Cool lube spills across my ass, and I gasp as Dante comes up behind me and kisses my shoulder, lifting my hair from my neck to sink his fangs just a little into my throat, sending a wave of pure intoxicating bliss through me. It sets me off, and I orgasm, screaming out in pleasure. He glides his cock into my ass, moaning with every inch I take, and I tip my head up and stare at the mirrored ceiling.

And fuck. The view? I can’t take my eyes off Lucian as he prepares to take Dante from behind. The cocky bastard glances up and smiles at me in the mirror, his eyes lighting with hellfire. They look so hot getting pleasure while giving it. I hold my hands out, waiting for Elias and Cassius to join our side. Lube pools in my hands, and they each curl my fingers around their bodies, fucking my closed fists as Kase kisses me passionately and whispers how sexy I am before he repositions himself and guides his cock into my mouth, his jewelry hitting the back of my throat. Micah stands close, stroking his cock, watching the show and Elias surprises me by reaching out and jerking him off. Talk about a real friendship and bond. I can’t get enough, and they all know it. They do it for me and because of me.

I lose myself to the pleasure and love radiating from the devils. I act as a vessel for their lust, just opening myself completely and letting them have their way with me. My body shines brightly, lighting the room around us, and they tease me with their Hell power, the nine of us together as one, sharing each other as one until that’s what we are—one entity of power that can take on anything. This is how it should be. No more worrying. No more war. Just power and pleasure and the ability to set things right. To bring hope where it feels as if there is none.

The world shifts, my body practically floating as Andre uses his power to manifest restraints to keep me in place. I moan, my voice vibrating over Kase’s cock until he comes into my mouth. Lust weighs my eyelids, and I close them and just savor the sensations coursing through me.

With every orgasm we all have, Andre’s hold on me loosens, and he slides out, and lets Kase take control. Micah takes Kase’s spot, and Elias switches places with Dante. It’s as if everyone fucks everyone, and I love every second of it, the scent of our passion like a sweet fragrance that keeps me dripping wet and slippery, so all I feel is bliss.

I don’t know how much time passes, but one by one my devils get their fill until we lie together in a cuddle pile with me sprawled out across all of them. My body trembles in the best way, and I listen to the sound of their hearts beating in unison. It’s in this moment that I know we are going to make it through this. We will set things right. We will get everything in order for the future we desire, even if we have to wait for the planes to crumble so we can rebuild the Mortal Realm.

And maybe that’s the plan. Maybe it was always supposed to be this way. But we’re not resetting humanity. We’re only rebuilding from the destruction that light and dark have done. It is time to find the perfect balance. And we will create it. I know it. I can feel it in every fiber of my being. It is my purpose. I’m both angel-kissed and devil loved. There is nothing greater in the world than that apart from the children we created from our devotion.

The babies suddenly start fussing, and I pull myself away from my guys, even though they all get up at once to go to the twins. But I want so badly to comfort them. It’s something I need to figure out how to do. This is all so new to me. It’s also new to the devils but it’s like they already know. It’s like it is deep-seated inside them. Kase follows behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. He kisses my shoulder, and I lean into him and stand between the bassinets. Light glows from Arabella and shadows radiate from Mateo. It’s the first time I’ve really seen their powers manifest outside of myself, and it’s the most mesmerizing thing I’ve ever seen.

And then the ground begins to rumble beneath my feet. I quickly scoop up Mateo, and Kase grabs Arabella. I spin and look at the rest of the devils with wide eyes. Something’s happening. The world shivers around us, and I watch as the world cracks open, sending in both light and dark.

No one has to say anything for me to know what’s happening. This is it. This is what we’ve been waiting for. The universe is falling apart, so we can put it back together. Hell is about to completely morph with the Mortal Realm. And as Hell morphs with the Mortal Realm, that means Heaven will as well.

I rub my hands together, manifesting clothes. The other devils surround me in a protective wall of pure muscle and power, and Elias cuts between Dante and Lucian, opening his arms to take Arabella from Kase.

“You’re far superior at fighting, brother. Let me and Raven protect the twins.” Elias nods his head, ensuring that Kase knows that he’s only taking Arabella because he doesn’t trust himself enough to really fight by their sides while he is still an angel. There’s only so much he can do to fight against the guardians. As for me, I’m ready. They can’t do anything to me now. My soul is not on the line. They have far more to lose. I have already hit the lowest point in all of the universe, and I can only rise from here. I will succeed.

The devils and I will make this right.

The angelic army is going down.

Chapter 25


End of Times

“EVERYONE HOLD ONTO Raven. This is going to get fucking messy.” Lucian rests his hand on my shoulder, gripping me tight enough to make my muscles ache.

The others each touch a part of me as the world crumbles completely. I’ve never seen such a sight. It’s so strange watching as dark souls and pure light whirl and collide, sending fire and debris through the world.

And then there are the bodies.

I have never seen so many dead lying on the ground. It’s as if something just grabbed their souls and ripped them away, leaving them as empty shells in the rubble.

“Holy fucking shit,” I mutter, hugging Mateo tighter. “Are they all dead? Like dead-dead? The whole world? I thought you said...”

Cassius squeezes my elbow. “We’re going to fix this. We no longer have the same laws in the Mortal Realm. Heaven and Hell have collided with the realm, opening it up to the power never intended to be unleashed here. Those are bodies, yes. But look closer. Their souls are still anchored. It’s only those that rip free that will never be able to reunite in their mortal physical form.

“What do we do now?” I bounce on the balls of my feet, staring around, realizing that we stand within a protective circle of fire. Our worlds might’ve collided, but the devils still have immense power. So do I.

It’s enough to give me the courage to step forward. I can’t help wondering what this would be like for a mortal who knows nothing about the realms. This is so crazy to wrap my mind around. For the first time in a long time, I think about my parents. I wonder if they’re dark or light. I wonder about the rest of my estranged family. About my old friends. Fuck. It’s been so long, but I don’t even know how to contact them. Tamia was always the one who stayed in touch. I was so isolated because of Joel, and now...they don’t deserve this kind of fate.

The world quakes with another shift in the realms, and I stare as the ground fissures open and several demons crawl from the depths of Hell, moving and shifting along with the souls. It’s not over. The worlds are still coming together. What happens when it’s over?

“If the realm shatters completely, there might not be any humans left,” Micah responds to my thoughts in my mind.

I spin and look at him. I turn my attention to the other devils as well. “What do we do?” I ask again. “Everything is ruined. Where is the—”

Pain rips across my back as if someone cuts me open with knives. Feathers from my rainbow wings dance in the air, and I don’t even get a chance to move as Kase launches over me.

He roars, his voice is booming through the air, and Dante hisses and charges next. Lucian swings his fire chain over his head and lashes it. But I can’t turn to move. My body hurts so badly that it feels as if I might be dying. But I can’t die.