“Holy fuck! She did it!” Kase shouts with a roar.

“Go, go, go!” Lucian demands, heat lacing his words.

Silence falls around me, and I snap my eyes open.

Elias stands in front of me, bathed in heavenly light. Darkness swirls through the world around us, and flames blaze in my peripheral vision.

A warm hand slides into mine, and Andre pulls me in close. “Let’s get your soul back.”

We did it. I can’t believe it.

I’m about to be whole again.

I’ve won.

Chapter 16


Hell Rising

It takes everything in me not to lift Raven into my arms and kiss her for her amazing break through to Heaven. We don’t have time to celebrate because the entire angelic army would have felt the crack of the plane, especially with the heat of Hell following us in.

“Bring the others. They’ll fight while we find your soul.” I lean in, keeping my voice low as if that will keep the army at bay.

Raven puffs out a long breath and closes her eyes again. The world shudders around us, and I groan at the sensation of her yanking at my very core as she drags Zade, Kase, Dante, Lucian, and Cassius through. Only Micah will remain in another plane.

“I fucking hate this place. I forgot how much until this very second,” Lucian mutters as he materializes beside Raven. “It’s even worse now that I can’t manipulate shit. What do you see? I’m just burning in the damn light.”

I caress Raven’s shoulders, massaging my fingers into her tense muscles. “Let us see what you see.”

Raven shivers at the sensation of my breath tickling her ear, and she manages to manifest a vision before us all. I stare at a familiar meadow stretching out across the plane. She used my sanctuary in Heaven to create this world around us. It summons a blip of comfort inside me. I might be a king of Hell, but Heaven was once my home. It doesn’t just disappear from my mind. Unlike Lucian, I don’t hate it. I just felt as if my purpose changed with Raven. I evolved into something better. Something stronger. Something worthy of standing beside the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I won’t lose her. Not like this. Not to those who forsake her.

“Ray, this isn’t fucking better.” Lucian stomps forward, his devil form towering above us as we remain in our mortal façade.

Dante growls and punches him in the shoulder. “Shut up. This is Raven’s vision and you will not talk shit about it. It’s perfect. Now let’s go. I can sense the bastards already ruffling their feathers and gathering light.”

I turned to Elias, staring at him as he peers around. “You ready? You’re the one who must lead the way.”

Elias nods and holds his hand out to Raven. “Come on, darlin’. It’s easier if I touch you.”

We create a chain with Raven in the middle of me and Elias. Zade holds my other hand, and together we trudge through the realm not intended for us. The further we get away from the crack in the plane, the more painful it becomes. My skin burns, and I struggle to hold onto my human façade. My devil side wants to break free and battle the heavenly light scorching over us.

“Keep your eyes open. I have to concentrate. Her soul is far. Might be even in the furthest corner of the plane where we were supposed to jump with Lucian.” Elias flicks attention to me, his wings flapping lightly on his back, not helping any as his heavenly breeze washes over us while it plays with Raven’s hair.

“We’re going to the highest peak?” Raven frowns at the idea. “I’m scared. It has to be a trap.”

“Even so, we must face it. The angelic army has gone too far. If they persist, they’re going to destroy humanity.” Zade gathers power in his palms, his mere presence helping to extinguish the pain coursing over me. If we stay close, we can bounce our Hell power back-and-forth to ease everything heavenly around us.

Raven bobs her head, slowing down even though Elias doesn’t. Her arm stretches out, but it’s as if her body quits working. She doesn’t even move her feet, and Elias drags her a couple steps before he realizes she freezes in fear.

“What is it, darlin’?” Elias stops and turns to face us.

Raven opens and closes her mouth, her body glowing more intensely with heavenly light. She doesn’t find her voice and instead darts her gaze to me and Zade.

“Someone’s coming.” Zade unsheathes his Hell sword, preparing to fight against anyone who dares try to test us.

I summon my own blade, tensing as I let go of Zade. He steps forward protectively, his hand filling with purple light while he positions his feet for battle.