“Good girl,” I say, combing my fingers into her hair to guide her mouth to mine. “Come here and sit on my face. You get a reward for that.”

“Mind if I watch, darlin’?” Elias materializes in Raven’s plane, stretching his annoyingly blinding wings out. If we didn’t need him to be a fucking angel right now, I’d use my power and cut off his wings to spank Raven with. I know she likes that kind of reward. We’ve all seen Dante’s angel feather pillows. Fuck, I’ve gotten burned by them before when they were ripped open.

Raven taps her finger to her chin, faking as if she’s thinking about Elias’s words. And right now? I don’t give a fuck. If he wants to watch, he can watch. Raven loves that kind of shit. He could even jerk off and come all over her, and she’d probably drench me in the process.

“If you watch, I’d want you to join. And if you join, the three of us aren’t going to get anything done but each other. Can I take a rain check? From the both of you?” Raven bites her lip, smiling with her teasing words. A part of me wants to deny her and demand that she sit on my damn face like I have requested. Another part of me wants to do whatever I can to keep that smile on her face. And fuck. I haven’t been close to Elias in a while. I wouldn’t mind bonding with the bastard over Raven. I know he’s done some dickish shit but I can’t really talk.

“Hell yeah, darlin’. I’ll take it. You can light us up with good grace and see how powerful Lucian really is.” Elias chuckles with his words.

“Don’t test him, Elias. Lucian has a thing for pain. He’d probably let me pinch his balls the whole time I give him head. Maybe even bless them with a little heavenly light so they zing.” Raven reaches out and grazes her hand over my now throbbing cock. I feel as if I don’t relieve myself of this ache, I might go crazy. I need to fuck some shit up to get my mind off it.

“Careful, Ray. You’re poking a devil. I poke back. Hard.” I snap my teeth at her and spin her around, spanking her with enough force to make her jump.

“What’s the fun in that? I’d love to see you try.” Raven rushes and jumps at Elias, trusting that he’ll catch her before he’s even prepared to do so. I try to snatch her away, but the fucker closes his wings around her protectively, and the realm shifts, bringing us back to the fire pits in my kingdom. Her plane shifting is getting smoother the more she does it. My heart beats faster, and I want nothing more than to steal her away from Elias even for just a couple minutes to tell her how fucking proud I am. She just never ceases to amaze me.

I whip Elias with my chain, getting him to set Raven on her feet. I close the distance and place my hand on each of their shoulders, grinning like a fucking lunatic on a mission to fuck shit up.

“Damn, Ray. Are you sure you don’t want your reward right now? You have me so fucking hot. Hell feels freezing because of it.” I wag my eyebrows at her, nudging Elias again. “Tell her, bastard. You know she deserves it. That was incredible.”

Elias offers her a smile. “I hate agreeing with this asshole, but he’s right. That was amazing.”

Raven plants her palms to each of our chests, pushing us back as she laughs. It takes everything in me not to just lift her up and have my way. Elias might even help if I start. And if I start, I know Raven won’t make me stop. She wants this just as much as I do. She is damn proud of herself too, as she should be.

“I promise the wait will be worth it. I need to practice more. Let’s grab another angelic bastard. The more I do it, the easier it becomes. So go fishing. Catch me a crybaby.” Raven swings her hand, smacking me in the ass.

I play-growl and shake my hips, getting her to do it again before I strut forward to the edge of the lake. Flicking my arm out, I cast my Hell chain into the lava pit, using my Hell power to pull an angelic bastard from the deepest part. The lava shifts and moves, bubbling as I reel an angel to the surface. Raven and Elias stand next to me, watching as if I’m about to bring up the best catch. And it better be. Raven deserves what she wants.

“Feels like a big one,” I say, teasing as I gather my chain in my hands, winding it around my wrists. “He has small dick energy, though.”

A holler rips in the air as a flaming figure pops up at the surface, swinging his arms and attempting to swim. Souls move around him, entangling him and trying to drag him back down. I loosen my chain a bit to allow them to do so, enjoying this tug-of-war. If I’m lucky, the souls might rip his dick off or something. Sure, his cock will grow back, but it will hurt. Everything is painful here. Over and over just how I like it.

“I think you’re right. He looks like one big ass asshole for me to obliterate.” Raven slides her hand across my shoulder blade and gives me a little shake.

I laugh and yank my chain, dragging the fallen angel from the pits. This one came by his own will in an attempt to overthrow Hell. He regretted his decision the second we caught him, begging the Higher Power to save him. He’s a fucking idiot. Brainwashed. And now, Raven will sort of give him what he wants. He should be thankful. She’s going to stop his suffering while giving us more power. Unless he decides to bow.

“I don’t want to give them a choice. The last one ruined it for everyone. We don’t have time.” Raven exhales a long breath, turning to me to see if it’s okay.

Damn. She’s sexy when she’s ruthless. What am I saying? I think she’s sexy and irresistible all the time.

“Do it. I don’t want this fucker anyways. I have enough souls around here. The angelic army doesn’t deserve a second chance of power. Look what they’ve done the first time. Let’s save my best spots for the naughty souls that prove their worth.” I stride toward the angel, pausing to let him push to his feet in an attempt to run from us.

I transform into my devil form and swing my fist, knocking him so hard in the back that he flies a dozen feet and lands on his stomach. The ground explodes with flames around him, and he shrieks, his voice turning high pitched with his agony. I lash my chain at him again, wrapping it around his neck to yank him back. I drop him in front of Raven and stand over the bastard, stomping my hooves into each of his hands to pin him down.

“Be quick,” Elias murmurs, his heavenly power glowing brighter by the second. This fucking bothers him, and it annoys the shit out of me. I know it’s not his fault that he’s an angelic bastard, but he should see how much joy Raven gets from summoning Hell and getting justice against the guardians that tried to ruin everything.

I growl at him. “She can take as fucking much time as she wants. Let her do her thing. Don’t pressure her.”

Raven rubs her hands together. “Both of you shut up. I will do what I want.”

I scowl and blow a breath of smoke at her. “You’re asking for punishment, Ray.”

She tips her head up and looks at me, a smile parting her pouty mouth. “Maybe I am.”

“All right. This traitor is going to wait.” I kick him into the lava pit, allowing the souls to drag him back to his eternal prison.

Raven screeches and laughs, trying to rush toward Elias again for his angelic protection. I lash out my whip, snagging it around her wrist, and spin her back toward me. Elias summons his heavenly light, shooting it at my hand and attempting to get me to drop the chain. We all laugh, and I can’t help how fucking good it feels to mess around with Raven like this. I’ll even give Elias a little credit. He’s not always a fucking bastard. He knows what Raven likes and has always been good at going with the flow of things. No wonder he can fucking keep crossing back-and-forth between Heaven and Hell and across the Mortal Realm with soul cycles. He easily adapts. Unlike me. My ass is forever a devil. There’s no fucking way I’ll ever sport wings again.

I’m so focused on trying to keep Raven with me that I don’t see fucker angel crashing into the realm until it’s too late. His wings blaze with fire as he falls like a meteor toward my palace. He smashes into the onyx wall of my palace, shattering it and sending flaming pieces around before I can even react.