Raven stops struggling, her eyes flicking from mine and trailing down my body, watching me watch her. She likes the way I look at her. I can tell by the wetness dripping between her legs and how she wiggles but doesn’t yell at me.

“Did his list only include sex?” Raven asks, biting her bottom lip between her teeth as she teases me. “I’m sure at least a couple things say as much, but Dante knows you’re a virgin. You’re not exactly going to know what to do with me.”

Her words are like a slap to my balls. No, I don’t know what I’m going to do with her, but I sure as fuck know what I want to do to her. And it takes everything in me not to show her that I might not have experience with mortal sexuality, but I know everything there is to know about a woman’s body.

“You want to bet?” I loosen one of my hands from her wrists, bringing it to her knee and slowly trail it across her thigh and toward her pussy.

Raven gasps, squirming as I tease her, but I don’t plan to go further than just grazing my fingers across her smooth lips. Not yet. We have to focus.

She releases the sexiest whimper I’ve ever heard, and she tries to squeeze her legs together, but my body is in the way.

“You fucker,” she mutters, trying to break her hands free of my hold, but I don’t let her.

I bow forward instead, keeping my body off hers while stopping an inch from her mouth. We share the same breath, her fragrance sweet and irresistible. I can’t stop myself from brushing my lips to hers, letting her feel the hardness of my body through my pants between her legs. I’m sure she’ll soak me with how turned on she is by my presence. It takes everything in me not to follow through with my word.

“I knew you didn’t have it in you, Cassius,” she says, her voice husky with the desire coursing through the world around us. “You’re all talk.”

I ignore her instigation and kiss her deeper, sliding my tongue into her mouth. Easing away, I say, “If you do as I ask, I will show you that I’m not all talk. But unlike the devils, I’m not going to let you just have your way. I don’t let my cock think for me either. Consider it a reward. For both of us. If you can manage to complete the tasks I ask, we will go over Dante’s list, and I’ll let you choose whatever you want. We’ll do that until you become a master of manipulating the planes.”

She pants a couple breaths, her desire running as rampant as mine. I expect her to push me off and climb on top of me. If she does, I’m a goner. I can’t resist her any longer. I don’t want to. Being with her in my sanctuary and so open and bare has my whole being twisted around her. I am at her mercy now.

She doesn’t respond to me right away, choosing instead to brush her lips to mine again. I give into her need for affection, listening as her heart finally stops racing and she relaxes. I don’t need Dante’s list. I think I can handle Raven on my own and in my own way. The only reason I’ll even look at his instructions again is purely for Raven. I know she wants to see it. I know she wants for me to do everything on it. I don’t even think it’s because Dante wrote it. She is constantly belittling me and reminding me that because I’m still an angel, she doesn’t completely trust me, but I’m going to change that. Starting here and now.

I’ve made mistakes. I’m starting to figure out how to find redemption for them. I just have to believe that everything I have faced and everything I have done up to this point was part of my journey. I don’t think the Higher Power would purposefully lead me in the wrong direction. My brethren all fell as if their paths were intended to lead directly to Raven, jumping from grace to be damned. As for me? It just doesn’t feel right. Not yet. This is why.

I can do something the others can’t. I didn’t lead the saviors just because. I was gifted with the same ability as Lucian. We can both manipulate planes. And with enough power, we can create them. It’s how he started Hell. With his jump, he opened another realm. He led the way for the other devils. And me? It’s my turn to lead the way for Raven. For Purgatory. For the rest of humanity. I’m not here to smite anyone. I’m not here to serve what I thought was justice for wayward souls. I’m here purely to teach and to learn things myself. I’m here to grow alongside Raven and the twins. I’m here to stand beside my brethren, regardless of which realm they connect to. We are not so different after all.

“Keep kissing me like this, and I’m not going to be able to do anything until I get off.” Raven smiles against my lips. “That will defeat your supposed reward.”

She’s right about that. I silently pray she does ignore me and pushes me over. I pray she gives me what I want but refuse to ask for.

“Close your eyes, Raven. Tell me everything going through your mind when you do so. Tell me what you feel. What your senses focus on.” My voice comes out raspy with lust, and I don’t pull away. I continue to kiss her, exploring her mouth, trying my best to keep her focus solely on me.

She hums under her breath, the sexy sound doing nothing for the ache coursing through my body. “It’s hard to explain. I feel as if I am everywhere and nowhere. I hear your quick breathing and the thudding of your heart every time I kiss you. You taste exactly how I imagine Heaven to be like if it was bottled into an elixir to drink. It’s like sugary caramel and apple. Like rain and sunshine. Like hope. I taste everything pure in this world as if I’m drinking cool, fresh water after having my head shoved into the sand. I never want it to end, but I also want to carry it with me instead of staying.”

“Then do it. Imagine you can carry the very essence of this place. What does it look like to you in your mind’s eye?” I stare at her closed eyelids, her whole being lighting up.

It envelops around us, hugging me in everything she is, everything she can be, and everything we are together. The light grows brighter and brighter until it’s all I can see and the world shifts.

Raven builds her own tether, twining it through mine to connect to my sanctuary. Her fingers light up, and she snaps her eyes open, staring at the glittering diamond in her palm.

“Holy shit. I did it.” She gawks at the diamond, shifting her gaze from it to me. “I can’t believe I did it.”

The world shakes around us, and Raven drops the diamond, shattering it across the plane.

Darkness swells within her, and something triggers her volatile emotions.

Snatching her up, I hold her close, not allowing her to shift between planes without me.

I blink my eyes, my vision hazy. This can’t be. Raven somehow managed to pull us both from the sanctuary, snapping my tether in the process.

We stand in a realm of shadows and light.

I see Raven’s soul, guarded by a dozen angels.

They turn their swords on me and Raven.

Spreading my wings, I launch into the air, determined to grab it.