I kiss her next, hugging her one last time before letting Micah take her. We watch in silence as Lucian, Cassius, Andre, Zade, and finally Elias say goodbye. The twins remain quiet and resting in his arms, and I think we manage to hold ourselves together for their sake. They might be young souls, but they are so much more than that. They have been truly blessed by the most magnificent woman in the world. We won’t let them down.

I clear my throat and look at Kase. “Are you ready?”

“Fuck yeah. These halo heads are going down. They’re going farther than that. We are going to wipe them out of fucking existence.” His eyes flash red.

Damn straight.

This is what Raven would want.

This is what we need.

We were so close before, but I know we can do it again.

This time, we won’t fail.

Hell will rise. Humanity will win.


It’s as if the light just left the Mortal Realm. I should be relieved. I should celebrate that I can’t sense a single damn angel. But it pisses me off. Those chickenshit bastards have left this realm completely. They knew we would come after them, so now they hide behind the heavenly veil that now struggles to keep a devil out.

“We need a sacrifice.” Lucian cracks his knuckles, staring around the empty apartment complex that was known to house angels. It was where Cassius, Andre, Zade, and Micah all holed up while they were trying to protect Heaven.

But every infuriating reminder of the angelic army has vanished.

“A sacrifice, Lucifer? Are you fucking insane? We can’t take the life of a pure soul.” Cassius uses Lucian’s heavenly name, and I think it’s to remind him that despite being a devil, he was the morning star and the brightest angel apart from himself.

“Don’t be a dipshit. I fucking know that we can’t...but I know at least a hundred locals within a half a block who can.” Lucian wags his eyebrows at me, the thought of sticking a dark soul onto one intended for Heaven thrilling him.

He’s always been a twisted son of a bastard, and his plan might just work. Someone will have to come and collect the soul. That’s what the guides are for. They watch over humanity, and when a soul’s time comes, if they were pure and good, they would send them to eternal paradise. If their life was cut short, they’d still have to guide them to cycle again. Either way, some featherhead will come. Most likely someone weak. Maybe even one of those pure ones that just got into the heavenly realm.

I flash my fangs. “You deserve a fucking blow job for that idea.”

Lucian rubs his hands together, chuckling. “I’m going to hold your ass to it. You’ve always been fucking excellent at sucking my dick.”

I almost tell him that he’s going to have to wait for Raven so we can give her the show she loves, but then reality hits me hard. It feels as if life itself treats my nuts as a punching bag, wanting to send me to my knees, curling in on myself.

“Like hell you are. Dante won’t be sucking your dick or anyone else’s. His mouth belongs to Raven, and she prefers that he only takes the mightiest cock between his lips, which is fucking mine. Now, get your shit together. You’re going to find a fucking dirty soul.” Kase whips his tail around, stroking it along my chest and getting me to look at him. “Do you want to help me pick out a good one? We have to make sure it’s one that is already on its way out.”

“What about me?” Cassius spreads his annoyingly vibrant wings. “Shouldn’t I be the one? I am still close to Heaven.”

I hiss at him. “But you’re still a fucking asshole, so no. You’re going to prep for the sacrifice. We need to keep the pure soul contained. You know what you have to do.”

Cassius closes his eyes for a minute. “I do. This must be done. For Raven.” He doesn’t say the words to any of us but mostly voices his thoughts out loud. I can’t blame the asshole. What we’re about to do is fucked up. But the world is fucked up, and we’re going to set it right again. Sacrifices must be made.

With a sigh, Cassius scoops up Lucian, launching into the air to drop him off where he needs to be to collect the vile soul. I turn to Kase, fidgeting with his tail. The fucker strokes it out of nerves, and I jerk my hand out and lock my fingers around it, squeezing it.

“Now is not the time to lose your shit. I know this is going to suck, but it must be done for Raven. We need the angel.” I try to keep my face expressionless. I just have to remember that the pure soul we choose will be someone unattached. We’re not that fucked up. I’d prefer it to be a man, because I don’t know what kind of dark soul Lucian will pick up. I can’t agree to put a woman through anything that the fucker could come up with. I might be the devil, but I do have morals. I will make sure everything goes quickly and painlessly. The soul we choose will be one who had a long life, and it might take a bit of time. It would be what Raven would want.

“Come on. I know where to look. There’s a hospital around the corner.” Kase cracks his knuckles and rolls his shoulders. “This is for Raven,” he says, mostly to himself. “This is for the good of humanity. If this is your intention and your plan, send us a sign for fucking once. You know I don’t want to do this.” Tipping his head back, Kase stares up at the sky. I don’t think I have ever heard him speak to the Higher Power since he jumped. Something about this moment and hearing his words...I love this guy. He truly is my greatest companion.

A horn blares, drawing our attention to the crosswalk at the end of the block.

I raise my eyebrows and look at Kase. “If that’s not a fucking sign, then I don’t know what else is. Look, he’s even coming our way.”

The old man shines so brightly as he shuffles in our direction. He might pass at any second.
