“There’s no other way to talk to such big scary boys. Aren’t you guys just so big and scary? You keep all those souls in their places, don’t you? My good hellhounds. Yes, you boys are.” I laugh and finally step back, wiping my hands on my dress, though the hellhound’s saliva disappears completely, probably because of Micah.

“What am I going to do with you, darlin’? You’re going to tame all of the beasts of Hell.” Elias grins and gives me a little shake.

I bite my lip with a smile. “That’s the plan.”

Elias leans in and kisses me. “And you’ll have plenty of time after you’re trained, okay?”

Sighing, I tip my head back toward the fiery sky. “That’s going to take forever.”

“It’s a good thing we’re going to get it. Promise.” Elias eases away, putting space between us. “Now, I’m going to return to the Mortal Realm so you can portal back to me. I can tell that the souls are beginning to gather, and I think you need an incentive to help Micah shift through planes. This one will be a bit harder. He’s tethered to Hell, so it’s going to take more energy. Tap into the soul stones you’ve been collecting. Manifest them if you have to.”

Fucking manifestation. It might be my least favorite thing to do, considering that I’m still figuring out how to do it. The devils make things look so easy and natural. The planes just bow to their every whim. I don’t think I could even summon lube if my ass depended on it.

Chuckling, Micah swats my ass, obviously hearing my thoughts. “Go easy on yourself. We’ve been doing it forever, heathen. It’ll get easier.”

“I hope so. I don’t want to always have to rely on everyone else.” I purse my lips with the words.

“But you can, no matter what. Now, let me help you. I need you to release the tether you’ve wrapped around Elias completely, so we can start fresh. Let’s take a moment to summon your stones to help. You already have one on your ring finger, so feel the energy first.” Micah responds to my thoughts out loud, reminding me that we have a deep-seated mental connection. That’s another reason why he’s helping with this task instead of any of the other devils. If he can tap into my mind, he might be able to guide me better.

Elias kisses my cheek and then launches into the air, creating a light portal above Micah’s kingdom. I don’t turn back to Micah until Elias disappears completely. An ache resonates inside me. It feels as if Elias takes a part of me with him, and it’s hard to steel my emotions against the pain his absence causes.

Micah gathers me in his arms, brushing his lips to mine. “Release him. You’ll feel better. Just take a breath and let me steal your complete attention. The shift in power kills me. I already miss the freedom that comes with being with you in the Mortal Realm.” Brushing his lips to mine again, he ignites warmth in my being. His thoughts trickle to me, turning lustful as satisfaction courses through him. He’s been dying to kiss me senseless since the moment I opened the portal with Elias.

I give in to his desire and slide my tongue into his mouth, kissing him deeper, tasting him in a way that excites me. The whole re-tethering to Hell was so sudden that neither of us had time to really prepare for it. We haven’t had much time to be alone since then either, and I won’t rush back to the Mortal Realm unless I have to. He deserves my attention and affection. He deserves to feel my appreciation for everything he’s done. Everything he’s sacrificed.

Sliding his hands lower, he rests them on my lower back. “I do feel that, Raven. I don’t regret being the keeper of Hell’s power source. You need to know that. I knew what I was getting into when I accepted it. I wouldn’t change things, even knowing what I know now. This is my path. Never feel bad about it. I want to be the one in control when it’s time for you to take Purgatory. Our connection strengthens me as your guide. It is my duty and place to be as a devil.” Micah speaks to me through our thoughts, continuing to kiss me and push away every ounce of fear and nervousness over the situation. His kiss manages to clear my mind completely as he fills me up with everything he is. “Just as you’ve accepted your place as my queen, I’ve accepted my reign as king. Now, use me if you have to. Manifest my power from this realm and open yours to get the soul stones. Envision a door to walk through. Think about a table with a bowl on top. Imagine that bowl filled with the stones you’ve created. Imagine grabbing them and holding them in your hand. Do you feel the weight? The buzzing energy?”

I gasp and snap my eyes open, staring at the two large stones in my hand. They glitter in the firelight, the energy crackling across their surfaces. That was easier than I expected. Cassius could use some pointers from Micah on being a teacher and walking me through things. Micah might’ve even used me to summon them on my behalf.

“That was all you, Raven. I was only guiding you along the way,” he says, ignoring my thought about Cassius. We both know Pride needs work still just as I do.

I roll one of the stones between my hands. “Which is why you’re an excellent instructor. Far superior to Cass-hole.”

Chuckling, he says, “Come on and concentrate, so you can tell him as much. Imagine his expression and focus. I want you to take the energy and envision it growing tethers. Envision wrapping it around me, so you can take me with you when you cross the planes as we meet Elias and face Cassius to mess with him. Imagine hugging me tightly, and don’t let me go.” Micah strokes his fingers across my hands, helping me envision glowing white lines dancing from the stones. The illuminating tendrils of energy twist and move around him, tying around his hulking frame and suppressing his devilish nature.

The world hazes around us once more, and I gasp as I lead Micah back into the mortal plane where Elias stands in the middle of the basement, waiting for us. He applauds and hollers, pumping his fist in the air. His excitement matches mine, and I wag my ass in a happy dance.

“I can’t believe I did it!” I screech, throwing my arms out. “I fucking did it!”

“Yeah—” Micah grunts, his words cutting off. The world shakes, trembling beneath my feet. I can’t do anything as the tethers binding us together snap in half. Micah vanishes in a wave of fire, sending him back to Hell.

I cover my mouth, furrowing my brows. “Oh fuck. Damn it.”

Elias snatches my hand, turning me toward him. “It’s okay. He’s just been banished and relocated back into his kingdom. You switched your focus from him to me and lost concentration. Don’t stress about it. Micah is fine. You did perfect. We’ll do it again.”

I could kick myself. I didn’t realize how fragile the tethers could be. It makes me worried about my plan. What if I manage to get into Heaven with the devils but then they get thrown right back out because I’m not strong enough to cling onto the tethers?

“I’m sorry.” I know I shouldn’t apologize, but I feel the need to.

“I don’t want to hear any of that. Just try again.” Light flickers in Elias’s eyes.

I bow my head, focusing on the soul stones I clutch in my palm. I don’t want to let them go. I don’t need them to pull Elias through with me because of my familiarity with his soul, but I will need them to bring Micah back. I just wish—

Heat burns over my skin, and I stare at the ground as it quakes and opens. Micah flies from Hell and lands on his knees in front of me, the glowing tethers of my energy trapping him. My power tangles around him like I’ve thrown a net and reeled him back.

My jaw slackens, and I rush forward, dropping to my knees and cupping Micah’s face. His eyes light with fire, and his tusks protrude from his mouth as if my bringing him back surprised him. Maybe it did. He was probably expecting us to return to his kingdom, and I somehow managed to just pull him back.

Elias claps his hands, whistling with his excitement. “Now that’s what I’m fucking talking about. You caught yourself one handsome son of a bastard devil. I can’t even do that shit.”