I remain silent in protest, refusing to get up and move. I don’t care to see where we are. It’s not like I can get out of the van. I’m sure only Mr. Clive’s door opens from the inside. Instead, I search around the cargo space for something, anything, I can use to help me in this situation. Bungee cords tether crates in place, ensuring nothing slides around. I can’t see what’s in the dark containers, but some of them smell like the Gorgeous Girls. Probably some panties, bras, or socks for some horny fucker to include in his spank bank.

I remember after my order manifested, my uncle had stolen a lot of my clothing to sell. It was one of the reasons my parents and him fought. If another pack outside of the ones they arranged for me became too obsessed with my scent, it would cause problems. You have to be careful with alphas, especially when omegas near their heats. They don’t share outside of their packs, and when they begin their rut, they’ll fight whoever they think might try to intervene with the one they want to bond with. And some packs have more than ten alphas. They each have an area to control in their territories, and they usually stay out of each other’s ways except for during their omega’s heat.

It has always been like this. Alphas who ban together are stronger than alphas who kill anyone they consider a threat to their power.

“Come on, sweetheart. You don’t want me to have to drag you from the van. It won’t make a good impression. It’s better for you if you just comply. I’ve heard that the Platinum Shores alphas have no problem breaking an omega. You don’t want that to happen, now do you? I care about you, Kinsey, and so does Tammy. It’s why you’re here and not elsewhere. You know we’re not going to get caught harboring a criminal.”

He’s full of shit, and we both know it. Madame Tamsin is just taking advantage of the situation. She’ll use me and abuse me and make as much money as she can until someone either discovers what I am outside of the shady clients that frequent her businesses or I die.

If only the latter didn’t sound so tempting. Because I have nothing left.

I squeeze my eyes shut, suppressing the dark thoughts. I know better than to believe them. I’ve gotten through them before, and that’s how I managed to pass as a beta for so long. I know that I can escape. I know that I can do whatever it takes. I’m living proof of that already.

“Kinsey, sweetheart. This is the last time I ask you nicely to come up here. You don’t want to miss this incredible view. Have you ever seen the ocean? Saint Vista looks incredible from here. You can see several territories.” Mr. Clive continues to fill the silence as if it makes any of this better. I refuse to acknowledge him and curl on my side, shifting myself out of his view and using some of the containers to block the world out. If he wants me in the front beside him, he’s going to have to pull the vehicle over and put me there, which I know he won’t.

After another couple of minutes of small talk, he gives up and turns on the radio, listening to rock music that vibrates the speaker near my back. He purposely turns up the volume, probably trying to get me to move, but all I do is cover my ears. At least it drowns out my racing thoughts. I’d rather focus on the pounding in my head instead of the fear clutching me. I need to get myself in control. Panicking won’t do me any good. If anything, it’ll make me more vulnerable. The suppressant pills will only do so much now that so much time has passed since I’ve last taken one. My wild emotions could rub off on the alphas of Platinum Shores, and some don’t take kindly to people who reject their nature without giving them a chance, especially because I’m supposed to be one of Madame Tamsin’s girls.

Digging my fingernails into my palms, I focus on the pinch of my skin, using it as a distraction. The smooth road turns bumpy, and I allow myself to bounce around instead of bracing against the floor. Whatever takes my mind off my impending doom.

“We’re coming up to the border. Last chance to see the ocean before we head into the city, Kinsey. The bioluminescence waters look fucking magical. You might never see something like this again. Don’t be a stubborn bitch!” Mr. Clive yells over the music, annoyed by the fact that I don’t acknowledge his existence. He should be used to it, but this might be one of the few times he’s alone around an omega. The Gorgeous Girls aren’t allowed to talk to anyone apart from Madame Tamsin and the client they have been tasked to entertain. They never even talk to me.

“I can’t believe you are—” Mr. Clive jerks the wheel and hollers, yelling a string of swearwords.

I roll from one side of the van to the other, hitting my back against the crates. I wince in pain as a corner jabs into me. I’m sure the container will leave a bruise. Forcing myself to sit up, I reposition my body into the small space. If I get any more bruises, the pack of Platinum Shores might deem me ugly and reject me, choosing to send me back to Madame Tamsin. If that happens...I have no idea. Nothing good could come of it. She said so herself.

“Fuck? What the fuck are they doing?” Mr. Clive growls and jerks the wheel, sending me bouncing. “Goddamn it.”

The van skids to a stop, the brakes squealing. Mr. Clive cusses as he fumbles with the glove compartment, trying to find something. He yanks out a gun, sending papers scattering. I hunker down at the sight. Why does he need a weapon? What’s happening? Twisting in his seat, Mr. Clive accidentally hits the gun to the headrest, and it knocks from his fingers, thumping against the metal floor by the passenger’s seat.

“Fuck!” he shouts, trying to reach for it.

I duck down in panic, hearing voices demanding Mr. Clive to keep his hands up. Glass shatters, the crack deafening. I startle and curl in on myself, the sudden attack freaking me out more than the thought of heading to a strange pack to entertain them. I don’t even get a chance to move or try to escape before a loud gunshot pops through the air. My hearing vanishes as my ears ring, and I reach around, looking for anything I can use to protect myself. But the containers are closed, and I can’t get my body to get its act together to move from my hiding spot.

“We have five minutes, brother. Get the fucking tracker off now!” The deep, snarly voice strikes me in the heart as I listen to a man call out to someone.

The scent of vetiver, sage, and something sweeter like whipped cream wafts through the air, sending goosebumps prickling over my skin. Something familiar lingers in the fragrance, but I can’t place it. It’s no doubt an alpha man and maybe he’d been to the Vixen Lounge. Regardless of who he is, I’m nearly certain he just murdered Mr. Clive.

I need to get out of here. I need to do something. Except my body won’t allow it. Another door slams and a softer voice trickles over the music, but I can’t hear or smell whoever joins the alpha—his scent far more potent.

I lean forward and peek between the seats, catching sight of two men stealing Madame Tamsin’s van. Neither of them looks into the cargo area, quickly getting settled and tapping things into their phones. I’m nearly certain neither of them realizes I’m back here. If they did, they’d call me out.

Fuck me.

I glance toward the back of the van, wondering if I could break the lock and open the door. If I’m quiet enough, they might not notice. They’re too busy mumbling to each other over the music.

Shit. Shit. Shit. I need to try.

The man behind the wheel stomps the throttle, and I smack into the containers. I lost my one chance to try. There is no way I’ll be able to escape from a moving van without hurting myself or worse. Biting my bottom lip, I silence my cry and try my best to stay quiet. I pray to the universe that my fear doesn’t alert them of my presence. I’m sure my scent grows by the second, triggered by the alpha engulfing me with his dominance, more so than even Madame Tamsin. He must be the leader of a fierce pack, one not afraid of the consequences of stealing from another alpha.

I inhale shallow breaths, trying my best not to let the alpha’s alluring scent linger on my palate for too long. The suppressant pills wear off faster if an alpha is affecting me, but I just don’t know how much faster. Hopefully not enough for me to mess with the man because an alpha’s sense of smell is sensitive. At least, I think he’s the only one here. The other man doesn’t set me off like the driver. He might be a beta, but he doesn’t act like any of the ones I’ve met. He is obviously a member of this alpha’s pack and considered important.

The van bumps and jostles over the uneven road as we pick up speed. The guys keep their voices low, and I can’t eavesdrop on what they talk about. Without windows in the cargo area, my sight proves useless. The unknown of everything does nothing to help me think straight. If I could summon an ounce of bravery, I could peek out again, but the cowardly side of me doesn’t want to risk looking through the windshield.

I fist my hands, counting each of my breaths as I hang tight and clutch onto my duffle bag. I wish I had brought something to use as a weapon. I don’t think Mr. Clive even checked my belongings. It would’ve been easy enough.

An eternity passes, though I know it was probably only an hour because the emcee on the radio calls out the time. We’re still in Saint Vista, but I know we’re far from the Gutter District and wherever the Platinum Shores Pack resides. The compass on the dashboard had said north when Mr. Clive was driving, so I think we were headed toward Calico Proper. Now? I have no idea. Not that it matters. I’m screwed regardless. They’ll kill me on sight, especially if they think I’m a beta for Madame Tamsin. I can tell this wasn’t a random attack. There is nothing descript about any of her utility vans to encourage someone to just steal one. It’s not one of her fancy sports cars.

Remaining quiet feels utterly torturous now. I’m antsy and bored, and my body just wants me to shut down, the exhaustion is real, especially as the night wears on me. It takes everything in me not to fall asleep, and it doesn’t help that the sedative makes me groggy. I want to kill Mr. Clive for that. Madame Tamsin too.