“And what about this little beast? We can’t just call him our devil spawn.” Lucian appears across the bassinet, his hellfire lighting his body aglow. I hadn’t realized he was here but seeing him raises so much love inside me.

“Mateo.” The name whispers through my mind as I say it out loud. It’s strange to already know with such certainty.

“They are both precious gifts, aren’t they?” Cassius stands beside Lucian, and I blink a few times, wondering where he came from.

“They will serve humanity well.” Andre’s voice draws my attention to where he and Zade stand on the other side of Arabella.

I can’t stop the frown from crossing my face. There is something strange about this moment that I can’t put my finger on. But it doesn’t matter. I’m just so happy to be here with my babies and my devils. Life would be nothing without them.

“Life will be nothing without you.” Micah’s voice whispers through my mind, drawing my attention away from Arabella’s light and Mateo’s darkness. I still can’t see their little faces in their bassinets.

“Please, don’t take her from us. This isn’t fair. I have done everything you have asked. I have followed the path you set before me even when it descended into Hell. I have served you with righteous intention. I have given my faith to you. Please, don’t take her.” Micah’s prayer stabs at my heart, and I spin around on the balls of my feet, searching for him.

The other devils disappear, and I gawk at their absence. Where did they go?

My heart sinks into my stomach. Where are the brilliant light and calming shadows that were in the bassinets? Now they’re empty and only blankets of pure white remain. This can’t be right.

“Raven. Come on, pretty soul. Open your eyes for me.” Dante’s voice prods at me, shaking the world.

“My eyes are open. Where are you?” I ask, spinning around again.

“I heard her. Keep talking. She’s coming to.” Micah’s voice echoes everywhere around me and my mind.

“You’re doing so amazing. You’re so strong. Open your eyes. You’re about to meet our first baby.” Dante’s whispers trickle through the darkness now surrounding me.

What is he talking about? I’ve already met Arabella, my precious little angel. She’s so full of Elias’s light that I could bask in her presence and feel content for eternity.

“Arabella? It’s a girl?” Micah’s comment swirls through my mind. He’s thinking them to me telepathically.

“How do you not know? I’ve been watching her sleeping for hours next to Mateo.” I blink rapidly, trying to focus on the nursery again. “Where are you guys? You were just here?”

The darkness lightens, and I stare down at the bassinet once more. That was so strange. I know that things have been weird lately, and I wonder if I should sit back down.

Reaching into the bassinet for Arabella, I try to lift her tiny body into my arms, but I come up empty-handed. There’s nothing within the light.

What? I don’t understand. Where is she? Where did she go? She was right here.

Rushing the few feet to Mateo’s bassinet, I reach into the shadows and once again come up with nothing.

Panic rushes through me in an icy wave, and I tremble. My breathing quickens, and I feel myself on the verge of a panic attack. I try to slow my racing heart, but I can’t. I’m hyperventilating. I feel as if I can’t breathe. I feel as if I’m going to die if I can’t find the twins. I see their power before me. I know they’re nearby. But where are they?

“Raven, damn it. Open your eyes. Please. You need to hang on.” Kase’s growl tugs at my being, but I still can’t turn away from the power radiating from the empty bassinets.

“Her body is weak,” Cassius says, his voice remaining even in tone.

“But she’s strong. Raven, wake up. The baby is coming. Wake up! Don’t give up yet! Don’t let Heaven take you!” Dante yells the words, his anger and fear jolting me from my panic.

Pain swells through me, and I scream and snap my eyes open. What the fuck is going on?

“Push!” a feminine voice commands. It’s my obstetrician.

“Raven, I know you’re confused, but you’re in labor. The first baby is coming. Just another push.” Elias grips my hand, his fingers squeezing mine so tightly as if he’s afraid if he loosens them even a bit, he might lose me.

Everything hits me at once. The babies are coming. He just said that the first one is almost delivered.

My heart raps against my ribcage, and I can’t stop the sob shaking my body. “Put her back! I’m not ready!”

Another hand slides into mine, and Zade leans in close. “Be brave, Raven. I know this isn’t how things are supposed to go. I know...” Zade sniffles with a sob, his face glistening with tears. “I know you’re scared. I know everything is so messed up. But we can’t put her back. None of us are ready for this. Take my strength. Take everything you need from me. I’m going to help you through. Elias is not going to leave you. You will not be alone.”