Elias tenses, his muscular arms tightening around me. Heavenly light radiates from his being, and he scowls. But it’s not at me. It’s at the situation and everything I’m suddenly feeling in this moment. It has taken months to feel like myself again. And the closer I stand to Elias, the closer I feel to being the same. And it hurts. It hurts so much that I can’t ignore the ache burning through me.

“Raven, you will never be alone. Do you understand? We will defeat the angelic army.” Elias cups my cheeks, smearing his thumbs across the new streams of tears.

“I want to believe that with every fiber of my being, but I need assurance from you that if it doesn’t work out that...I’m sorry. This is too much to ask of you.” I bow forward and rest my head to his shoulder, my tears soaking into his shirt as I sob again.

Elias rubs his hands over my spine, massaging circles to loosen my tight muscles. “It is not too much to ask of me. If everything fails, I will be by your side. You will never be alone. The devils agree with me. As much as they hate the idea of not being the ones to enter that plane to ensure your peace, they also don’t want you to suffer. We have a backup plan. I promise.”

I sniffle and squeeze my eyes shut, feeling the babies shift in me, moving around in my belly, as if they just want Elias to give them attention too.

Kneeling down, he rests his palms to my belly and kisses it through my shirt. I play with his hair, staring over his head as the devils linger just outside, waiting for me to call them in again.

“I will take care of Mama. I promise.” Elias kisses my stomach again, and I start crying, the tears never seeming to stop.

I hold my arms open once more, calling the devils to me. Hellfire billows in the corner as Micah materializes into view. He must’ve remained just on the other side, refusing to leave the entrance of the Hell portal in case he’s needed here. I wish with everything in me that he could come closer, but his presence is enough. The other devils shower me with their affection again.

“We’re all going to take care of Mama,” Dante says, touching my belly. “And we’re going to take care of you both too.”

Light and shadow radiate from me, hazing the room around us. I gasp as we shift planes, all of us together, as if the twins try to respond.

It’s in this moment I realize they make a silent promise as well. We’re not only going to take care of them. They will take care of us.

We will make it through this together.

I will no longer accept another option. I can’t. Things must change. We must fight first.

And as the world shimmers in front of me, and I glimpse the sight of my soul through the veil, I know what must be done. We must take the war to Heaven.

I will make the whole plane fall.

Chapter 11


Broken Realm

“FOCUS, DARLIN’. I know you would prefer to have Micah open the portal, but I want you to do it. If you can open the Hell portal every time without hesitation, it’ll make things easier to replicate it with Heaven. We’re going to have to move fast. We’ll have a matter of a minute once I cross through to the heavenly plane.” Elias rests his hands on my shoulders. “Think about Micah and remember what it’s like in his kingdom. Use that to break through.”

I exhale a deep breath, pushing away the tightness of my nerves. Elias hovers behind me, sliding his hands down to rest on my belly with his taut chest against my back. He and Micah are the ones teaching me to move through the realms more naturally now. We won’t be practicing with Heaven, so it was the best for Elias to be on this side with Micah in his kingdom because they still have a bond. They work great as a team. The other devils are now out and ensuring that the guardians stay busy. They don’t want to give them time to plot against us. Everyone knows that time is running out, and the angelic army would prefer to just wait. So we have to be active.

For my plan to work, I need to be able to shift everyone from plane to plane. I don’t even know if it’ll be possible, but I hope that if I can at least shatter the veil long enough, we can manage to conquer the assholes and get my soul in time.

“Apart from Micah, what do you like about his kingdom?” Elias keeps his voice low as if he speaks loudly, he’ll interrupt my concentration.

“I miss seeing Spike, Sam, and Dean. I want to have some fun hunting with them. It’s been too long.” I never even got the chance to enjoy Micah’s hellhounds. The majestic beasts were incredible and not as scary as I imagined. The thought of their fiery bodies is enough to trigger my power, and fire explodes in my hands. Elias’s suggestion worked.

Thrusting my hands at the floor of the basement, I manage to crack the realms and open up a portal to Hell. There’s no summoning circle or anything. I can feel the energy of the twins swirling through me, helping me. It’s like they now know what to expect, and when they know what I need, they help out. I never knew I could love someone I’ve never even met, but I do. I love the twins more than I ever imagined. It’s knowing that they need me, and the devils need me, that pushes me to focus. It helps push me harder.

“Perfect, darlin’. Now, I want you to cross the plane and pull me with you. Imagine you’re binding us together. Don’t let me go.” Elias kisses the back of my head.

Locking my hands over Elias’s arms, I hold him tight and step forward. I don’t jump into the portal and instead imagine floating until the floor beneath our feet vanishes. The world hazes and darkens around us, but I don’t fall. I manage to ease us into the plane and not crash into it. It has never felt so effortless, even with the devils moving me through the planes. This time, with my control, I feel like I belong and am not catching a ride down.

Flames crackle in my ears, and I open my eyes and stare at Micah towering in front of me. A beaming smile brightens his eyes, turning him even more handsome. His velvety skin glows with the firelight, and I automatically pull Elias forward until I sandwich myself between them.

“I knew you could do it, heathen. And look who’s here. They missed you.” Micah whistles, calling the three-headed hellhound in our direction.

I laugh and hold my arms open, letting the fiery beasts bow low so their heads meet my eye level. I scrub my fingers into each of their heads, not even fazed by the black goo seeping over my fingers. “Who are the good boys? You are good boys.” I make kissy noises at the hellhounds, making both Elias and Micah laugh.

“Only you would talk to a hellhound like that, Raven,” Micah muses and scratches the beasts under each of their chins.