“I’ll see if I can get Micah.” Andre strides toward the summoning circle next. “Zade, try to reach Elias. We need to all be here.”

“I’ll keep trying to access her plane.” I hate not being able to just rush somewhere to find Raven. I hate waiting around to see if she returns. It makes me feel helpless and useless. It makes me want to fuck shit up. But someone must stay. I’d prefer it be me.

I pace around the living room, staring at Raven’s favorite spot on the couch where a blanket lies half on the floor. Striding to it, I pick it up and fold it nicely. I busy myself by straightening a couple things up, realizing how messy the other devils are. Kase and I have always been clean and tidy, and now that we’re all together, they need to start treating our home better. Especially with the twins coming.


There has to be something I can do.

“Dante?” Raven’s voice sounds through the air, and my heart jumps in relief.

I spin on my feet and catch sight of her on her ass in the middle of the living room. A small ruby stone rests in the palm of her hand, and I realize that the energy must belong to Meri.

Rushing to her, I drop to my knees and engulf her in a hug. I kiss the top of her head, moving to her temple, and then her cheek before I meet her lips. I could kiss every inch of her. The minute she’s been gone felt like an eternity.

“Are you okay, pretty soul?” I ask, leaning back to search her beautiful blue-green eyes. “You scared the hell out of me.”

She forces her lips to smirk and reaches up, caressing her index finger to one of my sharp fangs. “Doesn’t look like it.”

I play-growl and nip her finger, sucking it into my mouth for a tiny taste of her blood. Shit could be falling apart and she’d still find it in her to tease me. I appreciate it more than I realize. Without Raven, I’d go insane. I’d lose the best part of me. It’s the fear of it that strikes me in the core. I never knew such emotions until I met her. Until I fell madly in love with her. And now that she carries the twins, I swear it’s gotten a million times worse. I didn’t know a devil could feel this way. I wish I could just create a bubble for all of us to live in for the rest of time.

Sliding her finger from my mouth, she pokes my bottom lip, her eyes sheening over. I lean closer and brush my lips to hers again, savoring the softness of her pouty mouth.

“Raven...” I let my words trail off. It feels like torture to even try to speak what’s on my mind.

She blinks her eyes, clearing her vision. “I know, Dante. You don’t have to say anything. Walking through the planes like this and not knowing if I’ll be able to return or not freaks me the fuck out. It’s not safe. It’s not good for the twins if I don’t know how to protect us like I should. I’m afraid that if I don’t get it under control, I’ll fuck everything up for us.”

I flick my forked tongue between my lips, unable to keep my devilish nature in control. “You could never fuck anything up, Raven. This isn’t your fault or your responsibility. You shouldn’t have to carry the weight of our feelings. We should’ve figured this out sooner.”

Raven cups my cheeks, combing her fingers into my hair and playing with the strands. “Don’t you dare try to take the blame and keep it all to yourself. We’ve been dealing with a shitshow. There’s no way you could’ve predicted that one of you guys would’ve knocked me the fuck up.”

I smile, the thought sending a wave of happiness through me. “Tell that to Kase. He is still so adamant that it was his mighty cock to do the job.”

She giggles and nuzzles her nose to mine. “You guys are going to be amazing dads. I hope you know that. Just try not to overwhelm them with your sex ed. And you all better not be so overprotective that they don’t get social lives. They’re part mortal, you know.”

Her words stab into me. I know she doesn’t intentionally speak as if it’s the end for her, but it’s like she can’t help herself. She talks as if she’s not going to be around to raise them. Strange, hot liquid floods my eyes, and I hiss as a tear splashes on my cheek. What the actual fuck is this bullshit?

Raven gasps and smears her fingers over my cheek, and then hot trails pour from her endless gaze. Her shoulders shake, and she sobs, her sudden emotions stealing the playfulness from her voice.

I suck in a deep breath, getting my shit together. I can’t believe I’m crying. I need to be strong for her. I need her to know that whatever happens, I’ll not stand by and do nothing as Heaven keeps her soul. I’ll break into that plane even if it’s the last thing I ever do so that she will be here for the twins. For humanity.

I clear my throat and grab the hem of my shirt, rubbing it across Raven’s cheeks to dry her face. “We’re a fucking mess. We shouldn’t be crying. It’s for no reason. Nothing is going to happen. You’re basically going to go on a shitty vacation with an asshole angel. You’re going to come back stronger than ever, and we’re going to kick some angelic army ass. And then we’re going to fucking have an orgy to celebrate. Everyone’s getting stuffed. I will put together the toy collection while you’re away.” I force my voice to remain strong. “And you know what? I’m going to give Cassius instructions. If he fails to follow them, you’re going to let me know. He will have hell to pay if he doesn’t at least try to make your time together pleasant.”

Raven laughs in exasperation, her face softening and lighting up as she thinks about my words. “You are ridiculous, but I love you. You’re right. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get all emotional. It’s this damn energy rock. I don’t know why I brought it back with me. I should’ve grounded it to the plane. It’s just—”

“You’re still learning, Raven. It won’t be like this forever. I promise. I’ll do everything I can to train you as quickly as possible. But we have to start now.” Cassius stands in the doorway, his annoyingly bright wings stinging my eyes.

Raven jerks her attention to him. She flares her nostrils, crinkling her nose. I half-expect her to blast him for interrupting our moment, but all she does is hug me tighter. “I’m not leaving until I get to see everyone.”

Kase groans under his breath. “Sorry, angel-girl. We’re all here already. We need you to get that ass in control, okay? Elias will be able to check in on you, but we need him in the Mortal Realm. He’s the only one that can keep an eye on the angelic army while you and Cassius are away.”

Raven squeezes her eyes shut. “I swear to Hell, Cass-hole. You better not make us regret this.”

Lucian exits the summoning circle, dangling his fire chain in front of Raven. “You should be able to take this with you, Ray. Use it on him if he acts like a dick. He sometimes needs to be put in his place.”

I get to my feet and pull Raven to hers, hugging her once more. I don’t want to let her go, but I know that the others want her affection too. I nudge her toward Lucian, so she can grab the fire chain.

Turning to Cassius, I summon a sheet of paper and pen and quickly scribble a list down. I hold it out to him. “This is everything you need to know. If I find out that you don’t do something on this list and Raven wants you to, you’re going to get fucked up the second you come back.”