“Damn it, Cass-hole. I don’t want to see your fucking asshole. I was joking.” Raven stands behind me, making me flinch, thinking she might do something Dante would approve of.

I straighten my back and turn toward her, the look on her face priceless. It’s better than I expected. She’s been so serious lately that I almost forgot what she looks like with a smile. I’m not sure if she’s ever given me one, and it stirs something inside me. I can’t help thinking about stepping closer to her beautiful smile until it fades because I kiss her lips.

I shake my head and scrub my hands into my eyes. “I was just trying to get you to settle down. Your emotions control everything, and you’re more connected to your soul here. We’re on the same plane as it, and with the added power of the energy you’ve already collected, I’m sure you’re feeling a bit wild. You need to take a breath and calm down.”

I realize my mistake immediately. I broke Dante’s number seven rule on his list of things that will keep Raven happy.Never tell her to calm down. Instead, try validating her emotions.I’m really a fucking idiot. Dante has far more experience with Raven, and mortals for that matter, than I do. Begrudgingly, I can see things more clearly now. I hate it.

I throw my hands up. “I mean, I know you’re upset. I know that you miss the devils already, and we are not exactly always on the same page. I can’t possibly understand what you’re going through, but it’s okay. You’re entitled to feel out of control and full of rage. You’re entitled to hate everything about the situation. I know you think I’m a dick. I know that I’m a dick, and I’m trying to change my ways. It’s hard, but I want to do it for you. You are important to me, Raven. You might not believe it, but you are.”

I brace for her to yell at me, smack me upside the head, and demand I summon her a couch or some shit, but she doesn’t do any of that. She continues to sit on the pillow with her legs bent and rests her chin on her knees. The grief pooling tears in her eyes steals my breath away, and I stride closer and summon another pillow to sit on the floor beside her.

I pat her back, unsure if I should hug her or not. The devils are so open with their affection. I just don’t know if such things are wanted or despised when it’s me giving them. Yes, we’ve kissed each other. She’s teased me and tested my restraint. But that was a power play. This is more fragile. More raw. I don’t want to mess up.

“Why don’t we practice some meditating?” I gently rub circles on her back, testing to see if she’ll smack my hand away.

She doesn’t.

She doesn’t speak to me either, and her silence makes me shift, my nerves getting the best of me. I’m a damn savior. I’ve faced far worse things in this universe. Why am I so chickenshit now?

Reaching over, I brush her hair away from her face so I can see her. “Why don’t we start by closing our eyes? I want you to use your other senses and tell me what is going on around us.”

Raven flicks her gaze to mine and burns me a look but doesn’t protest. She sighs a heavy breath and squeezes her eyes closed, pursing her lips, remaining tense instead of relaxed.

I don’t say anything, reaching into my pocket for the list Dante gave me. There is something about getting Raven to relax on here, and I need to look at it more.

Number seventeen: Raven must be reminded to unclench her jaw. Start by kneading your fingers right outside her ears and below her temples, giving her a massage to help her loosen up. If her body refuses, then make her orgasm.

I palm my forehead, reading over the list again. Ninety-five percent of it ends with giving Raven an orgasm. It’s as if Dante thinks that is the cure to her problems.

“What are you doing? I thought you were meditating with me?” Raven snatches the list from my fingers, trying to read over it.

I grab it right back and shove it into my pocket, not allowing her to see what a dumbass Dante thinks I am. Apart from his supposed cure to all her mood issues, he doesn’t think I’ll remember to feed her. He doesn’t think I know how to cleanse her in this world either. Obviously, I have a lot to prove to him, so I can’t fuck this up.

I snatch her wrist, linking my fingers through hers, stopping her from trying to reach into my pocket. “Control yourself. This is not any of your concern.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “Let me read the list Dante gave you. It’ll make me feel better.”

I meet her glare with my own. “No. He made it for me. I want you to close your eyes again. You need to follow my instructions and use your other senses to tell me what you hear, smell, taste, and feel. I want you to learn to ground yourself to my sanctuary. If you can tap into it, you can access it without me.”

Raven ignores my command and shoves me back with her hands, climbing on top of me. I grind my teeth as she spins and sits on my chest, lifting up my shirt to dig her hand into my pocket, trying to grab the paper.

And fuck.

She unintentionally grazes the side of my cock with her fingers, turning me on. We’re ultra-close in my sanctuary, our beings merged together as I tether her here. And this doesn’t help any. Neither does her ass in my face. It’s getting awfully close to where she’ll sit on my head if she moves again, and I realize just how much I like the idea.

“Now it’s you who needs to control yourself,” Raven says, whacking my thigh an inch away from my hard-on. “I’m trying to grab the list, not initiate foreplay. Tell your cock to settle down. There is no action for you until you either teach me things properly or let me see the list. I want to know what Dante expects.”

“You have three seconds to get off me and do as I ask, Raven. I’m warning you.” I hover my hands just outside her hips, preparing to lift her off me.

“One. Two. Three.” She laughs as she says the words, yanking at the paper.

This unruly woman. No wonder the devils love her so much. She just makes me want to punish her.

“Damn it. You asked for it.” Flipping her off, I drop her onto a pillow and grab her hands, restraining her by her wrists. My knees rest between her legs, and she squeezes me with her thighs.

Fuck me. Am I going to live the rest of eternity constantly regretting my decisions? Because Raven wears nothing under her dress. I can see every inch of her bare body, her pussy as perfect as my brother described it over and over again.

And I can’t stop staring.