Chapter 28



I CAN’T STOP staring at my reflection. I look like me but different. I don’t know if it’s because I just haven’t thought about it since I’ve been too invested in creating the Purgatory kingdom or what, but it takes me stepping into Dante’s massive bathroom in our new palace for me to take notice of myself in the mirror. He combs my hair, using extra care to ensure every strand is exactly how he wants it to be so he can mess it up later.

“You know, we don’t have to do this now. Fuck, you don’t even have to get dressed to do it. All you have to do is sit that cute ass bubble butt of yours in your throne and we’ll bow at your feet to worship you.” Dante leans over and grazes his lips to my ear. “I’ll worship you now if you let me. Come on. I just spent all of that time shaving you the way you like. Let me feel how soft you are.”

I smile at him in the mirror. “Maybe if you beg me and apologize.”

He lifts an eyebrow at me. “Apologize?”

Laughing, I spin around, grab his hand, and guide it into my robe so he can slip his fingers into my panties. “I already have to change. Do you see what you’ve done to me?”

He moans deep in his throat, sliding his middle finger between my legs. I hum softly as he puts pressure on my clit at the same time that he dips inside me before slowly pulling out and popping his finger into his mouth. “I will never apologize for this. But I can help.”

Dante offers me a wicked grin, grabbing me by the front of my panties and pulling me to him. He snaps the band against my skin, and I startle at the lash of pain radiating through me for a moment before turning into pleasure.

I pat my hands against his chest, trying to put space between us. If I don’t, we’ll get carried away. Because I know I’m on the verge of letting him stretch my leg up to fuck me.

“You might want to tone it down, Andre. They’re not going to leave the bathroom if you can’t control your desire.” Zade’s voice hums through the air, attempting to snatch my attention away from Dante, but he grabs me by the back of my neck and laces his fingers through my hair, stopping me from even trying to look.

“Shut up and come in. Everyone can wait. Just don’t let Andre participate. He can watch.” Dante lifts me up and sets me on the sink.

I laugh and slide back down. “No, Dante. They’re right. It’s time. I don’t want the universe to think we’re going to just fuck for the rest of time.”

“But it doesn’t think. It knows.” Dante tries to pin me against the sink, and I cup his hard-on through his pants, jolting him with a shock of my power, making him gasp in pleasure.

I shake my head, grinning. “I promise I’ll let you smear my lipstick later.”

He groans. “You make a hard bargain, pretty soul, but deal.”

I wink at him. “It better be.”

Keeping my hand on his hard cock, I tease him as I stroll around him and don’t let go until I have a clear path to rush from the bathroom. I’ll never get used to the fact that we built this palace together in Purgatory. The devils each have their own in separate kingdoms, but they stay with me. This is our home. At least, it’s the home we stay in when we are not in the Mortal Realm. But we cross there whenever we want. None of us are bound to this realm because we are bound to the universe.

I never imagined that there would be no more Heaven or Hell. When I jumped with the twins and created Purgatory, it connected the kingdoms together as one. The levels are not all full of torture and never-ending punishment. They are intended for souls to grow and learn. Well, except for the worst of the worst. Lucian still gets to be his notorious asshole self. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.

But me? I have complete control over what I like to call the gateway. Souls that reach me can either stay in Purgatory for however long they want in a world where no one has to be pure light or dark. They just have to understand balance and what helps the universe. It’s through Purgatory that they can cross and cycle into the mortal world again. We are purely just the Afterlife. There is no good or evil. There is just existing and growing. It’s exactly how I imagined things to be. Nothing has ever been so perfect. This might not be Heaven, but it is paradise. It is eternal.

“Look, you two. There’s Mama. Doesn’t she look so pretty?” Tamia’s voice hums through the air, soft and musical just as I remember her as a mortal. And now...she’s no longer a demon. She’s no longer bound to Lucian to hold any sort of power. Tamia is what a true guide is supposed to be like. She is a soul who has decided to stay and help other souls cross from level to level when they’re ready.

As much as Lucian wanted to keep angels in his fire lakes, I’ve granted them all mercy. Those who weren’t obliterated and put back into the energy of the universe are now among the souls. As they help teach and guide, they can grow and learn themselves. Because they were never bad. They just...most of them were lost in the light. Just like half of my devils. Even sometimes me.

I hold my arms out and scoop Mateo from Tamia’s arms, snuggling my nose to his. She holds Arabella out to me next, but a tail sneaks in and captures her first. Kase smiles, his handsome face lighting up. He hugs Arabella in close, and she opens and closes her little mouth, sucking on his nose and giving him the most slobbery kiss. He cracks up, loving the affection from our little girl. He loves her and Mateo and all of us just as the rest of the devils do.

“Keep up with the slobbering, and you’re going to put out my hellfire, baby girl,” Kase says, teasing Arabella as if she understands. And she might. I know that the twins carry a strange awareness that I’ve never known possible. They are still young infants but being in Purgatory and how the time runs differently here makes them absolutely unique. They’re not on any level I’m familiar with except their own. They truly are the universe’s gift to me. To my devils. Even to humanity.

Bright light flashes before me, and I spot Lucian and Elias land a couple of feet away. I never thought they would work together, but Lucian has been helping him set up his own kingdom while the others have been helping me tend to Purgatory.

“Let’s get this fucking party started,” Lucian says, racing Elias to scoop me into his arms first.

I squeal and hug Mateo as he spins the two of us around and sets me back on my feet, only to smack my ass like the perv he loves to be.

“Party? You mean worshipping. As soon as I sit on the throne, I’m going to prop my fucking feet up on your back. You’re going to look so hot bowing before me, Satan.” Teasing him will never get old, especially with how much he enjoys it.

“I plan to worship every fucking inch of you, Ray, starting with that pussy. You will be truly divine when I’m through.” He growls with his words, grabbing me by the waist to pull me as close as he can so I can feel his hard-on against my pelvis. If I let him, he’d probably lift the skirt of my dress and crawl under.