“Move!” Elias charges forward, not letting the pain stop him. He flaps his wings, rushing into the heavenly portal first.

He jerks to a halt, and Kase nearly plows him down, using his tail to stop him from crashing to the ground.

Then I see them.

We were right. There has to be at least a hundred guardians in formation, gathering heavenly light in their palms.

“Everyone, fall back!” Elias shouts, gathering his own heavenly light. “I don’t feel her. Raven’s soul isn’t here.”

Shock rushes through me, and I gape at Zade. What does he mean that Raven’s not in Heaven? We all know her soul was there. We could sense it before. It was being imprisoned deep within the sanctity of the heavenly plane. A soul doesn’t just vanish. Raven was the only one I’ve ever seen to be able to manipulate a soul into new energy.

“What?” Kase growls and shoots Hell power at the front line of guardians. “She has to be!”

Elias spins, spreading his wings wide, creating a wall between us and the guardians. “She’s not! Now go! They’re going to crash through.”

I intake a sharp breath and swing my arm out, grabbing Zade and Lucian. I drag them as I flap my wings, launching us back toward our summoning circle in the safety of our home.

“Seal the portal. Now!” Elias demands, growling as he faces Gabe, still holding open the portal.

“Please, forgive me. I did as you asked, but I could never betray Heaven.” Gabe leaves his hands up, keeping the portal open.

Rage cuts through me like a tidal wave, and my devil form breaks free. Whipping my tail over my head, I stake the bastard angel through the chest and swing him toward Micah. Gathering Hell power, Micah blasts the angel before he can even get within reach, burning his skin.

The portal shuts, and the room dims.

But this isn’t over.

I see what the angelic army is now preparing for. If Raven is not there, then they think she’s with us. They weren’t hiding. They were calling every angel in existence to war. They’re coming not for us but for the twins. They still believe that they are a gift to Heaven.

They’re going to learn how wrong they truly are. I’ll destroy the universe alongside my brethren to protect our children. The angelic army is done for. We will bring Hell not only to Heaven, but to Earth. There’s no other way. The angels aren’t the only beings that can reset humanity.

The universe is about to go dark.

Maybe then, we will find Raven.

Only her soul will shine.

She is the center of our existence.

We will get her back from wherever she is.

She will be Purgatory’s queen.

Chapter 22



I STARE AT the fog surrounding me. It’s as if I’m everywhere and nowhere. My soul aches and tears cloud my eyes. I can’t believe this happened. I never thought how heavy the realization of dying would be until I shifted from the Mortal Realm and into this heavenly prison. The image of my babies is imprinted into my mind, and they’re all I can imagine.

There is no peace in this prison.

There is no light or love.

Fuck. I haven’t even seen an angel yet. They’re probably avoiding me because they know I’ll rip every damn feather from their wings.

“Don’t be afraid. I won’t try to hurt you. Just show yourself. You can’t leave me like this. I don’t deserve this imprisonment.” I try to gather the strength not to break down. I focus on my devils and what they must be going through in this moment. They are probably blaming themselves. I hope they’re not fighting. I hope that they just love up on the gifts that they helped me create. I hope that they can figure out how to come to me.