“One more push. Give me a big one, Raven!” The doctor turns to the devils. “Almost there.”

As if the devils and Elias fill me with their strength, I manage to push one last time. The world stills around me, and I blink a few times, staring at the gorgeous dark-haired baby boy being held in front of me.

“Mateo,” I whisper, reaching my hands out to take him.

I didn’t expect to survive him leaving my body. I have never felt so much relief seeing his scrunched little face.

Kase roars, and red power bursts through the air. “Raven! Raven, no!”

Mateo and Arabella both cry.

Silence fills the room.

Silence fills my very being.

Chapter 19


Hell to Lose

“IF YOU STOP, I will take your fucking soul to Hell.” I clutch Raven’s cold hand, staring at her face, her eyes open and glassy. I never expected to see her like this, but I can’t look away. I refuse to let her go. I can’t.

She’s gone. I know she’s gone. What remains on the bed is just a body.

But she’s still mine. And I refuse to just accept the fact that Heaven has won. I refuse to believe that Hell has lost to the fucking angelic army.

“I don’t know what you expect from me, Mr. SaTan. I’ve done everything I can. She’s gone. You need to focus on your two beautiful twins. They need you right now.” The doctor shuffles back, fear lining her eyes, but she doesn’t give in to my demand.

Andre steps between us and motions toward the door. “You may leave. You will be heavily rewarded for everything you have done.”

I hiss and flash my fangs. “Everything she has done? She has done nothing! Raven is dead!”

Two hands latch onto my shoulders, and Kase spins me around, forcing me into a hug I fight. He ties his tail around me and refuses to let go until the door slams.

“Dante, the doctor is right. Raven’s soul will not return to this body. If we are going to get her back, we need to strategize a different plan. Elias will get her.” Kase loosens his hold on me and touches my face, his eyes flashing red with his power. “This isn’t the end. She would not want you to waste time doing the impossible.”

I heave a couple of deep breaths. “She was proof that anything is possible!”

If the soft sound of one of the babies crying didn’t capture my attention, I might have spit venom in Kase’s face. I’m just furious. I don’t want to stand here and do nothing. I can’t just hope that Elias can get his act together and get Raven back. He already struggles to break into Heaven. What if he falls? What if the veil slams closed on him forever?

“Come here, Dante. Come hold Mateo. It will help. I promise.” Lucian nods his head, motioning to our son in his arms. I can already see the power growing with every passing second.

Slumping my shoulders, I shrug away from Kase and do as Lucian says. It isn’t fair for the twins to see us like this. I don’t want them to assume that Raven’s death lies on their shoulders, even as these tiny, precious beings. It is not their fault, and I will suck up my grief and show them that no matter what, I’m here. I will protect them as Raven wanted. I will give them everything I have inside me.

I bring Mateo to my face and snuggle into the blankets around him. His scent smells like powder and something sweeter like caramel, and I can’t help wondering if it’s possible to bottle up his scent to carry around. Something about holding my son brings me such relief. The warmth of his body fills part of the gaping hole left behind the moment Raven took her final breath.

Tears cloud my eyes as I relive the worst moment of my eternity over again. My shoulders shake as I silently cry and clutch onto Mateo.

“I promise, Mateo. I will bring your mama back even if it’s the last thing I do. I will give up my place in the universe so you can have her always.” My voice hitches, and I scrub the back of my hand into my eyes, trying to stop the tears. I’m a fucking devil. I shouldn’t feel such agony. It’s my job to torture those bad souls and not feel as if I am the one who deserves such torture.

“Dante, man. Raven would never want to switch places if it meant losing you. Don’t think like that, my brother. We must only think about things as if we are not going to remain lost. We will rise again.” Lucian squeezes my shoulder, staring at Mateo in my arms.

I grimace and whip my attention to him. “Who the fuck are you? You’re not Hell’s most notorious devil. Raven would be fucking shocked by your words.”

“No, she would be dropping on her knees to suck my cock from how hot she finds me treating you with such kindness. She would even tease that I might have wings.” He blinks his eyes, clearing the glossiness away.

“Fuck! Come on, Elias. We are going to fucking get into Heaven. Now.” Kase grumbles with his words, grabbing Elias from the spot on the floor where he has been in this meditative state since the moment Raven lost the light in her eyes. He hasn’t said a single word to any of us, nor has he even looked at Arabella. Zade holds her in his arms, rocking and singing softly under his breath. And now that I see Elias on the floor, anger rages through me.