I pull out my phone and dial Lucian. “Hurry the fuck up. We have a pure soul.”

Hanging up before he can respond, I puff out a breath. The sacrifice bullshit is about to get real.

Chapter 20



“IT’S BEEN NEARLY two decades since a man as muscular as you held me in his arms.” The elderly guy wraps his arms around my neck, whispering the words into my ear.

I chuckle and shake my head. I expected him to put up a fight or question what the Hell was going on. Instead, he just stopped right in front of us, seeing us through our Hell power, and said he had a dream about his end. He said we would bring him peace.

“Is that so? What about handsome?” I keep my voice light, carrying him down to the end of the block where we are meeting Lucian. Dante wanted to fly, but the old guy said he was afraid of heights. Carrying him was the least I could do, considering he volunteered, knowing that his time in the Mortal Realm has come to an end. Some mortals are just more perceptive of things. I wouldn’t say that they’ve been blessed, but it’s very possible that this guy is on one of many soul cycles. He’s probably been through the Mortal Realm a couple of times. It has given him a better sense of things.

“I’m blind, so I can’t tell.” He sniffs me. “But you smell nice. Will you buy me dinner first before I finally shed this aching meat sack of a body?”

Dante tips his head back and laughs, his deep voice echoing through the quiet neighborhood. “I’m sure we could hook you up with someone to give you a blowy as well if you want.”

The man wheezes and coughs, his attempt to laugh cutting short. “Maybe the reaper you’ve chosen can.”

A blip of sadness courses through me. It’s been a while since I’ve been around a pure soul who wasn’t Raven. It’s as if the Higher Power put this man before us to remind me exactly what we are now fighting for. We are fighting for humanity, despite the anger I carry toward almost every other soul. Raven would appreciate the humor this old guy finds, even knowing that we’re going to have someone murder him.

It’ll give him a choice about whether to start a new cycle or to finally enter Heaven. I don’t ask him which he’ll pick, because I don’t want to influence him. I don’t want him to worry that there might not be a Heaven to go to soon enough.

“I’ll even pull his teeth out, so you get one hell of a gummy. He’s a vile bastard with no chance of redemption. He’s headed straight for the bowels of Hell.” Dante grabs the man’s shoulder and gives him a little shake.

“Well, when you say it like that...fuck no. I don’t need that kind of honor. Serving the greater good is the only thing I truly need apart from the constant agony finally coming to an end.” The old man’s voice softens with his words, and his face slackens as he loses himself in his thoughts. I can’t see his eyes behind his sunglasses, but if I didn’t know any better, I’d think he could see through the veil.

Picking up my pace, I carry the old man until I spot Lucian restraining a man within his fire chain. It looks like duct tape covers his mouth, preventing him from screaming, and I’m sure he stuck something else on his tongue to torture him while he waits.

And damn. Lucian really knows how to pick a dirty bastard soul. Looks as if he is a murderer, cannibal, rapist, and animal abuser. He’s going down.

The old man gasps from my arms, jerking his attention toward Lucian. “The rebellious son. It seems you have proven yourself worthy.”

I scrunch my face, a bit annoyed that he deems Lucian to be what sounds like the only devil in his eyes.

“Perhaps you’ve learned from your companions,” the old man adds, squirming in my arms until I finally set him on his feet.

Okay, he’s off my shit list.

I grin and punch Lucian in the arm. “Bow down to our pure sacrifice, you fucker. Show him you appreciate what he’s doing.”

Lucian pushes the evil bastard mortal forward, tripping him and forcing him to kneel on the ground. “I don’t bow to anyone except Raven. This guy will have to do.” Growling, he rips the tape off of the guy’s mouth.

I knew it. The guy coughs and spits out what looks like some sort of appendage. Maybe a ball sack. But it doesn’t belong to him. He would be sobbing and screaming if it did.

“I caught him right in the act. He was filleting someone right on his kitchen table. Disgusting.” Lucian links his fingers through the guy’s hair, jerking his head back. “I have the perfect place in Hell for you. You’re going to love it.”

Lucian flashes his devil façade, and the guy hollers and sobs, showing just how truly pathetic he is. Sure, he’s a fucking bad guy when it comes to hurting people weaker than him or catching them off guard. But when he’s face-to-face with the devil...it always shows the truth.

“I’ll do anything. Tell me what you want me to do, and I’ll do it. Just don’t hurt me.” The man tries to dry his eyes on his shoulder, but Lucian doesn’t allow him to move.

A smile widens across Lucian’s face. “You’re going to do what we say regardless. Don’t worry. It’s right up your dirty bastard alley. You’re going to end this old man’s life.”

The murderer bastard sniffles and frowns. “What? What do I get for it?”

I whip my tail at him hard enough to slash his skin open. “You get the perfect place in Hell. That’s it. Do it and do it mercifully. You will not cause him any pain. He is going to be humanity’s sacrifice. Let’s make it a good one.”