I need to fight. I need to do it for my babies. I need to do it for humanity and for Purgatory. I need to do it for my future and the future of my devils.

If the angels want a war, they’re going to get a fucking war. They’re going to get a fucking apocalypse. I’ll do whatever it takes to see them fall to their knees. I’ll be the reason the universe resets, but not to destroy humanity. I’m going to destroy the angelic army and put things back in order how it should be. I’ll gather the strength for my devils to see this through. It’s the only way.

I’m so lost in my thoughts that I don’t realize Cassius lands and opens the door to our house. It’s the fifth one we’ve lived in since my devils abandoned Hell, and I can’t help looking at it as if it’s just another roof over our heads. It’s not really a home.

“Dante!” I yell, wiggling in Cassius’s arms until he sets me on my feet. “Kase! Micah! Zade! Andre! Lucian! Someone better fucking be here! Elias! Please, I don’t want to be with this asshole for another second. I need you to kick his ass and get him out of here.” I glower at Cassius over my shoulder, and he remains firm in place with a frown scrunching his features.

And the fucking pouty angel. Why does he always get to me?

I purse my lips and try not to give in to his sullen face, but it’s as if the light of my angelic spawn inside me reminds me he couldn’t have known what would happen. He couldn’t have predicted I would end up near my soul and in the path of a deadly angel.

“Angel-girl, what did the fuckhead do now?” Kase strolls from the hallway with his arms crossed over his chest. “We weren’t expecting you back for another hour.”

I blink in confusion.

Spinning on my feet, I glower at Cassius. “You didn’t fucking tell them what happened?”

Cassius straightens his back. “There was no need. I was following you.”

What the actual fuck? He didn’t even let anyone know that he lost me? And claiming that he was following me? Total bullshit.

My body tenses, my anger igniting the depths of Hell inside me. “Then why the fuck didn’t you intervene when that fucking asshole tried to—”

Lunging forward, Cassius silences me with his hand, stopping me from shouting out that an angel wanted to kidnap the twins right from me.

I fist my fingers and punch him in the cock, trying to bite his hand at the same time. He grunts, but he doesn’t pull away.

Kase growls and whips Cassius with his tail, twining it around his neck and squeezing until he lets me go. Shoving him away for me, Kase unleashes his devil façade and roars with his anger.

“Don’t you fucking put your hand on Raven like that again. I will cut it off next time.” Red Hell power ignites across Kase’s skin, and he slams his massive paw into Cassius‘s chest, sending him sprawling across the floor.

Spinning, he faces me, using his tail to pull me closer to him. I rest my hands on his big head, staring into his red-glowing eyes. He doesn’t release his devil form as quickly as usual, and I can tell that he wants to stay in it as a precaution against Cassius. Even though the angel has been with us for a while, Kase doesn’t trust him. Neither do I. I don’t think any of us truly do. We can’t trust him until he makes the right decision.

“Tell me that you don’t want me to disembowel him,” Kase says, the words guttural and deep coming from his monstrous fanged mouth.

I crinkle my nose. “But what if I do?”

“Fucking fine. I’ll tell him. But keep the bastard away from me. He can’t see as clearly as I can, especially when it comes to you and your spawns.” Cassius rolls his shoulders, ruffling his feathers. “I messed up, and I’ll accept the proper punishment for my mistake. Disemboweling me is quite extreme though, considering that Raven is safe.”

Kase heaves a fiery breath, finally managing to suppress his devil nature. “Disemboweling you is always the proper punishment, you fuckhead. And what do you mean Raven is safe? She should’ve been safe the whole time. Now what aren’t you telling me?” Pulling me closer, Kase gathers me in his arms and hugs me as if I’m the only thing keeping him from following through with his threat. I shift around and wrap my arms across his back, snuggling my face into his muscular chest. It feels so good being in his arms again. I can tell the babies love being near him because they make sure he knows that they’re aware of his presence as they kick and wiggle, pressing against my belly.

His stern expression breaks, and a smile crosses his face. He automatically reaches down and rubs his warm hand across my belly, taking a moment to feel each of the babies. I know he can see them in a way I can’t, spotting their essences, so he knows exactly where to touch.

“Get on with it,” he says, jerking his attention back to Cassius, who remains silent as he watches Kase shower me with affection.

“Raven got upset with me when I was trying to purge the darkness from her, and she walked between planes and somehow managed to find herself close to Heaven. I couldn’t get through to her until an angel banished her to the Mortal World, and there might have been a fight. But you know how powerful she is. She took care of it before I even had a chance to intervene.” Cassius shakes out his hands, bouncing on his feet as he prepares to run. I wouldn’t put it past him. He’s a fucking coward after all, hiding behind his light and morals and his inability to see the true greater picture. He still thinks there’s a chance for him to return to Heaven as normal. He needs to accept that his place is with us, and when he does, things will be so much better. I just know it. I can feel it. It’s one of the few things I’m certain of.

Kase doesn’t respond, and he continues to smile at my belly, moving his hands and tapping the spots that protrude from my skin. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing my stomach look as if a demon is about to explode free, though I know it won’t. There’s nothing demonic about my devil spawn. It’s a baby. It’s half-mortal and the ultrasound proved it. I don’t have to worry about some horn poking through.

Small miracles. I won’t lie. I was a bit concerned about having to give birth to something that had horns. I don’t care if I occasionally ride on Kase’s. It’s completely different.

“I’m truly sorry. It was quite a shock.” Cassius shuffles closer, risking his bowels by trying to show he’s being earnest. “Please, forgive me.”

Again, Kase doesn’t respond. He ignores Cassius completely, dropping to his knees to kneel in front of me. He lifts up my dress, exposing my belly to him, and he brushes his lips over my skin a dozen times. I play with his hair, my anger and anxiety settling and shifting as joy explodes through me. It feels incredible. It feels as if I’m still close to my soul but without the pain and heartache I felt when I saw myself outside my body.

Cassius stops behind Kase, towering over him. “Will you—”

Kase growls, swings his arm, and punches Cassius in the balls hard enough to send him off his feet and crashing to the floor. “Just shut the fuck up and let me take care of Raven. If what you said is true, then she needs me right now. Your apology bullshit can wait. I just need a moment to make sure she’s safe and to make sure that the babies are safe too. The only way you can ever make up for that bullshit is to retrace your steps and find Raven’s soul.”