Cassius releases a breath. “I tried. They’re really concealing the location of it with all the power of Heaven. That’s what took me so long to get to Raven when she returned to the Mortal Realm. I was trying to get to her soul.”

I turn my gaze to him, finally meeting his amethyst eyes. “You were?” I don’t know why it surprises me.

He bobs his head, his frown softening his usually hard features. “Of course, I was. I want you to have your soul as much as the devils. I know you don’t believe me, and I know we don’t see things eye to eye, but the last thing I want is for you to experience an eternity of grief. Because that’s what your soul is going through right now. It’s as if you’re bound to Hell. Heaven is your Hell.”

Blinking his eyes, Cassius clears his glassy vision. I can’t stop myself from reaching out my hand to him. Now that I know what he was doing, I don’t feel so angry. I just feel sad. I feel as if no matter what we do, it might never be enough.

“I still don’t give a shit. You lost Raven, and she almost got hurt.” Kase summons Hell power in his hand. It’s not as bright or volatile as if he were connected to Hell but still strong enough to make Cassius inch back. “I’m going to fucking burn my mark on you for it.”

I cup his face, getting him to turn his attention away from Cassius. “That’s not necessary. We have something else we need to talk about. I know what the angelic army’s plan is.”

Kase cocks head. “You do?”

I swallow, the thought chilling me to my core as I think about the bastard angel’s words again. “It’s worse than what we thought. Call the others. They need to know this too. The angels aren’t just starting a war. They’re starting the end of humanity’s existence as it is altogether.”

“Fuck. I must go. I need guidance.” Cassius expels a wave of light, not giving me or Kase a chance to demand him to stay otherwise.

We stare in silence at his sudden absence.

I don’t know where he went, but I know he’s going to confirm what I fear.

This battle is going to be brutal.

I’m not sure either side can win.

Chapter 4


Bundle of Joy

“SHE’S FINALLY ASLEEP,” Andre says, standing in the hallway.

I know it’s his night, but I want nothing more than to shove past him to join Raven in bed for a cuddle session. There’s just something about cradling her from behind and resting my hands on her voluptuous, beautiful pregnant belly that just gives me the sort of peace I never knew I’d get again.

“You make sure she has a glass of water and a snack at her bedside?” I shift on my feet and turn my attention to Dante sitting on the edge of the couch. He wants to run to Raven as well. I’m nearly fucking sure all of us do. She probably wouldn’t mind a devilish cuddle pile, but we have other shit to deal with first. And I fucking hate it. This should be the time where we can just cuddle and love up on angel-girl, and I want to destroy the universe far more than the angelic army does because I can’t.

“I even put her special vibrator on the pillow beside her in case she wakes up and can’t wait the few seconds it takes for us to come running.” Andre smirks with his words, and I can’t help chuckling. Dante went all out with that custom piece of a pleasure weapon. Raven doesn’t have to even stretch to get off, the length and curve of the bean buzzer tailored to her pregnant body.

I whack him on the shoulder. “Good man. Always looking out for our girl’s endless appetite.”

“Forever. I made her a promise just as you have. Plus, I think I might be a bit responsible for her desire and never want her to get frustrated because of it.” Andre strolls past me, striding across the living room and to the couch where Zade sits and stares at the ceiling. The fucker still doesn’t take a lot of initiative, and it drives me crazy. He’s lucky that he has Andre on his side or else I’d be constantly whipping him with my tail, treating him like my little bitch.

“Only a bit responsible?” Lucian smacks his hand against the wall, standing just outside of his room. “We all live with constant boners, and I’m pretty sure Raven hasn’t had a dry pair of panties in who knows how long...not that I’m complaining. She’s so hot.”

He’s fucking right about that. I didn’t know she could get even sexier, but she does. I love seeing her like this. I love knowing that she grows life from us. It’s not something I ever thought about as a devil. It’s almost as if she gives us the chance to feel what it’s like to be mortal. If only the angelic army didn’t make it feel like shit half the time. I could do without their righteous attitudes.

“Damn. Let’s get this over with so we can spend some time with her. You know she’s been all over the place emotionally. We should’ve already had this shit taken care of.” Dante rubs his hands on his knees, shifting forward without getting up.

“He’s right. We need to evaluate what’s going on with Hell and the mortal souls being unleashed to wander that plane.” Micah speaks up from his spot leaning against the wall. I’m surprised to see Elias isn’t with him, but I know he left to follow Cassius. I can’t trust the prideful bastard, but I know that Elias will make sure he doesn’t turn things to shit. He feels he has to find redemption with Raven and wants her to survive as much as me. He doesn’t want our children losing their mother to Heaven. To anyone, really. Cassius was right about the grief holding Raven’s soul hostage. He wouldn’t want her to suffer like that. I know that some of the others are concerned that he will betray us because if we fail, he still has Raven. He still can access Heaven and be with her. But I know he’s not as greedy as he sometimes acts. His greed falls in line with himself, but he has a weak spot for our woman.

“All right, Micah. You do the honors. Everyone get the fuck up. Keep shit together. I’ll make you watch me fuck Raven for a week and deprive you assholes of her if any of the commotion wakes her up. Andre shouldn’t have to put her to sleep because she’s too stressed to do so on her own. It isn’t good for our spawns.” I clap my hands together and motion to the others to get their asses up to surround the summoning circle. We’re only going to crack it open a bit to get a better view. Dante warned me earlier that it was a shitshow, so as much as we’d rather ignore it, we need to do something even if it’s temporarily.

The heavenly bastards that have tried stealing Hell only to let it implode don’t stand a chance against us. We can set all the souls straight and return them where they belong. We will need to act fast, but it’ll at least settle the balance a bit until we get Raven’s soul. Because it seems as if the angelic army is going to hit hard and fast, and not even at us. They’re just going after humanity. The fuckers. Don’t they realize that’s how everyone gets their powers? They think they can just reset everything, but they’re going to destroy it completely. They’re not all-knowing or powerful. They haven’t been around forever like we have.

I guess the Higher Power needs us to do its work after all. It’s going to fucking owe us. We don’t do shit for nothing anymore.

Lucian cracks his neck, unleashing his devil façade first. It’s about to get really fucking hot in here. Stomping his massive hoof, Lucian sets the summoning circle aglow in a ring of fire. Micah growls deep from his chest, the sound vibrating over my body and down to my balls. Son of a bitch. I shouldn’t like it, but the sensation entangled with the arousal of Hell gets to me in a good way. And now my hard cock wants to fuck something. If I didn’t think Raven would pout about not getting to watch, I’d bend Dante over just for relief until I can get my angel-girl.