What the fuck?

Something buzzes, like a fly getting close to my ear, and I swing my attention to look around. This can’t be happening. What the fuck is the angelic army doing? I spot several bright souls floating through the air, acting as if they’re being sucked into the heavenly plane.

Fear crashes through me, and I rush back toward the mansion. But I don’t make it inside. The ground cracks beneath my feet, and I scream, watching as fire explodes from the earth. I fall back and hit the ground, staring in shock as the mansion crumbles and disappears into a Hell portal.

Pushing to my feet, I run toward it, trying to summon everything in me to jump. This might be my chance to connect with the devils. It’s as if the universe crumbles before me, now exploding from below as Heaven reigns from above with me trapped in the middle. This isn’t how I imagined Purgatory to be, but right now, this battle is destroying the Mortal Realm.

I launch from the ground and toward the crack, bracing myself for pain that never comes. I smack into an invisible barrier, staring down at the lava lakes and the dark cloud of souls swirling and growing as it prepares to launch from Hell.

It’s just like it was before when the angelic army was trying to free their warriors from the pits by unleashing Hell on Earth. But this is different. This is controlled by the devils themselves.

“Stop!” I scream, pounding my fist to the invisible barrier. “You’re better than this. You’re going to steal the realm we’ve been fighting for.” My voice falls flat, the realm around me not allowing me to even break the barrier an inch.

Fog swirls around me, stealing the sight of the Hell plane beneath me, and I yell out in frustration. What is happening? It’s as if something drags me away from my spot, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

Flashes of light and shadow crash around me, and it feels as if I’m being dragged at high speed with nothing to hold onto.

“No! Fuck!” I don’t know what else to do, so I just give in to the pull and allow the world around me to drag me from the place I wish I could be with my devils.

I don’t know how long the world zooms around me, maybe minutes. Maybe an hour. Time doesn’t move here in this realm. But the sensation suddenly stops as the fog stills. It’s like someone hit the pause button, and now I’m trapped within a glass box with nothing but my own thoughts to keep me company again.

Tears pool in my eyes. I can’t live like this. I can’t spend eternity so out of control. I’d rather just watch my devils and not be able to talk to them ever again than be in this isolation. This fog.

“We need more energy.” Mikail’s deep voice shocks panic inside me. What the fuck? I know he’s close, but I can’t see him. I can’t feel his disgusting present either. “It’s time to call every pure soul to Heaven.”

Holy fucking shit. Is he going to rapture everyone he can from the damn Mortal Realm?

“Gather the guides. We must all stand together. It is finally time to bring Heaven to its intended glory.” The female voice snaps through the air, but I don’t recognize it. I can’t see her either. All I know is that these assholes are going to destroy eternity for my children.

I can’t let it happen.

“No. You can’t do this. This will not help Heaven to rise. It’ll destroy everything.” I say the words despite knowing that they can’t hear me. It’s as if I’m alone and watching. This is exactly how I imagined ghosts feel like, but at least they can mess with the realm. They’re not completely isolated from it. Their energy can do crazy things, including possess people.

I feel as if I’ve lost all my power, and I’m utterly hopeless and helpless to what the angels plan. Think, Raven. Think. They can’t get away with this. If you can just return to the devils, maybe you can put your energy toward the veil. Maybe you can make them aware that you’re here. If they know you’re here, you can...

The world shifts. The hum of the angels’ voices and their light fades, and I find myself standing in front of the men I love and the children I would do anything for. They’re so close that if I close my eyes, I can feel as if we’re on the same plane. I have to do something. They need me. They’ve always relied on me to help them. I was supposed to be the one responsible for helping Hell rise. I refuse to be its downfall. I refuse to do anything other than use my entire being to see to it that they succeed. That is my purpose. I know it deep in my very being as if the Higher Power handed it to me with a blessing to make things right.

I feel it’s as if I was given Elias to consume and absorb everything he is as a powerful angel and let it grow inside me. I feel the same about the devils. I wouldn’t have ever been able to conceive such power had it not been my purpose and my path. But now, I must prove that I was worthy of such a task. I am the queen of Purgatory. I am humanity’s last chance. I can save the universe. I never believed that such a task would fall onto my shoulders, and in my past life, I wasn’t strong enough. I wasn’t dedicated enough. I was too lost in the light. But the devils’ darkness helps me see. They help me grow.

“I summon you into my world.” I press my hands to the barrier, imagining manifesting the tethers of light that bound us together. “You’re mine, and I’m yours. We will not be kept apart. No plane. No army. Not even the Higher Power can keep me from you. We’re intended as one. We will rule together and ensure the souls get the eternity they need. The angelic army is not getting in our way. We’ll create a future for our children. But you must come to me. Hear my call. Feel my soul. Remember who I am and what I can do.” The words resonate through the air around me, and I feel it deep inside my essence. If I can just push harder, gather their strength, then I can reach them. I don’t have to be trapped in this world of isolation, a mere onlooker to a world that I deserve to be a part of.

“There has been a sighting.” Lucian’s grumbly voice cuts through the veil to me, and I imagine it vibrating across my skin. I imagine the heat of his Hell power cascading through my very soul, lighting me up.

“We need to hurry. Take the twins and go. You have to protect them with your life. They’re gathering the purest of the pure before their time.” Cassius unsheathes his sword, swiveling on his feet to look toward the gaping hole between worlds.

I notice they stand in front of a portal connecting Hell in the Mortal Realm. And beyond that...blinding light. He’s right. The angelic army gathers all the pure souls for their purpose to use them to bring Heaven to Earth just as the devils have brought Hell.

“Just kick their fucking asses. I want all of their wings.” Dante hisses with his words, holding the twins in his arms as he unfurls his wings. “You’re our last chance, brothers. Fight for Raven. Fight for the twins.”

Kase hugs Dante and gathers his ruby light, striding to the line where the other devils wait. I stand frozen, pressing my palms and my nose to the veil, wishing with everything in me it would snap open already. What the fuck do I have to do to get through to them? What the fuck do I need to do to bring my world into theirs as they have done to the Mortal Realm?

“Go, Dante! They are here!” Andre explodes into his devil form, using his wings to launch his hulking body forward and toward the blinding angelic light growing and growing like a tidal wave about to cascade into Hell. And with that blinding light comes complete annihilation. The blinding light eats through the fire protecting the devils. The souls are powerful enough to send them back to their kingdoms.

It’s enough to make way for the angelic army.

“No!” I scream, my whole body igniting with fear and utter despair at the sight of the wave of light crashing into Andre, devouring him as if he isn’t a devil of Hell and just a shadow of darkness. He vanishes before my eyes, and while I know he’s not gone, he leaves the other devils to fight on their own.

“Fight!” Zade shouts, shooting his purple electricity toward the raging hurricane of pure souls stolen straight from mortal bodies before their time. “Don’t let them in.”