Tingles rush over my body, and I can’t help myself from reaching to feel more of him. I draw my fingers over his shoulders and back to the soft feathers of his wings, wiggling in his arms until he has no choice but to set me on my feet. I stand before him, but he doesn’t let me move more than a couple inches, not allowing much space to get between us.

His clothes hang in tatters, the fire burning through them and exposing him. Muscles ripple over his body, and he lets go of his angel façade completely. I step back, watching as his neck elongates and his nose and mouth sharpen into a jutting point almost like a beak. Sharp fangs glisten in the fiery light around us, and I trail my gaze over his boxy body, bulking up to his claw-like feet, the talons sharper than Kase’s claws.

And then I see the most shocking yet fascinating thing in my life. Two thick, rod-like pieces of flesh grow between his legs, pointing in my direction, one on top of the other. I always knew he was a dick, and the fact that he now has two? It proves it. And unholy Hell. My mind can barely wrap around any of this.

I place my hands on my hips, just staring at the two hefty appendages, thinking dirty thoughts that I probably shouldn’t in this moment. Cassius just jumped from grace for fuck’s sake, and here I am, channeling my conductor position on Dante’s Kinky Express. I’d say my thoughts would send me to Hell, but we’re already here.

“Say something, Raven.” Cassius shifts, his talons cutting into the onyx floor and sending sparks of fire through the air. “Is it bad? I’m afraid to look at myself.”

I keep my face expressionless and shuffle to him completely until I wrap each one of my hands around both of his cocks and give him a surprise stroke.

“Depends on who you ask. I think you look intimidating on every level. Glorious. And double the cocky bastard that grew on me these last couple months. I mean, look at these things. I’m going to take your fucking virginity to find out what these are capable of.” I laugh at my own joke, watching as Cassius’s eyes widen in surprise only to have my suggestion sink in. His two dicks grow harder, and I drop my gaze to them again, letting him see what it looks like with my hands around them.

He puffs a breath of air, his majestic wings spreading wide, the shape rounder than they were before, and far more expansive too. I’m pretty sure Dante is going to be jealous as fuck, and I’ll have to remind him how much I love his black feathers and how he knows how to tickle me and all the right places.

“Cassius, Raven. I felt the powershift. What happened? The others are on their way. Are you hurt, heathen?” The ground rumbles with Micah’s thunderous footsteps, and he charges from the swirling souls.

I drop my hands from Cassius’s cocks, the reality of what happened setting in now that I can no longer distract myself with his new devil form.

“They used Raven to crack my sanctuary. They forced me to cut my ties to the heavenly plane. It was time. Raven got to experience what it was like to ground herself to a plane that wasn’t hers, and she might not be an expert, but she can still manage. I think she’ll be able to get into Heaven, even without me. Elias can be her guide.” Cassius drops his arm across my shoulders and pulls me into his side as if he doesn’t want even a foot of space between us.

“They’re going to expect us to try,” I say, my voice soft with the words.

“And we will be ready. If you can get into Heaven on your own and tether yourself there, we might be able to join you or at least be close enough to guide you and your soul home.” Cassius leans forward to look in my eyes. “We can practice.”

The ground quakes, and I watch a portal open up and the other devils come through. I can’t stop myself from pulling away from Cassius to run to them. I want nothing more than to have them engulf me in their arms.

Lucian claps hands once. “It’s about fucking time. Welcome home, brother.”

If only it felt more like home.

Unless I get my soul back, I don’t think it will ever be.

This is it. Cassius is right.

I’m already running out of time, and it’s time to fight. Even if it’s the last thing I do as a mortal.

Heaven can’t win. My soul isn’t theirs. It’s mine. It’ll always be mine.

Chapter 10


Final Wishes

I STARE AT the unfamiliar house—or should I say, mansion—towering in front of me across a sprawling lawn. It felt like no time had passed while I was with Cassius in his sanctuary and only a few days as he grew used to Hell, but in actuality, two weeks have gone by. Two weeks closer to what could possibly be my end.

I shove the thoughts away and smile at Lucian. “You picked this place out?”

“Only if you like it. If not, then it was Cassius.” Lucian swings my hand, letting me drink in the sight of it instead of dragging me inside.

His devil façade flashes across his handsome face. “And if that’s the case, we’ll fucking move. We want you to love the home that we will spend the rest of time in while we’re on the mortal plane.”

I try to suppress the sadness rolling through me. It’s hard for me to think the way he does. I know the devils want to have hope, but I’m just struggling. Cassius fell, and the only one we have left that still has a connection to Heaven is Elias. If he falls now, I’ll be alone. I’ll have no one and my soul will shatter.

I force myself to smile and nudge Lucian in the shoulder with the back of my hand. “I love it. I love it so much. Show me the inside.”

Lucian scoops me into his arms and carries me toward the grand entrance gleaming with polished concrete outside.