Fucking cowards.

They know that they have fallen on the wrong path.

They know that their time is coming to an end.

“Darlin’...I don’t believe my eyes.” Elias’s soft voice sounds from behind me, his shock filling me with a thousand emotions. “You’re here. You’ve been blessed.”

I slowly swivel, staring at him and his beautiful eyes. “I’ve been given a new path. It led me right here.”

Elias rushes to me, engulfing me in a hug and lifting me off my feet to spin me around. Tears fill my eyes as we both cry, our light enough to blind the world around us.

“I was so scared I lost you forever.” Elias kisses my cheeks, smearing my tears with his in the process.

“I was too. I was so isolated. I thought that the angelic army had imprisoned me and was just going to leave me without ever confronting me. But then something happened, and I could see through the veil. I could see...Elias, take me to the twins. I need to see them. I need to meet them and hold them and kiss them and love them. Please.” My whole body shakes with a sob as I imagine my world disappearing again. I don’t want to waste another second without seeing the two most precious and loved beings to me in the universe.

“They’re the most amazing little souls I have ever seen. They’re just like you.” Elias rubs his hand over my spine, touching my feathers in the process, exploring my wings as if they’re the most mesmerizing things to him.

I rest my head to his shoulder, closing my eyes and sucking in breath after breath of his scent. I feel like if I even move an inch, the world will explode. I know that’s not the case, but the lingering fear still weighs heavily on my shoulders. The angelic army is still out there. Those cowards are still going to plot the Mortal Realm’s destruction. And it sucks. All I want to do is go to my devils and love up on them and hold my babies and act as if nothing else is happening in this life. I just want to embrace my future as the devils’ love and as the mother of the universe’s most powerful gifts.

But I can’t ignore my wings. I can’t ignore the strange pull that still strikes me to the core. I know that my path doesn’t end here. This is not my destination. Not yet at least. There’s still so much I need to do.

But I want to breathe. I want to rest. I want to savor every second I have in this moment because I thought before was my last. I thought I was spending forever alone.

“Raven!” Kase’s familiar voice rings through the air, and I whip my head up from Elias’s shoulder and spot my handsome feline devil standing tall in his monstrous form.

I wiggle in Elias’s arms until he sets me on my feet, and I rush toward Kase until my wings flap and launch me from the ground and at him.

He squints through the brightness of my angelic form, and his jaw slackens in shock. It’s enough to make me stop short. I don’t know if it’s his expression or if it’s the strange new darkness I see radiating from his burgundy eyes or what, but I realize he might need a second to prepare.

“What the fuck? Get your bubble butt over here before I fucking spank you.” Kase whips his tail at me, encircling my waist and dragging me into his arms.

I cry out and cling to him, peppering his neck with kisses as I work my way up to his mouth. He groans and slides his tongue between my lips, not even wasting a beat to kiss me with enough passion to send my body singing and my soul glowing with the brightness of Heaven.

“I still might fucking spank you. You’re an angel. What the fuck? I don’t understand.” He holds me up with one hand while cupping my cheek with his other. “This is...a damn weird-ass miracle. You’re fucking burning me, but I love it. I would face being scorched for the rest of eternity as long as I could bask in the presence of everything you are, my real angel-girl.”

A soft cry sounds from behind him, and I inhale a sharp breath at the beautiful melody of one of my babies crying. It’s as if my whole being screams at just the sound.

Kase realizes what’s going through my mind, and he whips around and faces the other devils, now gathered and staring at the two of us in anticipation.

The way they look at me...I’m surprised my clothes are even still on. They look like they want to devour and ravish me in the best way. No angel form or heavenly light will stop them.

“Get your asses over here. I need you.” My voice cracks with my words, and Kase sets me on my feet, but he doesn’t let go of me, keeping me bound to him with his tail. “Let me see the twins. I need to feel Arabella and Mateo in my arms. I think I’m here because of them.”

“You are. You never made it into Heaven. It’s as if they pulled your soul from imprisonment to protect you. And now this...Raven, this was your purpose.” Cassius keeps his voice low. He’s afraid the other devils will lash out at him for even suggesting that my death was my destiny.

But he’s right. I can see it now. I was supposed to die a mortal so I could ascend as an angel. Everything is so clear. I don’t think Elias could have ever jumped from Heaven to create his level of Hell unless I was an angel too. It’s how Purgatory is supposed to be made.

I don’t know how I know, but the thought is deep-seated. It’s the only thing I’m certain of apart from my love for the devils and my devotion to the world we want to create for humanity.

Dante steps forward, his black wings flapping and sending a stinging breeze over me. We are on opposite ends, our power wanting to battle each other, but our hearts love the sensation. My body tingles like crazy the closer he gets. I can imagine the pleasure that comes with his punishment.

“Arabella and Mateo, look who it is. Mama is finally here. And you did this. You saved us all by bringing her.” Dante’s voice comes out hoarse as tears spill from his eyes.

I blink, trying to clear my gaze, but it’s as if my tears are never-ending. “Hi, my sweet babies.”

I take each baby from him, cradling them together in my arms. Leaning forward, I kiss their foreheads and just breathe in the scent of their skin. I bask in the power radiating from them. They are perfect. They’re everything I imagined them to be. And I am so blessed to be their mother. I’m so blessed to be able to be here to raise them alongside their dads. Their family.

“I love you. I love you so much. I had no idea I could love anyone this way. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here for you when you came into this world. I tried everything I could to stay, but I just couldn’t. Please forgive me.” My body trembles with my comment. I don’t know why I say it or why I ask, but I just need to let them know how incredibly important they are to me. I wouldn’t purposely abandon them. I never wanted it to be this way. I didn’t want to die. But I had to.