Pleasure and bliss course through me as my body releases my seed, helping prepare my beautiful omega and woman for what’s to come. I continue to kiss her and show her affection, rubbing my cheek to hers as I lick down her throat and nip her on the nape of her neck. My balls tighten and spasm with every passing minute, the time it takes lasting for what feels like an incredible eternity that I don’t want to stop.

Kinsey digs her fingers into my back, squirming against the pressure, the pleasure emanating from her as she continues to moan and enjoy our bodies together as one.

I finish completely, my nuts relaxing and my body finally releasing Kinsey from its hold. I rock a couple more times, kissing her with enough passion to make her groan and gasp my name.

I smile and nip her bottom lip, lifting her from the bed so she doesn’t have to walk. I won’t let her do so for the rest of the night as I care for her, starting with a hot bath and then food and cuddles.

I don’t even have to leave my room because Holly left the tray at the door, respecting my privacy.

Kinsey’s face lights up with an appreciative smile for every one of my gestures, letting me wash her hair and dry her off—kissing me as soon as her head pops through the neckline of my shirt that she cuddles close to her and to the point where I hand feed her dinner and we share the dessert.

I hold her close, spooning her from behind when she turns over to fall asleep.

I’ve never been so content and happy in my life. If only my fucking phone didn’t buzz from the nightstand.

Desmonster: OMW. We have a problem.

I swear under my breath, trying not to move too much because Kinsey’s breathing just evens out. I’m glad Desmond is on his way, but now I’m anxious to find out what we are dealing with.

Me: K

I know he hates when I respond like this, but I need to keep my mind clear. If he tells me anything, I might blow up. Kinsey needs me to stay in control in this moment. I’m going to enjoy every last second with her while I can.

Shit is about to get real.

And I will do anything, and I mean absolutely fucking anything, to keep my promise to Kinsey. She is my perfect omega.

Chapter 16


Brotherly Bond

Ittookthirtyminutesto convince Arsenio and Wilder not to follow me to Enzo’s condo in the city. I can’t be certain that there aren’t any more eyes on us, and we need to have someone at the palace, but especially Wilder.

Arsenio needed to stay to back him up.

What we found out from the asshole who tried to make a lesson out of us leaves me on edge. Because it was more than Tamsin sending someone to test us. It was one of her wealthiest, most powerful clients, and they’re more pissed that we stole Kinsey than they are about the heist. Tamsin arranged a contract for Kinsey with the Platinum Shores Pack, giving them access to an omega without having to trade power or territory for the chance to bond. This is huge and more fucked up than we realized. Their only intent was to breed her.

The idea twists my stomach just thinking about it. We inadvertently saved Kinsey from what I’m sure would’ve been a horrible life.

I can’t think about it. The realization ignites a murderous rage within me.

Stomping the throttle, I race through town, not giving a fuck about those who honk when I cut them off. I swerve and drift around the corner, speeding all the way to the complex. I pull down the driveway, leading into the underground garage, and park my car.

Holly greets me in the stairwell, not giving me a chance to even brace myself before she jumps up and hugs me. “Thank God. I was worried about you. Wilder said I couldn’t go home.”

I peer past her, trying to see if Kinsey and Enzo wait for me on the landing.

“She’s sleeping upstairs. Enzo said to tell you to head up to his suite but prepare yourself. They’ve...bonded.” Smirking, Holly tries to hide her smile, gauging my reaction.

I open and close my mouth, my thoughts whirling. Holy shit. It’s hard to control the excitement rising in me. Fear too. A part of me knows that our pack will bond with one omega, and if Enzo took the initiative...what if she doesn’t want me? I’m not an alpha. I can’t exactly provide everything she needs. I—

“Are you upset? You know Kinsey likes you. Why don’t you go up to them? I’m sure she’d be so happy to see you.” Holly eases away and smiles at me again, the lightness of her voice helping to ease the concern bunching my muscles. An omega knows, and her reaffirmation kicks my dumbass into action. She’s right. I have an undeniable connection to Kinsey.

I chuckle and mess up her pale hair. “Thanks, Holls. You know it’s always been a little tough on me, considering my order. If I didn’t have those fuckers by my side—”

“Kinsey would still want to be with you. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re a great man and will serve her just as good as our brothers.” Holly gives me a shake.