This is it.

It’s now or never.

Closing my eyes, I summon my strength and bravery to slap my hand against the angel’s. Hellfire ignites in my palm once more, and I lock my fingers around the angel’s wrist and burn him, yanking him closer until I can strike him in the balls with my knee. He doesn’t expect my move and screams out in pain.

But he doesn’t stay down for long.

Charging me, he envelops me in his arms, trying to launch into the air. As if a bomb detonates inside me, hellfire shoots out from my core, knocking the angel away. I crash to my ass, and pain swells through my body. The angel hollers with his rage and pain, and he expands his burning wings, threatening me with his sheer size. But he has nothing on the devils. I’m used to people towering over me.

“If you will not come willingly, then I’ll take those precious gifts from you. You’re far enough along for them to survive. It didn’t have to be like this, but I can’t let you leave. I can’t let you do this.” Angelic light gathers in the angel’s hand, and he summons a sword. It crackles with his power.

The sight of the blade strikes fear inside me. He’s going to try to cut me open to take the twins. What a fucking monster. I can’t believe he’s going to try. I need to get out of here. I need help. Hell, help me.

“No!” I shout, gathering more hellfire in my palms. I thrust it at the angel again, praying it keeps him back. But I’m not praying to the Higher Power. I’m praying to the universe. I’m praying to my devils to save me. I’m praying to the two precious beings growing inside me to help me.

The angel grinds his teeth as fire licks over his skin and devours every inch of him, turning him into a monstrous beast. He has turned his back on Heaven, choosing to swear his loyalty to Hell to be able to fight against the dark power escaping me. His features morph, and I stare in shock at the demon now standing before me. The ground rumbles around us, and he manages to absorb the shock of my hellfire.

Fuck my life. Fuck this bastard. Fucking fuck fuck fuck. It’s all I can think right now in this moment as he aims the blade, planning to kill me first. If I die, it’s over. He will have won.

The hellfire streaming from my palm sputters out, and I gasp as the hot energy fades and ice erupts through my veins. My whole body refuses to give in. It refuses to give up. Pure light explodes from me next, and the angel’s eyes widen in shock. He underestimated me. He believed I was too close to Hell to realize that I also have the light of Heaven within me through my angelic spawn. The twins complement each other and work together, and they’re the perfect balance to protect me. He wasn’t wrong about them saving the universe. They will help. Their existence alone is enough to help me, which will help everyone. I’ve never felt so proud in this moment. It feels so real now, and I can’t believe I’ve wasted so many months already just accepting defeat. The twins prove to me that it’s not over. We can still win.

“Raven!” the angel yells, his body igniting with the fires of Hell as the world trembles around us.

I don’t stop. I savor the sound of his screams and watch as the foundation cracks beneath his feet and a Hell portal opens up. He tries to flap his wings to come at me, but they disintegrate into bones on his back. The ground explodes between us, and he jumps and misses, falling into the gaping crevice leading to Hell.

My body kicks into action, and I close the couple feet of space and stomp my feet on his fingers until he releases the edge and falls into the pits, his voice vanishing as the portal closes and leaves me alone on the sidewalk.

I heave a couple deep breaths and drop to the ground, exhaustion getting the best of me. My whole body aches, and I can’t stop the tears from pooling in my eyes. I can’t believe all of this just happened. I sent another angel to Hell, but I also know what the angelic army plans. We can use this.

I just have to find my way home.

Pushing to my feet, I rest my back against the wall of an old, abandoned building. I rub my hands over my stomach, feeling as the twins settle down and stop trying to flip out of my pregnant belly. I shudder at the memory of the angel and his sword and how he wanted to cut me open and steal my babies. It pisses me off and makes me hungry for revenge. I swear if I see another angel, I’m going to fuck them up.

“Fuck, Raven. How did you end up here?” Cassius skids to a halt in front of me, and a gust of wind from his wings blows my hair from my face.

Is this fate that he happens to land right in front of me?

Swinging my hand, I smack him upside the head, still wanting to fuck up an angel. He probably regrets that it was him who showed, and he doesn’t even know why I’m reacting this way. I’m just so angry. I have no other way to express myself. It’s as if my emotions keep flipping on and off, but I know it’s just a reaction. It’s the babies.

“This is your damn fault! You never should’ve tried to cleanse my being or whatever the fuck you were doing. I just sent a damn angel to Hell. He was trying to kidnap me, and when I didn’t agree, he was going to try to give me an angelic C-section before murdering me!” I can’t stop my voice from rising in pitch, everything that just happened crashing back on me. I swing my arm and smack him again. He doesn’t even step back out of my way.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He stands firm in his place, not even trying to block me from hitting him.

So I swing out again and punch him in the nose. I just want to beat him up. I want him to know exactly the pain I went through because of his actions. I never needed to be cleansed with his light. I just needed to stay in Hell with my devils. I don’t care if the souls are out of control. I know that they would’ve gotten them under control.

Except if he hadn’t have taken me away, I would’ve never seen my soul. I would’ve never found out what the angelic army plans.

Damn it. There’s no way I’m going to tell him. I’ll leave it up to the other devils. I will not give him that kind of satisfaction. It’ll only make him do this kind of bullshit more often.

“Just take me the fuck home!” I yell, grabbing onto his shoulders. I attempt to climb him, but my belly gets in the way, and I dig my nails into skin. “Pick me up and take me the fuck home!”

My words finally knock some sense into him, and he lifts me up by my waist and adjusts me in his arms. We don’t stay on the sidewalk a moment longer as he bends his knees and launches us into the air, the wind whipping around me, freezing the still damp trails from my tears on my cheeks.

Cassius flies us in silence as if he doesn’t know what to say. And I know if I speak, it’ll be a long string of swear words. It’ll probably be followed by another punch. Maybe I’ll bite him. Maybe I’ll blast him with hellfire. I don’t know. All I know is that I’m so over today. I just never want to leave the damn couch again. It’s not worth it.

Except I know that’s not possible.

I know I can’t continue living as if it’s over.