In this moment, I realize that my soul hurts on a deep-seated level as if I’ve been broken into a million pieces. I can’t be put back together again with the huge chunks of my soul gone. I didn’t think I’d want Elias to come to me, because he deserves to have an existence with our children, but now that I’m alone...fuck. Am I selfish? Maybe. I’m just so fucking angry. I’m furious. How could the Higher Power believe I deserve this? I have done nothing immensely as bad as the angelic army. There are monstrous souls out there that even though they suffer, they don’t face this type of torture.

The unfairness of it burns through me.

“Goddamn it! Show your fucking selves now!” I shout the words, but I’m not even sure if I’m able to hear them. I can’t tell if I’m pure energy or not. I can’t manifest anything. I can’t focus enough to distinguish the difference between what is in my being and what is outside of me.

I think about closing my eyes until the haze disappears, leaving me in darkness. I try to shut the world out completely. I need to think. I need to meditate. I need to see if I can summon the devils to me even though I no longer have the power given to me by our babies. I’ll have to try.

I can’t just exist in this world of nothing. In this world of utter despair.

“Please, God. If I’m in Heaven, then I have to be more connected to you than ever, right? Please, help me. I can’t truly believe this was a part of your plan. I think that your warriors have fallen off their paths so much so that maybe the plane for good souls has been turned into one of punishment. I can’t believe you would consider the idea of souls growing and learning to be anything other than something you would want. You created this universe with the idea of souls recycling, right? But they were destroying what you put in place. And the devils only wanted to fix things. They might have unconventional methods but look at everything they have done. They want nothing more than to keep the balance of the universe. They don’t want to take over. So please, hear my prayers. Give me a sign. Give me answers. Show yourself.” My very being buzzes, and I snap my eyes open and stare at the fog again.

No one answers. No one materializes in front of me. Whatever the Higher Power is, I know it isn’t going to show itself. But the buzzing grows. It’s as if electricity sizzles from my core to light up the world around me. The haze dissipates, and I find myself standing in the nursery of my home.

I gasp and cover my mouth, my eyes spilling tears at the sight of my devils standing around the twins opens a dam inside me. I can’t believe it. They’re so close, yet a wall of impenetrable glass stands between us. It’s the veil.

Holy fucking shit. This isn’t Heaven.

This is the plane that the twins created.

What this means? It means that I have a fighting chance. Heaven couldn’t contain my soul like they had wanted to. And sweet, beautiful, powerful children. They had to have been responsible for this. Maybe they were the ones to answer my prayer. They helped my soul move from its imprisonment in Heaven and to the safety of their perfectly balanced world. If this is the case, it means that I should be able to communicate and let the devils know I’m okay.

I slap my hands to the invisible barrier, sending strange sparks around me. “Hey!” I yell, wondering if there’s any way that I can just break the veil.

No one looks at me. The devils stand in a circle, muttering under their breaths. I can’t hear them clearly, the energy humming through the air as loud as the sound of an imaginary heartbeat pounding in my head. It’s strange how even in this state of energy without my body, my being still holds onto what it was like in my physical form. It’s like with Hell and how I could still feel pain and pleasure. It’s not that I’m mortal, but my soul feels more of a transfer of energy.

I inhale a deep breath, calming my nerves the best I can. I suppress the sound of my own energy in this plane and concentrate on listening.

If Dante hadn’t thrown his arms out and shouted, “Gather the armies. We are opening Hell. We’re going to unleash our power on this realm,” I wouldn’t have heard him. It’s his fury that allows me to figure out what’s going on.

And oh, no. The angelic army knows that I’m not in Heaven. They’re probably coming for the twins. They have been back-and-forth about them all this time, and I know they believe they have a right to these two precious beings and had expected they would eventually get them, but now they’re going after them immediately. I can’t let this happen.

“We’re going to break the plane. If we all use our power, we can bring Hell to Earth. We already know it’s possible. The angelic army will fucking regret ever messing with us. They will truly see what it is like to know eternal torture. If they want to reset humanity, they’re going to fucking have to destroy it first.” Lucian cracks his knuckles, summoning his fire chain. He stretches it out before him, looking as if he’s going to open the gates of Hell right in the nursery.

“Mikail is mine.” Elias says, his voice is deep with his anger as he adjusts my gorgeous little girl on his shoulder, rubbing soothing circles on her back.

I can’t help thinking about the fact that they’re so young and already facing so much. I don’t even know how much time has passed. It could be weeks. I don’t think it’s been months though. They’re still so little.

“Like fucking Hell he is. We’re going after him together. We’re going to shred him piece by piece and feed them to the hellhounds, wait for them to shit him out, and then we’re going to do it all over again.” Dante hisses with his words, flashing his fangs.

A phone ringing sounds through the air, and Lucian pulls out his cell and brings it to his ear. “Everything is ready. All we need to do is head out and blast the fucking portal as wide as possible. Once we crack the foundation, our legions can come through.”

My eyes widen. The devils are going to be in so much trouble if they take the twins into battle already. I trust them with my life, but this is teenage stuff. Our babies need a chance to know life with pure love and not utter destruction.

I smack my hands to the veil again. “I swear, you guys are going to be in so much trouble if you even think of strapping on a damn carrier and taking the twins to war.”

As if Elias hears me, he cocks his head in my direction, staring right at me. But he doesn’t react as if he can see me. His jaw remains tight.

“Is Micah ready with the protection circle?” he asks, adjusting Arabella in his arms again. “We need to stay on complete guard. I can hear the battle cries already. They’re going to come straight here. We might have minutes.”

“He’s ready. All the earthbound contracts are gathering, ensuring that we have enough time.” Cassius speaks for the first time, expanding and closing his wings.

And then I remember what he taught me about crossing planes. If I can just manage to connect on a spiritual level, I might be able to get in touch with them. What could he possibly do? I have no idea. I know that they have bigger priorities at the moment. Our children come first.

But damn it. This fucking sucks.

No one has a chance to respond, because the world explodes, shaking the foundation of the mansion. It’s as if a tornado hits the place, sending debris and smoke raining through the nursery. But it’s not a natural disaster.

One second, I’m watching my devils, and then the next, I’m outside and staring up as the sky cracks open, sending blinding light to the world.