All my devils would. And the thought excites me so much so that I force myself to pull away. They are far too good at distracting me. But it really is time. I can feel it deep in my very essence. It’s time that I sit on my throne. It’s time for me to officially claim Purgatory and set everything back into motion. The earth has healed, and it’s time for things to begin a new cycle. A new beginning. It’ll be so perfect. I just know it.

Micah and Cassius materialize in front of me, coming through portals from their kingdoms. We’re all here together. I know that once I sit on my throne, we will officially connect, and I will get to welcome the souls for the first time ever.

A part of me is nervous, yet a bigger part of me is so relieved. I hate that I ever doubted myself. There was a point that I never believed this to be possible, and now that it is...I will enjoy it.

Tipping my head back, I stare at the brilliant blue sky with beams of rainbow light cutting across and leading into the horizon. “Thank you. Thank you for giving me this. Blessing me with the devils. For Purgatory.” It’s strange to say a prayer in front of my guys to the Higher Power, but I feel as if I must thank my lucky existence.

Lucian comes up beside me and drops his arm over my shoulders. “The Higher Power is the one thanking you now, Raven. None of this would’ve been possible had you not had faith in yourself and us. That’s what it’s all about. I hope you know that.”

And I do. I just won’t admit it to him. “You forgot these awesome powers.” I smile with my words.

“I didn’t forget. I could never. But it’s more than just the power of Hell and Heaven. This is the power of us.” He takes Mateo from me and holds him up in the air, smiling and flashing his devil horns. “Isn’t that right, little spawn. Your mama needs to accept credit where credit is due.”

Cassius comes up on my other side and laces his fingers through mine. “Don’t worry, Raven. I’ll keep my bastard brother in line. He will be the last one to give fatherly advice. You know how it was. Rebelling.”

“Better than having a stick up your ass for a millennium.” Kase play-growls and whips Cassius with his tail.

I love hearing them fuck around with each other. It fills me up with such warmth and love that I never knew was possible. They’re not only the devils. They are brethren and kings. And I’m so thankful to be their queen.

I get between them and press my palms on each of their chests. “That’s enough. Come on. My throne awaits.”

Dante flaps his wings, launching into the air and over my head. Lucian follows his lead, carrying Mateo. Kase cradles Arabella and runs forward, choosing to stay on the ground. I don’t think he thinks about his wings so much, but I do. They are just as amazing as he is.

I stretch my arms into the air, silently daring the devils to race to grab my hands. Andre and Zade beat everyone and each take one of my hands, pulling me into the air. Elias follows us, and Cassius finishes our line with Micah. I break away from Andre and Zade and dive down, grabbing Kase by the back of the shirt and pinning him to me.

He chuckles as I carry him with my strength.

“You like this don’t you?” I murmur, kissing his throat.

“I swear if you summon a strap-on you’re going to have Hell to pay, angel-girl.” He grumbles under his breath, stretching his neck to nudge my head with his.

“You know how much I like that. I might wear you down eventually and claim your ass as mine.” I bump my pelvis to his ass, making him practically cackle. I wouldn’t do it though. Not with him holding Mateo. But it doesn’t stop me from teasing the fuck out of him.

Rainbow light glows from me, lighting the realm in prism colors so beautiful that my soul can barely contain itself. Each of the devils blasts power in the distance, creating a huge hill with a beautiful crystal throne on top, overlooking the entire realm.

My smile widens, my whole body humming and zinging at the sight of the power created by my devils. It is just for me. For us. And I am now here to share it with the rest of the universe. I will be their vessel for salvation and mercy. To teach and help them grow.

I land at the base of the hill, joining the other devils. They all surround me and envelop me in their arms, showering me with kisses and hugs and love and everything amazing we’ve created together in this universe. In this realm, we have rebuilt and put it together from the rubble left behind by an imbalance between good and evil. But as it turns out, good and evil is more subjective than I ever knew. It’s not about the light or dark. It is truly about the beauty of color.

“Our beautiful queen,” Micah says, kneeling on the ground first and taking my hand and kissing the back. “Forever you may reign.”

I take the twins and carry each of them on my shoulders, allowing the rest of the devils to follow Micah’s gesture. They all kneel before me in their beautiful angelic devil forms, radiating with the power given to them by the Almighty and the universe. The power given to them—given to us— by our beautiful children.

“We swear our love and loyalty to you and humanity, angel-girl.” Kase kisses my hand next.

“We vow to protect you and our children for the rest of time.” Dante takes my hand from Kase and teases me by nipping my fingers.

“Everything we do will be for our kingdoms, our family, and the universe.” Cassius bows his head and dramatically kisses the toe of my stilettos.

Fire sparks and Lucian gazes at the sight. “We promise to bring you strength and power from our very beings.” The competitive bastard kisses both of my feet.

“You are our queen and the love of our existence. We will never take that for granted.” Zade smiles at me, his blue eyes sparkling.

Andre bumps him with his shoulder, grinning just as widely. “And we will always bring happiness, pleasure, and everything you could ever desire to our lives.”

“We promise never to let you down or leave you. We bind ourselves to you and our children for the rest of time. You are our soulmate. And we are yours. Eternal paradise is ours.” Elias expands his wings, blowing sweet air around us.

I hold the twins against me with my power and draw my fingers over each of my devils, whispering how much I love them. “And I promise to never let you down. I promise to help you all thrive and be the most powerful, caring, amazing men in all of the kingdoms. And all of the realms. I vow my very soul to you. To humanity. Forever and ever.”