“Don’t you dare start asking for orgasms, Raven.” His lips stretch into a smile. Before he started hanging around us, realizing what the angelic army was doing, he would’ve been shocked. He wouldn’t have teased me about orgasms or sex or anything like that. That’s how I know he’s changing.

If only it wasn’t too late.

“You would be the last one for me to ask that from. I have to be extremely desperate and also unable to touch myself.” Damn. My words ignite something dark in his eyes, and if I didn’t know any better, I would think he was now Hell-bound. But a little teasing won’t accomplish that. I don’t even know what will anymore.

I bite my lip between my teeth, knowing that he’s thinking about me masturbating. Slowly unlinking one of my hands from his, I reach out and pat his cheek, grinning wider at the lust weighing his eyelids, turning them heavy. He doesn’t react or says anything, so I continue my way down, and I touch his muscles through his shirt, traveling my fingers lower until I reach the ridges of his hard abs. His jaw flexes as he swallows, and I keep my eyes locked on his. He doesn’t stop me or put up a fight. He remains hypnotized and lost in his emotions. I don’t know exactly what he’s thinking about me, but I know it’s something dirty. Something probably filthy as fuck.

I continue exploring his body until I reach his hard-on. Cupping it with my hand, I inhale a slow breath. “But you are free to ask me,” I add, drawing my fingers lower until I caress them over his balls through his pants.

He finally breaks, grabbing my ass and lifting me back up into his arms. Light explodes from him, the shock of heavenly power sizzling over my skin but not burning me. It feels as if it eats away at the negative emotions whirling through me in a wave of darkness.

I gasp, the sensation lighting me from the inside out. The babies react, moving and shifting inside me, turning my insides into a punching bag, and it startles Cassius. His eyes widen, and he drops his gaze down between us, and he opens and closes his mouth. But no words come out. He doesn’t know how to express exactly what he feels in this moment. I know he’s been caught off guard.

“Raven, make them stop.” Cassius reaches between us and touches my stomach. “Please, stop. You need to settle down.”

I realize his second comment isn’t intended for me. He’s talking to the twins, and I wonder what he sees. Because I don’t see anything except for his light.

“You’re cracking the plane. I can’t stop it. Take a breath, Raven. You’re not going back to the Mortal Realm. Please.” Cassius trembles with his words, his eyes flicking from my belly and back to my face. His hands tighten around me, and he clenches his jaw, his light brightening even more.

I squint, my vision dimming as he continues to glow with heavenly light. My body hums, and pain zaps through me as if I’m being torn apart. But it’s not me or my soul. It’s Cassius trying to hold onto the power within me, keeping us grounded. But he’s not strong enough. Whatever the twins are doing shifts the world around us, and then Cassius’s hold vanishes along with him.

I screech out as I drop a couple of feet and land on the strange cool ground of the foggy plane. It’s the place created by the twins, and I haven’t been here since losing my soul.

I swallow and inhale a deep breath, trying to settle my nerves. Usually Cassius would follow me in, but it’s as if he’s been purposely pushed out. The twins didn’t allow him access as they pulled me from his plane and into theirs.

My stomach bounces as the babies move, and I press my hand to the outside and feel them pushing against my skin as if they’re trying to escape.

“Take me back to the mortal world now. We can’t be here.” I keep my voice low, a bit nervous about being in this foggy world alone.

Closing my eyes, I concentrate on trying to listen for signs of the mortal world in the shift between planes, but nothing happens. The babies keep me chained to this world.

And then I feel it.

Snapping my eyes open, I peer through the haze, watching as a figure spreads golden wings wide, angelic light drawing my attention as it reflects off the mist.

Oh fuck.

I push to my feet, holding onto my belly as if just feeling the babies move from the outside helps keep me calm. Because whatever they’ve done, shifting me into this world, brought me close to Heaven. I can sense it. It’s not just Heaven. I feel as if I’m whole again. I think my soul is nearby, guarded in a place that not every angel can touch. It’s the same place they had kept Elias when they had taken him from me.

Anger rushes through me, and I clench my fingers into fists, gathering my strength and bravery. The twins used Cassius to do this. It’s as if they know that I need my soul to survive giving birth to them, and they’re helping me. I feel more than anger in this moment. Because under my rage lies something warm and inviting. Something pure and balanced. It’s unconditional and unending. It’s love.

And I know what I have to do. I can’t waste this chance. I don’t know when I’ll get it again or if I ever will. How do I rescue my own damn soul? I guess I’ll find out.

Striding forward, I close the space to the angelic figure within the fog. The light grows brighter, and I realize it’s not coming from the angel. It’s coming from a spot in front of them. I don’t know what I was expecting in finding my soul, but it freaks me the fuck out. I see myself standing before the angel, translucent and made of pure light. Except I’m not smiling like I would imagine someone to do in Heaven. Glittering tears splash on my cheeks, and my own soul looks to be silently screaming as if Heaven is the new Hell for me. And it is.

My chest tightens, and I raise my hand, preparing to touch the veil separating me from the one thing that will give me forever with my devils. Tingles course over my skin, and the babies tumble in an acrobatic performance in my belly. Their excitement radiates through me as if they know what this means.

I hold my breath, expecting the world to explode around me, but it’s as if I’m caught in a magnetic pull. I can’t take my eyes away from my soul, and I feel as if I know what the devil saw in me to begin with. It has been hard to understand the significance of an angel-kissed soul. I’ve always just felt like me. Like a mortal. But now? I feel as if I’m staring at a source of power far more significant than anyone’s comprehension. I’m so close to reuniting with something I had no idea how much I love. Is it vain to love myself? Absolutely not. I just want to be whole again. I want to fix the damage caused by the righteous assholes who can’t see past their bigger picture.

And I plan to do so now.

Swinging my arm, I use the strength of the twins and punch the veil as hard as I can. It cracks under the force, but it doesn’t shatter.

The angel whips around, and our eyes meet. Unfurling his wings, the angel gathers light in his palms.

I don’t have a chance to brace myself.

His power collides into me, knocking me away from the veil and my soul. The world shifts, and it feels as if my heart climbs into my throat, trying to escape me.