“If you fucking try, I’m joining in. And since we’d have to share, you’d be taking my tail in your ass. Dante would want her pouty mouth if he can’t have her ass or pussy.” Kase leans against the wall outside of the double doors. I can’t stop the smile crossing my face, wondering if Lucian would agree to such a thing. He’s as possessive and dominating as Kase. Neither of them seems like the bottom type.

“I’ll fucking break your tail off and tie it around your neck if you even try.” Lucian strides forward, trying to use his devilish height to intimidate Kase, but nothing Lucian does can threaten him now.

Kase grins wider. “You can go ahead and fucking try. Raven might blast your ass to the pits. You know she considers my tail her most prized possession.”

I tip my head back and laugh, the ridiculousness of his words getting to me in a good way. “He’s right. And you’re lucky I only like to share his tail with Dante.” I meet Kase’s dark burgundy eyes, flashing with his red power. “You can share me with your tail. When your cock needs a break, your tail can take over. I might need it to play with my clit for a bit. You know I love that.”

Kase purrs, the sound feline yet sexy. “Fuck. Lucian get her ass to the room before I take her up on that offer. Her cousin and Gia are here, and I really doubt they want to witness our attempt to give her our devil seed, keeping her pregnant for eternity.”

I’m surprised they haven’t done so already. I don’t know how it happened before, but I would accept a lifetime of being pregnant with devil after devil’s children as long as it meant that I never had to face the reality of where my soul rests.

“I’m down for that kind of show. Would be a lot more entertaining than managing our asshole contracts. They’re stupid disobedient souls lately. I think they can sense the possibility of what’s to come.” Gia’s voice sounds through the air, drawing my attention away from Kase and my own thoughts. “I heard that you like that kind of thing, Ray. Being watched.”

“Fuck no. That’s my cousin. If you want to watch someone, you can watch me, babe.” Tamia grins with her words, flicking Hell power at Gia, Kase and Dante’s first in command when it comes to their mortal ventures.

“All right, save your kinky asses for the guestroom. Now’s a time to celebrate and not put on a show that none of us want to see. We are family. There are children here.” Dante chuckles with his words, opening his arms and wiggling his fingers in my direction.

“I’m sure they’re used to your nasty, boundary pushing, dirty deeds. I’m surprised that they don’t blast you away just to stop feeling their whole world shake.” Gia laughs, dodging out of the way.

It’s so strange to see her and my cousin relaxed...and maybe together. They’re companions for sure, and this all feels so normal. I don’t know whether I should be happy or scared that we even get a moment like this. I feel as if when things seem to be okay that it’s just the world bracing for complete destruction and annihilation.

A flash of brilliant light erupts through the air, and my devils and the demons shield their eyes and stop messing around. Elias spreads his wings, using his heavenly light to grab everyone’s attention.

My heart clenches as I see him. He’s been more distant, and I worry that it’s because of me. Because of Cassius’s fall. But I don’t have time to think about it for long.

Zade and Andre open the double doors completely, and I spot Micah standing within a summoning circle in the corner of a gigantic nursery. Tears fill my eyes the second I see the twins’ cribs, two bassinets, two rocking chairs, and a gigantic bed large enough to sleep all of us. I know that the devils each have their individual rooms with me, but they’ve designed this one not only as the twins’ room, but also as a family suite for all of us.

My shoulders shake as sobs grab a hold of me. I want so badly for this life. I want so desperately to know that once I have my babies that we will be dealing with changing diapers, breastfeeding, sleep deprivation, and everything that comes with being parents without the burden of humanity or the universe weighing heavily on us. I want to be able to decorate more, add pictures of all of us, and just live a mundane life for as long as we can.

“Angel-girl, you’re not supposed to cry. This isn’t intended to make you feel bad. This is to show you that no matter what, we’re going to make the perfect life for you happen. There is no other option except for this.” Kase steals me away from Lucian and engulfs me in his arms.

“I know. It’s just—” I hiccup and shudder, finding it harder than ever to stop the wild emotions coursing through me. It’s everything weighing on me. Even without my soul, I can now just tap into the energy that zings through me. I feel too much. I’m starting to think it was better to feel nothing at all. At least being numb saved me from this pain.

“Being numb would also deprive you of everything you deserve, heathen. It would steal your joy, your love, your hope. You don’t truly want that. I know everything is so unfair right now, but it’s why we fight, and why we will fight harder, better. We’ve already regained control of Hell, and the guardians are freaking out. They know we’re going to come for them. Cassius’s descent solidified it.” Micah stands tall within the summoning circle, responding to my silent thoughts out loud for everyone to hear.

With his words about Cassius, I can’t help turning to look for my double dick devil. He hovers in the corner of the room and away from the others. His eyes meet mine, and his wings appear only to vanish, reminding me of their mesmerizing change. Should I feel bad that he looks like a rejected devil or an uninvited guest we were too nice to send away? Probably not. But I can’t help it. His descent with me in his arms replays in my mind. I could feel him breaking apart to rebuild himself to withstand Hell. I felt his emptiness with losing the grace of Heaven and the pain of refilling his being with Hell power. He still thinks he failed everyone despite him jumping to save me from the angelic army.

As if Zade knows what I’m thinking, he strides the distance to Cassius and drapes his arm over his shoulders. “Which I am so relieved about. I’ve missed you, Cass. I know you’ve been around, but it hasn’t been the same. Now things will go how they were always intended.”

Lucian groans, rolling his eyes, looking dramatic as fuck. “Don’t give him a bunch of fucking praise. His stubborn ass could’ve prevented all of this from happening had he just swallowed his pride and done what he was supposed to.”

“He has a point.” Dante flaps his wings once, sending a gust of wind through the air.

I sigh and rub my hands over my cheeks, their banter now distracting me enough that I can pull myself together. I sniffle and wiggle until my feet touch the floor. All my devils surround me and encircle me in their muscular bodies, hugging and kissing me as they try to ensure I stay together instead of falling apart.

“If there’s something you don’t like, we can change it.” Kase runs his fingers through my hair, pulling the damp strands from my cheeks. “This is just the beginning.”

I swallow and shudder again. “It’s perfect. So, so perfect. I love you all.”

They each take a moment to hug me again, and then I break away and stroll around the grand suite where the twins will stay. I can’t even imagine what life will be like. It’s not only because of my worry about what happens if we don’t get my soul back, but I just still can’t grasp the fact that I’m going to have twins. With the devils. With my soulmate.

With the thought of Elias, I flick my attention to him. My eyes water again, and I hold my arms open, begging for him to come closer. I need his embrace. I need his assurance. This is all so hard. He’s the last angel standing, and a part of me is terrified of him falling.

Flapping his wings, Elias closes the distance without touching his feet to the floor. He lands in front of me and embraces me, wrapping his wings around the two of us until all I see is his iridescent, rainbow light. I listen as everyone quietly leaves the nursery, and I’m certain Micah told them that my mind wanders to a moment I need alone with my soulmate.

Elias eases back and stares into my glassy eyes. “Oh, darlin’. Your sadness breaks my heart. I don’t know what to do to help. I’m trying so desperately to figure out exactly where the angelic army is keeping your soul, but every time I enter the heavenly plane, they’re waiting.”

I flutter my eyelashes, clearing my vision. “I know everyone is trying their best, Elias. It’s just...I’m so scared. You’re the last one connected to Heaven. I’m so afraid that something is going to change, and you might have to jump like Cassius did before I get my soul back. If that happens, and Heaven manages to keep my soul, I’ll be so alone. I know it’s selfish of me, because you also deserve to be here in the Mortal Realm, but I can’t help thinking the thoughts. The twins need you. But I need you too. I need all of you, and it kills me at the thought that I might never get that. And every day that passes is like I’m shoveling another mound of dirt into my grave of eternal isolation.”