“Mikail! Stand down! I have been blessed and given such a gift by the Almighty. You are to stand down or face the consequences!” I slow down, gliding through the air with my wings spread, staring at the angelic army.

Mikail materializes from within the middle of the mass of angels, using them as a fucking barrier like the coward he is. I realize that it’s not him I need to command. It’s the others. If I can get the angelic army to listen and call the pure souls back, it’ll stop the universe from collapsing.

I can stop this war.

“Again! Don’t listen to her! She is a sinner of Hell.” Mikail holds up his heavenly sword and points it at me, glaring as he silently threatens me. “Take her down! She will show her true self!”

The angelic army is so distracted by his command that they don’t see Dante and Kase coming up on them. Their eyes are trained on me in the sky. Dante stays close and prepares to spit his venom over them. Elias flies up on the other side, carrying Micah in his arms. They prepare to blast them in unison.

Andre remains behind, protecting the twins as he flies and stays as close as he can without getting in the line of fire if he’s afraid to leave us. He’s in his devil form and can fight with his piercing tail alone.

“Attack!” Mikail hollers, throwing his angelic energy in my direction.

The second the others release their heavenly light, Kase launches right into the middle of the angelic army and spins around, slashing his claws and knocking at least a dozen of the angels away in the process.

Zade shoots his blue electric light, frying another couple of angels before he gallops over them, his huge form not allowing them to escape.

Nosediving, Elias shoots heavenly light across the angelic army, blinding them long enough that he can drop Micah without them automatically blasting him away. He sends orange flames across another dozen angels, causing them to scream in agony.

But it’s not enough. There are just too many angels and not enough of us. The demons and Hell’s legion remain fighting the pure souls, tangling and twisting through the air, destroying all of the realms.

“Attack!” Mikail repeats, aiming his sword again. He doesn’t try to blast me with light. Instead, he goes after the devils, commanding his angelic army to hit them instead.

Bright light from the pure souls rains around me, and Mikail uses his heavenly power to manipulate them into another wave that crashes over Zade. He yells in frustration for only a second before he vanishes, getting sent to wherever his kingdom now lies among the crumbling universe.

“We need to separate them. They’re too strong together.” Dante grabs my hand, pulling me to him to kiss me. “Get the twins. I want you to take them to the highest peak of Heaven. Elias can be your guide. I don’t know how much longer the universe is going to last. I can already feel some of the dark souls vanishing completely. They’re just gone.”

My heart pounds with his words.

“I can’t leave. You and Elias take them. I’ll follow.” My mouth dries as I say the words. Just the thought of leaving my children ignites pain inside me like I’m dying all over again.

“You can leave, and you will.” Dante hisses, spitting more venom across the angels trying to fly up toward us. He jerks his head and looks at Andre. “Bring them here.”

Andre flies forward, holding out the twins, and he doesn’t give me a chance to refuse them, putting them in my arms. I automatically snuggle them close. I have a fierce need to protect them in this moment, and it’s enough to get me to pull away from Dante. Elias comes up beside me and takes Arabella. My heart cracks at knowing we are leaving. We’re taking the twins and hiding from the war that started because of us. And now it’s going to end with us. It has to. I cannot see the universe destroyed because of me.

Elias grabs my hand. “We’re going to be okay. All of us. We must trust our family to take care of things. This way, the angelic army will split up. We can attack better.”

A wave of light grows as a dozen angels come together. Anger explodes through me, and I blast my power in their direction, channeling everything in me to stop the wave of pure light from crashing over us. It only stops them for a second.

But it’s all we need to get away. I know if we don’t leave now, they will keep coming harder and more seriously. This is our chance. I know the devils fight with a vengeance that can destroy all of the heavenly plane. They won’t be concerned about protecting me or the babies.

I can focus on doing something else. I need to figure out how to stop the universe from crumbling. I know I can do it. I don’t have a choice.

Elias flies beneath me, protecting me from below as we ascend, darting through the swirling souls fighting just to exist. I watch as dark and light souls collide and explode into sparkly stars that vanish, the energy having no place to go. My entire being weeps at the sight. How could the angelic army be so callous to think that any soul deserves such a fate of never existing and never learning and growing is beyond me. It isn’t fair. Why are they like this?

“Raven, to your left,” Elias says, pointing out an angel heading in our direction. I gather the darkness inside me and blast them with my new light made of Heaven and Hell and everything in between. The angel explodes, turning into a brilliant lightshow like fireworks igniting to light the world in color. And then I see something strange happen. The angelic energy leaves a hazy barrier. It’s healing the universe. This is what needs to happen.

“Elias, take Mateo. I need to be the one to defend us. Did you see that? Did you see how the angelic energy seemed to heal part of the realm?” I extend my arms, holding out Mateo until Elias cradles him in his other arm.

I flip midair and get beneath him, creating a wall to sandwich the babies between.

Elias gets ultra-close until I can feel the babies brushing my wings. “Darlin’, I know you are afraid to not help out. I know you want to get revenge for everything that the angelic army has done—”

“This isn’t about revenge, Elias. I don’t want revenge. Sure, I do want to get justice for what these bastards have done, but not revenge. I want to save humanity. I want to put a stop to this madness and I know how.” I drop lower, gathering more angelic energy in my palms. Another angel flies up from below, and I demand they stay back, but they don’t listen. So I thrust the power, annihilating them. Their energy lightens the world, separating the pure souls from the ones Hell-bound. It’s such a mesmerizing sight that I gather more power in my hands. I nosedive, leaving Elias with the babies. He doesn’t follow me. He lets me descend and shoot another wave of light and dark at the angels trying to chase us, those who abandoned the devils.

“Raven, Elias!” a familiar, agitating voice booms through the air.

Mikail has a lot of fucking nerve to follow us.