I can’t move as he bends down and touches Raven’s belly.

Whipping my injured tail, I use all my force to stake him through the shoulder blades, ripping him away from Raven. She screams as light and fire explode from her, enveloping us in pure love and protection. The heavenly light snaps off, leaving us in pitch darkness.

“Fuck!” Raven screams. “Fuck!”

“Oh, no. No.” Zade’s voice wraps around me, pulling me from the darkness.

I snap my eyes open to find us lying within the summoning circle on the basement floor. Elias kneels beside Raven, combing her hair from her face. I search over her body, afraid of what I might find. But her stomach remains bulbous, and I reach out and press my hand to it, feeling the twins moving.

“They brought us back here,” Raven says, her voice shaking. “They brought us back too soon.”

“Darlin’...” Elias turns to me, his eyes watering with tears.

Raven jerks up, watching her belly. It’s now that I realize why.

“This can’t be happening. We haven’t gotten my soul yet. Where are the others?” Raven sobs as she begs the twins to hold on.

But there’s only so much any of us can do. Her water broke and she’s in labor. The twins are coming.

Elias holds out his hand to me. “The heavenly plane is still open. Come on. I need you to help me. We’re getting her soul.”

Raven cries again. “Hurry. Please. I don’t want to die.”

Her words shatter my heart into a million pieces.

“I will not fail you, Raven.” I turn to Zade. “She needs you here.”

Closing my eyes, I allow Elias to guide me back to Heaven.

For the second time today, I pray. If I fail, this is over. The universe will be lost.

I will never be whole again.

Chapter 17


Last Stand

“HOW LONG?” I clutch Raven’s hand, my whole body rippling as I struggle to control my devil form.

Raven’s obstetrician pulls off her gloves and tosses them in the trashcan next to the bed. Sweat beads on her forehead, and I know we must frighten her, but she remains even in tone and professional despite the presence of Hell heating the air.

“She’s dilated six centimeters. It could be hours. It’s hard to tell, but I will continue to monitor her. The twins are doing great. Nice strong heartbeats.” Her doctor swallows, flicking her gaze to Micah as he remains in the Hell circle. His mind is pulled into different directions, but we both need him here. If he can’t fight alongside the others, he can do his best to keep Raven calm alongside me. Our connection to her mental state will bring her peace during this terrifying time for all of us.

“Can you slow it down?” Micah asks, his voice booming through the air and startling the doctor.

“I’ve done all I can. She’s too far along.” The doctor shuffles back as if she’s afraid of one of us lashing out.

Raven sobs again, her fear and grief stabbing me and cutting me open. I wave the doctor away and climb onto the bed beside Raven. Enveloping her in my arms, I stroke my hand over her back, trying my best to sooth her.

“This can’t be happening. You two need to stay put. It’s important. I know you want to come exploding into this world, but Mama needs you to stay in a little longer until your daddies get my soul.” Raven hiccups as she says the words, rubbing her hands over her stomach. She cries out, her body tensing with a contraction.

“I’ll get the doctor again. She can give you something for the pain.” I try to get up, but Raven grabs my hand.

“No. I need to feel this. I need the constant reminder of what’s coming.” She sniffles and buries her face into my shoulder.

I grasp her cheeks, staring into her red-rimmed eyes. “Breathe with me. In and out. Take my strength.”