But I know she can handle it. I can see the light and dark radiating from the twins to lace up her arms to meet at her heart. They attach to my power, and for the first time, I can truly see their strength. They are unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, and it sends a zing of energy through me.

Raven gasps, arching her back as braids of light and dark whip from her and wrap around each of us, creating a circle around us with her and the twins in the center.

The world changes around us, and I stare at a new realm. It’s Raven’s plane, but something is different. It’s no longer just haze and shadows and light. It’s now full of brilliant color.

It’s full of hope and power. It contains all of her emotions and her desires.

As quickly as I see it, it fades.

“Fuck, angel-girl. That was incredible.” Kase steps closer and rests his hands on her belly. “Daddy’s impressed. You gave us a vision.”

Raven smiles with tears in her eyes. “It was an answer to my prayer. It was a reminder of what we’re fighting for.”

Elias gathers heavenly light in his palms. “So let’s get this done now. I heard the heavenly call. We have no time to waste.”

Chapter 13


Eternal Torture

“JUST KNOWING WHAT you can do gives me a raging fucking boner, Ray. I had no idea when I first saw you that you would be the one to bring me to my knees. Let me lick that sweet pussy of yours while you destroy this bastard.” I adjust my hard-on, watching Raven shift from foot to foot, standing just outside the fiery pits where I like to keep the fallen angels who refused to bow to me. “If I could even just taste a little bit of your power, I’d be the happiest devil.”

And this beautiful, courageous woman is the epitome of power. I have never seen anyone manage to force a being into pure energy instead of completely obliterate it as if it has been recycled, and not like the soul cycling over and over through the planes. This is different. If we could have managed it before, I’d have cleaned fucking house already. I get bored of torturing those against us. It’s fucking awesome that I can finally silence their eternal prayers for salvation that will never come without losing power from annihilating them.

Raven shakes her arms out, staring at the broken angelic bastard on his knees before us. He could make it simple and bow to me, accepting his place among my legion, but he refuses to give up whatever dumbass idea he clings to. He was obviously Mikail’s little bitch, because if he wasn’t, he’d see good reason in what we’re trying to do. Instead, he calls out to the Higher Power to save him as if it’s even listening.

“Control yourself, Satan. It’s hard for me to focus with you pointing at me like that. I’m still figuring out how to do this shit.” Raven licks her lips and bounces on her feet, her dress swaying with her movements.

All I can think about is dropping lower to watch from beneath. Maybe she’ll let me just crawl between her legs and wait for her to get tired enough to sit down on my face. “Distractions are good. If you could do this with my fucking distraction, you’ll be unstoppable. I will worship you as you deserve. You’re my queen, but I want you to be my goddess. Show me your power. Let me touch it, taste it, savor it. Let me see you put this fucker down. He’s not going to comply.”

Raven closes her eyes, and I can tell that a part of her wishes the fuckhead would just bow. Unlike me, Raven still has a soft spot despite how fucked up this guy’s mission is. She doesn’t like to destroy things. With the twins, she now understands the amazement of creation. And that’s what she wants to do. She will create a place for wayward souls to learn to get their shit together before they can have eternal peace. And damn it. I want that. I don’t like being tethered to this shithole again. I want our kingdoms to rise.

“This is your last chance. I don’t want to have to obliterate your ass, so you need to make your decision now. You either bow to my fucking sexy king or you’ll get to be another little bling of energy on this pretty chain he gave me.” Raven dangles the fiery, yet dainty, chain that she wears around her neck as a reminder of how to anchor herself to not only us, but to her new plane that will be Purgatory. We all saw the vision ourselves. And there’s nothing I won’t do to ensure that happens. I’m willing to pluck every damn angel from the pits until there are no more. It’s going to take a while, but I think we will be able to gather enough power to do what we need if we make it at least a quarter of the way through.

The bastard clasps his hands together, turning his head upward. “Your Almighty grace, give me the strength to—”

I whip my fire chain, lashing it across his chest and sending him to the smoldering ground outside of the lava lake. “You will not get any more strength. Bow to me and pray to Raven.”

The man expands his burning and broken wings. “I will never pray to a false god or idol.”

I puff out a breath of smoke through my lips, striding forward to kick him onto his stomach. I stomp my hoof into his chest, crushing him to keep him silent for Raven. Screams don’t push her forward like they do me. And he doesn’t do anything that pisses her off in this moment, so it’s going to take her more time to gather her rage and power to obliterate him.

“Come on, Ray. It’s time. Think about the power you will get from this abomination. With his power, we will be closer to breaking the veil to get your soul.” I hold my hand out to her, coaxing her closer to me. “I will help you through it.”

Raven bobs her head and waddles closer. I can’t help but smirk at how she looks as if I’ve been fucking her hard for days though I haven’t had the luxury of that kind of time with her. It’s just her beautiful, glowing pregnant body.

“Just keep him quiet, please. And get ready to drop to your knees for me. I’m going to need the distraction immediately.” Raven puffs out a breath of air between her lips and looks at me with her blue-green eyes, glassing over with unshed tears. I want to spank her to clear her gaze, but I know this is hard on her. She needs me to be her strength and her power. She needs me to keep her steady. I will do whatever I have to and do whatever she asks of me to get this done.

I scoop her in my arms and hug her, kissing her softly on the lips without getting carried away despite my throbbing balls just wanting me to sink my cock between her legs. “I got you, Ray. Always.”

“And I have you, Lucian. I have you and the other devils.” Raven kisses me again and then untangles herself from my arms. She lets me help her squat until she rests on her knees. I pin the angel down, taking pleasure in stabbing my sharp nails into his shoulders. Raven concentrates on her hands, and I watch as she gathers hellfire and heavenly light between her palms, filling the energy into an orb the size of a basketball. She hesitates, studying as the power swirls, but then the angelic bastard bucks his body and shouts that he is going to destroy her. His mistake is my pleasure, because I gape in awe as Raven throws the rest of her power at the angel, setting his body aglow before absorbing him into herself.

She screams out as a rush of energy crashes through her, and I rest my hand against her heart, whispering in her ear to ground it.

“Don’t let it control you, Raven. Remember what you were taught. Pour it into your very being and manifest it. If you prefer to change the shape of the stone to make it easier, then do it. That guy deserves to be a dick for the rest of existence.” I move my hand from her heart and cup her fingers between mine, silently encouraging her with the warmth of my power to do as I say.

She squeezes her eyes shut. The power drifts through her body and into her palms, and the world around us shimmers as she moves us between planes. She releases a deep breath, and I tilt my head back and roar a laugh at the sight of the small dick shaped stone in her hands. She actually did what I said. That stubborn little sexy woman of mine is actually acting like my princess.