“Fuck, I just want it to stop, but I know if it does...” Raven groans, stabbing her nails into my shoulders.
“Breathe with me.” I massage my fingers into her thighs, kneading deep circles as I work my way up her legs. “I’m going to try something to bring you relief. Do you trust me?”
Raven bobs her head, the shower steam dripping water down her face. If tears leak from her eyes, it washes them away. It’s what helps me focus.
“Good. Dante once mentioned that he desired for you to have an orgasmic birth.” I lick my lips, my muscles rippling as I gauge her reaction.
Her lip quivers. “He was supposed to be here for that.”
I wish with everything in me that he could be here alongside me and the others. Raven needs the support of all of us.
“But I’m glad you’re here with me, Zade,” she quickly adds. I know her disappointment lingers in the circumstances and not with me. Regardless, I will do everything I can to help her. To give her the best labor I can with the weight of losing eternity with her crushing me. I’m not going to just wait around and pray. I refuse to stand by and hope for the best or for things to work out. I’m going to get Raven through this.
I offer her a smile and stretch closer, grazing my lips to hers at the same time I summon enough power to set off her clit ring. I don’t do it right away, slowly rubbing my fingers over her body, listening to her breathing quicken.
“How does that feel?” I ask, channeling tranquility with my ragged breaths. This moment isn’t about sex or getting off. It’s more primal, natural, and I want her to feel powerful and content. I want her to know pleasure instead of pain. This moment should be nothing short of bliss as she brings the twins into this world.
Raven moans and covers my hand with hers, guiding me to add more pressure to her body, stimulating her in a way to distract her enough from another contraction that she doesn’t scream out in agony. She wiggles and squirms, her moans from pleasure instead of pain, and I ignite a blip of power, buzzing her body in a way that makes her orgasm.
She gasps and grabs me, silently begging me to move closer until I sit beside her, allowing her to slide onto my lap. I nuzzle my nose to her wet skin, kissing her softly as I rest my hands on her belly, just silently savoring her first moment of peace since her labor started.
“Why doesn’t anyone ever talk about this being an option for pain relief?” Raven asks, her voice breathy. “It felt so...it’s hard to explain. It’s not sexual like I imagined when Dante mentioned it. I mean, you don’t even have a boner.” She giggles with her words, shifting to look at me. “Though I can’t blame you. I’m a fucking mess.”
I chuckle, kissing her again. “You’re beautiful. Stunning. It’s taking everything in me to keep myself in control because I know you, Raven. You’ll try to bring me pleasure, and I’m not going to allow it. This is about you. Your pleasure. Your happiness. Your—”
Her body tenses, and I glide my fingers between her legs, massaging her as she stretches, trying to get comfortable through another contraction. I strum her clit, sending power vibrating through her again. She yells out in pleasure, her back arching, and I inhale a breath.
“Fuck, that was more intense. I feel weird.” Raven shifts on my lap, her eyes widening. “Take me back to the bed.”
Standing up, I turn off the water and grab a towel, striding from the bathroom. Micah faces the wall with his fingers behind his head. His stiff posture gets to me. Something is wrong, and it’s not with Raven.
“Micah? Micah, what is it? I feel strange,” Raven repeats, her breathing quickening. “What’s wrong? Tell me.”
Micah turns his gaze to mine. “I know you want to stay here, but I think you need to go find them,” Micah thinks to me, voicing his concern silently. “It’s taking too long. I haven’t felt another angel passing through the Hell portal.”
“Micah.” Raven wiggles in my arms, not giving me a choice but to set her down. She bows forward with another contraction, and I do the only thing I can think of, getting on the floor to try to relieve her pain again.
Heavenly light bursts from Raven’s palms, startling me. I shield myself, blocking my naked body the best I can. I know she doesn’t mean to burn me, and I try not to grunt as my skin sears.
“Fuck. Micah come on and tell me what’s happening. Something is wrong. I know it deep inside me. It’s setting off the twins. I think they’re coming.”
Panic steals my breath. “I’ll get the doctor.”
Raven reaches out and snatches my wrist, wincing at the sight of my charred skin. “No, you need to get the devils. You need to go. They have to be here. I don’t want to die without them.”
I growl and whip my attention to Micah and then back to her. She knows whatever Micah sensed. And I hate that fear steals away everything that I worked to put in her. This is not how things should be for such a miraculous moment.
“You’re not going to die. We won’t allow it. Micah will get the doctor, and I will get the others. I will get your soul.” I manifest clothes and quickly dress. Summoning a few weapons, I strap them to myself. Pulling Raven into my arms, I kiss her, pushing my determination into her very being. “Hang on. You better hang on.”
As if the twins know what needs to be done, the world shifts from one plane to another, and I find myself standing in the middle of a war zone.
Screams and hollers echo through the air, and I spin around, afraid that Raven might have brought herself too. But I’m alone among dozens of souls. Not just any souls. Good souls that have found peace in Heaven but now call out in despair as if they’re now facing punishment.
But it’s not Hell.
It’s the angelic army.
In their desperation to fight the devils, they have tapped into the energy given to Heaven by the souls that cycled to eternal paradise. In doing so, they have interrupted their peace. They have done more damage than good. The angelic army weakens the entire heavenly plane. It feels as if it might collapse at any second.