The screech of tires draws our attention to the front of the estate, and I spot a car barreling through the gates.

My heart sinks into my stomach at the sight of Desmond stumbling from the car, clutching his bloody side.

Arsenio tries to catch him before he falls to the ground, but he misses him by inches.

Desmond passes out.

Chapter 21


New Allies

Kinseyscreams,hervoiceringing through the air as she rushes through the screen door of the Silverstein Estate. Wilder catches her, grabbing her by the waist and keeping her back.

Desmond lays flat on the circular drive, his bloody side staining the concrete.

The lying bastard. He wouldn’t let me look at the stab wound in the car, claiming that it was just a scratch. I should’ve known better. Desmond tends to suck things up a lot more, trying to always prove himself to be powerful. It’s always bothered him that he never manifested into the alpha order like the rest of us, though he just can’t see that Kinsey wouldn’t want him any other way. He will have a relationship with her that none of us ever will, his ability to fulfill needs we might not be able to.

I drop to the ground beside him, dragging up his shirt to inspect the wound. Goddamn it. Another lie. It’s not even a knife wound. A bullet grazed him, and it looks like it’s been bleeding for a while.

“Let me go! He needs me!” Kinsey shouts, flailing her arms.

“Not until you calm down. You could accidentally hurt him worse.” Wilder adjusts her in his arms.

“Kinsey, he’s right. Just give us a second.” I whistle, pointing to Enzo. “We need a medical kit. Enzo, get your ass over here. He was grazed by a bullet. He’s in shock.”

“Oh, God,” Kinsey says, her voice hitching. Burying her face into Wilder’s neck, she suppresses a cry.

Desmond is never going to hear the end of this from me for scaring our girl. His pride got the best of him, and he didn’t want to seek medical attention before we made sure Kinsey and Holly were safe. He’s probably more in shock than anything. He’s one lucky bastard. Had it hit just inches to the right, he’d be dead.

I press my hand over the bleeding wound, stanching it the best I can. He probably thought he was fine enough because he had put pressure on it since his adrenaline numbed his body’s response.

“I’m going to beat his ass the moment he feels better,” Enzo says, striding closer. He grabs Desmond by his chin and tilts his head in his direction. “Do you hear that, asshole? You’re going to get one fucking headache when I knock you unconscious a second time.”

Desmond reacts to his touch, groaning and stirring awake. He opens and closes his mouth, but no words come out except for a low mumble of agony.

“Give me some space, assholes. I need to get a good look.” Enzo sets a bag beside him, forcing me to remove my hand to look at the wound on Desmond’s side.

“How does it look? Is he going to be okay?” Kinsey quietly sits beside Wilder, clutching Desmond’s hand.

Enzo pats Desmond on the cheek. “It’s just a little flesh wound. I’m sure it hurts like a bitch, but it isn’t fatal. I’ll get him all cleaned up, give him a couple sutures, some antibiotics, and painkillers, and he’ll be good to go.”

Kinsey releases a breath, leaning forward and covering Desmond with her body, her boobs pressing right into his head as she hugs him. All I can think about is him being a lucky bastard all around. Kinsey’s going to smother him with all her affection until he is a hundred percent better. I shouldn’t be jealous of an injury, because fuck that shit, but damn. I could use her tits in my face now. Her kisses and snuggles. All I want to do is pick her up, take her inside, and show her how much I care.

“Arsenio, why don’t you let me and Wilder handle this? Take Kinsey inside and get cleaned up. We need to head out immediately.” Enzo looks at me as if he can read what’s on my mind.

I’m not sure I’ll be able to peel Kinsey away from Desmond, but he groans again and whispers something to her that I can’t hear.

She eases away from him and nods her head, tears shining in her eyes. He obviously doesn’t want her to see him weak like this, and I bet he asked her to get him something.

I rub my hand over the middle of her back, getting her to look at me. She swallows and licks her lips, blinking the tears from her eyes without letting them fall. I scoot over and open my arms for her to melt into. She squeezes me so tightly that I grunt, the breath rushing from my lungs. I get my legs to work and lift her in my arms, wobbling only for a second as I steady her. The Silverstein Pack stands nearby, keeping the space but also paying attention in case we need something. Beckett nods his head to me and moves out of the way, telling me where the nearest bathroom is that I can get cleaned up in. Holly rushes me the moment I step through the doorway inside, and I know that one of my brothers told her to remain there. I give her a quick hug and a kiss on her forehead, and she returns to her spot staring out the window, watching as our brothers work on Desmond.

Kinsey doesn’t say anything until I close the bathroom door, setting her on her feet. She quickly runs her hands over me, pulling up my shirt and drinking me in as if she might think I’m hiding a wound like Desmond. Her fingers ignite electricity over my skin, and I snatch her hand and cup it in mine, pressing it to my chest. If she continues this mission to touch every inch of me, I won’t be able to focus on anything.

“I’m not hurt. Just a couple of bruises you can see on my face. They were surprise attacks. After I realized what was going on, no one got another punch in. You should see what we did to the fucking bastards.” Because I broke someone’s arm, knocked out another guy’s front teeth, and managed to get in a couple of nicks with my blade.

I don’t tell Kinsey though. Only if she asks will I admit to what I’m truly capable of in regard to fighting.