would just swallow me whole.

No such luck.

Absolute silence falls through the van, and I prepare for the worst. The two men in the front heard me. There’s no doubt about it, and now they’re listening, trying to figure out what it was.

And then I hear the intake of a breath.


The van door slams and I startle, clutching onto my bag and preparing to use it as a shield. I hate being trapped in this place. I can’t even move if I wanted to. There’s only one way out, and there are two dangerous men in the way. Men that don’t mind killing for what they want. The sound of the gunshot replays in my mind, and I tremble with panic.

“Fucking hell. There’s a girl back here.” The soft voice grumbles with the words, and I can’t stop myself from peeking at the familiar man with startling deep blue eyes shining against his suntanned complexion. He’s from the Vixen Lounge. He fought with Mr. Doyle. “She’s either a stowaway or a captive. Did you have any idea that the Dark Alley Pack was transporting anyone?” The man keeps his eyes locked on me, though he doesn’t speak to me directly. “She’s a beta.”

“Just take care of her. We don’t need this kind of problem.” The unfamiliar voice strikes me in the heart.

For the first time, I regret someone thinking I’m a beta. Because no one wants a packless beta. At least with being an omega, they could see me as some use.

I hold my hands up. “Wait! I’m not a beta. Please, you have to believe me. I’m not a beta. Don’t hurt me!”

The man drops his hand from his jacket and cocks his head, flaring his nostrils as he inhales a deep breath. I remain frozen, praying that he can pick up my scent, despite the suppressant pills. Jerking his hand out, he grabs onto my wrist, wrenching me forward as if I weigh nothing at all. I screech and allow him to drag me, trying my best not to fight. If I fight, I’ll set him off. No alpha likes to be challenged, especially by someone they consider beneath them.

“Wilder, get your ass over here. I need you to tell me if she’s lying. The bitch of Dark Alley’s scent is all over her, and I can’t get a good idea.” The man sets me down far gentler than I expect, setting me on my feet only to spin me around and hold me in place.

My eyes widen as I spot another familiar man from the Vixen Lounge. He was the one who initiated the fight and punched Mr. Doyle for me. He protected me. He was also one of the reasons I got caught with the pills.

He raises his eyebrows and gives me a once-over, drinking me in from my green eyes to my dirty heels, my shoes nearly unusable now. Something awakens inside me, and I catch a hint of his woody vetiver scent with a hint of mint, his lust as prominent as the ripple of a shudder coursing through his body, declaring that he senses what I am. That he might even recognize me.

“Please,” I say, my voice just a whisper. I can barely stand still, the delicious scent emanating from him turning me on more than it should. And he’s far more attractive now that I realize he was the one to protect me. If only such an act mattered now. This man bulges with muscles in all the right places, his biceps probably as big as my thighs, and his sharp jaw and neck corded with veins, showing me how strong he is. I bet beneath his button-up dress shirt hides rock-hard abs and a body fit for an alpha, one that looks ready to devour me.

I wouldn’t mind either.

What the fuck am I even thinking?

“She’s definitely an omega. Probably taking suppressants.” His eyes search mine for a moment longer, recognition settling in. “I think she was a server.”

Stepping closer, he grabs my cheeks and rubs his thumbs across my skin, tilting my head slightly to inhale a deep breath, his soft lips tickling the nape of my throat. A deep rumble escapes from him, and he jerks back, staring behind me at the man holding me in place.

“She could be useful. Take her inside, Enzo. We need to unload the van first. That’s our priority.” He releases me and rubs his hands over his cheeks. “We can find out information from her later.”

“You got it, brother,” Enzo says, quickly flipping me around and lifting me off my feet. He hangs me over his shoulder without a second thought, and I smack him in the back, startled by his actions.

He growls at me and adjusts me in his arms, but he doesn’t retaliate. “Careful, baby. Next time I’ll spank that ass of yours for doing that. There is no need to fight. We won’t hurt you. Relax.”

I’ve heard that line a million times, and it’s not true.

But what can I do right now? I’m trapped.

At least I’m alive.

For how long? I guess I’ll find out.

A whistle sounds through the air, and I spot a pair of boots stride past Enzo. “Looks like you caught a plaything, brother. You can put her in my room. I don’t mind.”

I try not to react, my eyes burning with tears.