My vision darkens with the depths of Hell, now flowing through my veins, pushing away the goodness blessed into me by the Higher Power. I jerk up, spotting him flying in front of me to block our path. He wields his sword, sending sparkling light over the blade. His face twists in a scowl, and two guardians stand by his side.

“It’s over. If you choose to stand by our side, we won’t wipe you out of existence. We know that you have been manipulated by the devils. They have played on both of your mortal rationales. If you come with me, we can build a brighter, better universe than the creator could’ve ever done. We have the experience and knowledge to succeed.” Mikail waves his sword around the crumbling realms. “Do the right thing. There is a reason you two have been given grace despite being undeserving.”

“Fuck off!” Wrath ignites inside me, and I can feel Kase through our bond. And Dante. Cassius and Lucian. Zade and Andre. Micah. Elias. I can feel all of the men I love most in the world crash into me at once, filling me with everything I need to stand up to this bastard.

Gathering light in my hand, I thrust it at him. Mikail dodges out of the way and bolts toward me. The angelic soldiers follow his lead, surrounding me.

Elias shouts my name.

I ignore him.

I brace myself for the final battle.

Chapter 26


Final Battle

MY HEART SINKS into my stomach, my whole body turning cold as I watch Mikail and two angels gather light to blast at Raven.

I should be protecting her. I should be the one fighting for her. But she is so damn stubborn that all I can do is hold the twins closer, using them to keep myself from intervening.

Raven summons a sword, and the blade ignites in brilliant flames created from Heaven and Hell power. She swings, keeping the angels away, but they blast her again, trying to blind her and incapacitate her.

I inhale a sharp breath, the sight of Raven screaming and me hovering in the sky, feeling utterly helpless, stabs my very core.

“Arabella, Mateo. Please, my sweet, powerful babies. Mama needs you. She needs your help. Daddy needs your help.” I whisper the words, trying my best to keep my distance but also be aware of the surroundings. More angels could come at any second.

Raven shrieks, dropping ten feet as Mikail jabs his sword into her wing. Light seeps from the cut, blinding Mikail enough to give Raven a chance to counterattack. She uses the moves Micah taught her, spinning and slashing her blade again. She doesn’t let Mikail come at her. She takes the offense and forces him back.

Swinging her sword, she manages to slice across the front of his shirt, getting his skin. He hollers in pain and can’t guard himself well enough to block Raven from attacking him again. She shoves her sword deep into his belly, twisting the blade and sending his skin scorching. The weight of his sudden fall drags her down with him, and the guardians chase after the two of them, trying to attack Raven from above.

She won’t let Mikail go. I know she is going to persist until she’s too hurt to fight or he is annihilated.

I’ve never been so proud or scared in my life. She is so powerful that I have faith in her, but I want to help her more than ever. I want to fight by her side.

Arabella and Mateo fuss in my arms, their soft whimpers turning into full-blown cries. I readjust them in my arms, catching sight of the brilliant power gathering in their chests, their hearts glittering with magic born from Raven and love. Born from me and the devils.

They want to fight by her side too.

Things have never been clearer.

“Don’t worry, my sweet babies. We’re going to help Mama.” I summon angelic light, tying and wrapping it around Mateo and Arabella, ensuring that they are never going to be anywhere near Mikail or the other angels. There’s no way anyone can get through the chains of light I use to bind us together. And they continue to radiate with power, creating a shield that wraps around me protectively.

Closing my wings, I nosedive a few feet until I glide in Raven and Mikail’s direction. The angels don’t even see me coming, and I blast them each on their wings, sending them spiraling back to the earth.

Raven’s screams rip through the air, her agony penetrating me at my very soul. Her pain is my pain. Her weakness is mine. But my strength and her strength combine and make us unstoppable.

I will destroy Mikail for everything he’s done. He stole my soulmate’s soul and started this. He took power that didn’t belong to him when the other saviors abandoned their grace to follow Raven. He has done cruel and unusual punishments to other angels all because of his twisted faith and for no one other reason than what he felt was right. But after all of my existence, after living longer than a millennium and going through a soul cycle to understand what it’s like to be a mortal and an angel and even Hell-bound, I know that there is no right or wrong answer. There’s only what is best for everyone. Everyone must be able to learn and grow. They must be able to give back in love and justice and grace and strength, and so much more. It’s okay to make mistakes. But consequences must be accepted. Accountability must be held, and I plan to do it with Mikail. If he cannot in good morals coincide with humanity without trying to completely control it and ruin it and just destroy it if it doesn’t go his way, then he will give back to humanity by giving it the power it needs to not only survive but thrive.

“Elias, stay back!” Raven shouts, thrusting her hands at Mikail, burning him again with her blend of Heaven and Hell power. Her new abilities are intended to go both ways because she is destined to create Purgatory.

“No! We are in this together! All of us!” I aim my sword and watch as glittering power bolts from Arabella and Mateo in the most magical chain I have ever seen. It winds around my wrist and climbs up my blade, sending it aglow in a color my eyes can’t even comprehend. It’s iridescent and rainbow, almost like my wings but even more breathtaking. It looks like Raven’s wings and her new being as an angel. It shines as brightly as her soul. Even the purest of souls in all of Heaven can’t outshine our children.

Our new light shines brighter than everything in existence, hazing the world in a way that even Mikail and the angelic army can’t clearly see through. Our light is only blinding so that it will make a path for all to see.

Raven uses Mikail’s distraction to her advantage and flaps her wings, stabbing him right through the heart with her blade. He opens his mouth in a silent scream and light shoots from every orifice on his body, cracking his very essence into a million pieces, sending bursts of light raining through the air. And it doesn’t stop there.